Flores (Azores) - Flores (Azzorre)

Flores (Azores)
Flores faja grande.jpg
Flores (Azores) - Location
Tourism site

Flores is one of the Azores islands.

To know

The Island of Flowers ("ilha das Flores" in Portuguese) owes its name to the flowering of hydrangea that impressed the first European sailors who sighted its coasts. Even today, vast expanses of hydrangeas are lined up along the road, lake and river margins and cover the slopes of the craters and coasts.

Flores is part, together with the smaller island of Crow, of the western group of Azores. Its surface is 114 km², just over half of the island of Elba. Like the other Azores it is of volcanic origin and has a mountainous territory furrowed by deep valleys. Its highest peak is Morro Alto (914m). The short streams form numerous waterfalls. Its coasts are characterized by very high cliffs. The hinterland is dotted with craters which today appear in the form of idyllic lakes. Among these the most famous is "Caldeira Funda", among laurel forests and hydrangea plants.

Bay from Alagoa
Ponta Delgada

Territories and tourist destinations

Flores Azores.png

Urban centers

  • Caveira - From Caveira there is a dirt road which after a couple of km reaches lagoa de Lomba.
  • Big Fajã - Village of 200 inhabitants, Fajã Grande is considered the westernmost of the European settlements. The village has a pebble beach but the real boon is the possibility of excursions in the surroundings between waterfalls and natural pools surrounded by exuberant vegetation. Despite the uninviting name "Poço do Bacalhau" (pool of cod) is one of the most famous natural pools in Fajã Grande, It is fed by a waterfall with a drop of almost 100 m.
  • Fajãzinha - Village of 70 souls, about 3 km further south with other spectacular waterfalls. Fajãzinha is renowned for its freshwater trout fishing.
  • Gruta dos Enxaréus - Accessible only by boat, the Gruta dos Enxaréus is the largest of the myriads of caves that open at the base of the "La Caveira" promontory, about 3 km south of the capital. The sea cave measures 25 x 50 and is of volcanic origin. Like the nearby "gruta de galo", it served in the past as a hiding place for pirate ships that later took to the boarding of galleons from Brazil and other Portuguese colonies. Today Gruta dos Enxaréus is one of the major natural attractions of Flores.
  • Lajes das Flores
  • Santa Cruz das Flores - Capital of the island.
Lagoa da Lomba
Lagoa Funda and Lagoa Rasa

Other destinations

  • Cuada (Aldeia da Cuada) - Abandoned village since 1960, the year in which the residents migrated compactly to the USA. Their stone houses have been restored and used as tourist accommodation [1].
  • Lagoa Funda
  • Lagoa Rasa
  • Morro dos Frades
  • Rocha dos Bordões

How to get

Lagoa Funda (Lagoa Negra)

By plane

SATA Air Açores operates domestic flights to / from Horta (Faial), Ponta Delgada (São Miguel), Terceira is Crow

How to get around

By public transport

  • União Transportes Carvalhos. The terminus from which all the trips to Lajes, Ponta Delgada and Faja Grande depart is along the Zona Industrial do Boqueirão street, just next to the Floratlântico Shopping Center. Alternatively, another stop is near the corner between Parque Infantil Teófilo Ferreira and the Municipal Auditorium. The Santa Cruz - Faja Grande direct line runs along the ER2-2 road which stretches along the plateau where the numerous lagoas rise; a possible descent from the vehicle allows you to intercept the PR3FLO path which, in about 3 hours, leads down a steep descent on foot to Faja Grande.

What see

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • Restaurante Sereia, Rua Dr. Armas da Silveira. Good choice of meat and fish.
  • Lucino's Bar, Rua 25 de Abril. Simple dishes, sandwiches, toast and burgers.
  • Cafetaria Falésia (Municipal Auditorium Building). Bar with a beautiful view of the sea and with the beautiful Boa Vista park at its side; ideal for children.

Where stay

Islet of Monchique, the westernmost point of Europe

Average prices

  • Servi-flôr hotels, Antigo Bairro dos Franceses, 351 292 592 453.
  • Aldeia Da Cuada (Big Fajã).
  • Casa De Hóspedes Maria Alice Pereira, Rua Nossa Senhora do Rosário, 3 (A few minutes walk from the sea and airport), 351 292 592 309. Slightly outdated furniture, basic breakfast but clean and comfortable.


How to keep in touch



Rocha dos Bordões
Poço do Bacalhau waterfall
Itinerary n ° 1

From Santa Cruz a carriage road heads south, bordering the east and south coasts and then returns to the capital along the hinterland. Below is a list of places of interest along the route and its branches: Gruta dos Enxaréus, Caveira, Lajes das Flores, Lagoa Funda and Lagoa Rasa, Rocha dos Bordões, Fajãzinha, Cuada, Fajã Grande and Morro dos Frades.

Itinerary no.2

From the capital, another carriage road points north towards Ponta Delgada where it stops. It is a scenic drive with beautiful views of the high and steep north east coast. The most interesting point is the bay of Alagoa, surrounded by islets and rocks covered with vegetation, Da Ponta Delgada the island of Crow.

Itineraries on foot

In addition to the two itineraries that can be traveled by car, there are others that can only be traveled on foot. These include the mule track that runs from Fajã Grande along the entire north-west coast to Ponta Delgada. It is a spectacular but challenging route. Those who do not have physical resistance can alternatively take the boat excursion in the waves permitting.

Other projects