Fogo - Fogo

The village of Fajãzinha on the north coast of Fogo.
Fogo - Localization

Fogo is one of the islands that make up the archipelago of Cape Verde.

To know

Geographical notes

Fogo (in Portuguese "fire") is a volcanic island of the Sottovento group. It is the most mountainous of the group, rising up to 2,829 m above sea level (Monte Fogo). The volcano is historically active and also one of the most monitored on the African continent. The last eruption, which took place in 1995, formed a new crater called Pico Pequeno. Its caldera is 12 km wide and is surrounded by walls more than 1 km high.A small village, called Chã das Caldeiras, lies at the base of the caldera, where residents are periodically evacuated during eruptions. São Filipe, third city of Cape Verde by number of inhabitants. The first inhabitants settled in 1480 mainly for agricultural reasons such as the search for new pastures and fields. On the island there are schools, a gym, some banks, a post office and modest hotels. The slopes in the northeastern part are green and grassy while the rest of the mountain is dry and sterile. São Filipe has Portuguese colonial and classical architecture for the buildings. Mosteiros, in the north-east, is the second and most important inhabited center. The most violent eruption in Fogo took place in 1680. It lasted for a few years, it was visible at a hundred kilometers. It was during this eruption that the island earned its name.

When to go

The climate is tropical dry. The average annual temperature fluctuates around 25 ° C. The hottest months remain the summer ones with an average temperature of 28 ° C, while in the winter the average is thirsty at 24 ° C. The difference between winter and summer is given only by the temperature range between day and night. In summer the thermometer drops, at night, even to 23 ° C, in winter even to 21 ° C. In the ocean the temperature fluctuates between 21 ° C (February and March) and 25 ° C (July, August, September) The wind has no seasonality. Practically, there is no windier and no windier season. The trade winds, which always and constantly blow from the north-east, sometimes in winter, passing further south, come directly from the east and, passing over the Sahara, are charged with hot air and dust.

For the choice of the period in which to make the trip, the climate is, in practice, irrelevant. Being in the tropical north belt, Cape Verde, has, in theory, a dry season (October to May) and a rainy season (June to September). Only in theory though, since in Cape Verde one of the heaviest problems is the absence of rainfall.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Chã das Caldeiras
  • Mosteiros
  • São Filipe - Main center of the island.

How to get

By plane

The island has two airports of which only one is operational: Sao Felipe, near the homonymous capital of the island. The Mosteiros airport, on the other hand, located in the north of the island, is now abandoned and left in slow decline. Tacv is Cape Verde Express they operate daily flights that reach the island from the main airports. The cost of the one-way ticket can be quantified around 6000 Escudos.

On boat

Cheaper, but longer than the crossing by sea from the port of Praia. The journey takes about eight hours and the cost is around 2000 Escudos. Ships typically depart from Praia around 11pm and arrive in Sao Felipe early in the morning of the following day.

How to get around

There is the possibility of relying, during the visit of the island, in local agencies: Qualytour, Green View, Fogo tourism, Luigi Fogo is Dja'rFogoThere are also agencies specialized in deep sea fishing among which Fogo Sea Fishing.

What see

  • Fonte Bila beach (North of São Filipe). About 5 km long this coast is made up of very black sand. Definitely worth a visit.

Events and parties

  • January 20 - Various locations on the island - Dia de S. Sebastiao
  • April (last days) - 1st May - Sao Filipe - Festa das Bandeiras
  • May 13 - Mosteiros - Patron Saint
  • June 24 - various locations on the island - Dia de S. Joao
  • June 29 - various locations on the island - Dia de S. Pedro
  • July, second Sunday - Cha das Caldeiras - Dia de Santa Rainha de Cabo Verde (Santa Teresinha)
  • Summer - Vale dos Cavaleiros - Music festival
  • August 5 - Nossa S.ra do Socorro - Dia de Nossa Senhora do Socorro
  • August 10 - Sao Lourenço - Dia de S. Lourenço
  • August 15 - Mosteiros - Dia do Municipio
  • November 24 - Cova Figueira - Dia de Santa Catarina

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Thanks to the rich volcanic soil, as well as the presence of greater rainfall than the other islands, Fogo is famous for the production of a local wine also exported to Brazil: the Manecom. Red wine with an alcohol content of around 14 °. Another reason for the island's pride is his coffee which can be purchased throughout the archipelago.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

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