Gáldar - Gáldar

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Gáldar is a city in the north of the island Gran Canaria.


Houses on Plaza Santiago

The town Gáldar lies on a uniformly shaped, 434 m high cone of the Pico de Gáldar, the houses are about halfway up the slope. At the time of the Old Canarians she was as Agaldar Next Telde one of the capitals. The old town of Gáldar is under monument protection, exploring it with a rental car is not a particularly good idea, especially if you are looking for the way back in the narrow and steep maze of alleys.

getting there

In the street

Gáldar is on the highway GC-2 about 25 km west of Las Palmas and around 50 km from Gran Canaria Airport away. The bus station in Galdar is a transfer point e.g. between Las Palmas and Agaete.


Tourist Attractions

Interior of Santiago de los Caballeros church
  • Santiago de los Caballeros church
  • Plaza Santiago, in front of the church.
  • Museum and Archaeological Park of the Cueva Pintada
  • Cueva Pintada, C / Audiencia nº 2, Gáldar (Gran Canaria). Tel.: 34 928 895 746. Open: Tue - Sat 9.30 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sun public holidays 11 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.Price: adults € 6, guided tour € 2.80.
    . The entrance to the museum is in an inconspicuous brown building not far from Plaza Santiago next to the theater. It illustrates the life of the old Canaries (Guanches) through 2 films and exhibits. The centerpiece of the museum is the tent-roofed excavation site of a village with the Cueva Pintada is. To visit you should register and arrange a guided tour (also in German). Further up-to-date information on the visit can be found on the museum's website. The admission prices are staggered, pensioners with ID receive a discount, teachers (proof, also German) have free admission.


Entrance to the Museum of the Cueva Pintada






Practical advice



Web links

http://www.galdar.es:8081/Galdar/ - Official website of Gáldar

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