Jizera Mountains - Góry Izerskie

Jizera Mountains

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Jizera Mountains - mountain range in Sudetes in south-west Poland, near the border with the Czech Republic and Germany. It is relatively low and less popular with tourists (compared to, for example, neighboring tourists Karkonosze. The main towns in the Jizera Mountains are: Świeradów-Zdrój, Jakuszyce, Szklarska Poreba and on the Czech side Nové Město pod Smrkem, Frýdlant, Liberec. The highest peak is High Kopa (1126 m above sea level), although the more famous are Stóg Izerski and Smrek.

On the Polish side, the Izerskie Mountains are divided into two ridges: the lower Kamienicki (the highest peak - Kamienica, 974 m above sea level) and the higher Wysoki with Stóg Izerski, Smrek and Wysoka Kopa.

Tourist hostels

  • A shelter in Stóg Izerski
  • The Mountain Hut at Hala Izerska
  • Orle hostel
  • Worm's Hut
  • High Stone Shelter