Geiranger - Geiranger

Time zone
Map of Norway
Tourism site

Geiranger is a city of Norway.

To know

It is a small tourist town belonging to the municipality of Stranda in the Sunnmøre region of Norway. It is located in a cove of the Geirangerfjord, in turn belonging to the largest Storfjorden. Geiranger is also the third busiest port in Norway, due to the approximately 160 tourist ships that visit the town daily during the four summer months. A few hundreds of thousands of people visit this small corner of the world every year, this obviously led the approximately 250 inhabitants of the small village to specialize in the field of tourism.

Geographical notes

The small town is under constant danger of the Åkerneset, the mountain behind it that is slowly collapsing into the fjord and that could cause a tsunami that could raze the city's navy.

When to go

There are five hotels and more than ten campsites in Geiranger. The tourist season extends from May until early September, and in the off-season the pace and activities are reduced to that of a normal small Norwegian town.

Geirangerfjord from Flydalsjuvet

How to orient yourself

How to get


By plane

By car

Road 63 fromEidsdal is Valldal north via Eagles Highway (mountain pass, hairpin bends); from Otta, Stryn is Grotli south via Geirangervegen (mountain pass, 50 hairpin bends).

On boat

  • Ferry from Hellesylt, on the famous Geirangerfjord. Eight daily departures 1 June - 2 September, four daily departures 1 May - 1 June, 3 September - 30 September (310 NOK for the car and its driver).
  • Ferries twice daily from Valldal (June 20 - August 20).
  • Hurtigruten stops in Geiranger during the summer service (15 April - 14 September). Boarding / disembarkation on board in a small boat.

Cruise ships make semi-regular visits to Geiranger in the summer months (May to late August).

On the train

The nearest railway stations:

  • Otta - station of the Dovre line (Oslo-Trondheim), 160 km from Geiranger
  • Åndalsnes - Terminal station of the Rauma line, 90 km from Geiranger via Trollstigen

By bus

From Ålesund or (only in summer) Åndalsnes for road 63 including Trollstigen.

How to get around

What see

Geirangerfjord from Ørnesvingen
Cascade of the Seven Sisters
  • 1 Geirangerfjord. The fjord is one of the most visited natural sites in Norway and since 2005 it has been part of the Nærøyfjord, in World Heritage drawn up by UNESCO. Along the fjord there are many characteristic abandoned farms. A minimal restructuring was initiated by the Storfjordens venner association. Some of the most famous and visited are: Skageflå, Knivsflå and Blomberg. Skageflå can also be reached on foot from Geiranger, while the others are accessible by sea.
    The fjord is also home to several spectacular waterfalls. The two most important are that of Seven Sisters and that of Pretender (also called The Wooer). The two waterfalls face each other and, according to legend, the Pretender would court the Seven Sisters. Bride Veil (in Italian the bride veil) is another waterfall of the fjord, it is so called because of its conformation that leads it to fall over a rocky edge so that when it is illuminated by the sun it appears as a thin veil covering the rocks.

  • 2 Ljøen viewpoint, Route 60 (Hellesylt-Stranda street). Viewpoint towards Geirangerfjord and Sunnylvsfjord from the highest point, near the village of Ljøen, between the galleries.

  • 3 Ørnesvingen (Curve of the Eagles), Street 63. View of the fjord and the village from the highest point.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch



  • Hjørundfjord, quite close and less crowded, is a beautiful fjord surrounded by high alpine peaks.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Geiranger
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Geiranger
1-4 star.svgDraft : the article respects the standard template contains useful information for a tourist and gives brief information on the tourist destination. Header and footer are correctly filled in.