Grenadines - Grenadinen

Grenadines are a chain of islands between St. Vincent and Grenada and belongs to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Only the islands Petite Martinique and Carriacou belong to Grenada.


  • Baliceaux
The island in the northern half of the Grenadines is uninhabited and is about halfway east between Bequia and Mustique. It is 1.5 km² in size, approx. 2 ½ km long and 0.3 to 1 km wide. The highest point is Gun Hill in the north. In the southwest there is a bay with a stony beach. With good visibility this bay can be entered. There are some huts that are temporarily inhabited by fishermen. A path leads past them to the center of the island. From here you have a good all-round view.
  • Battowia
This island, less than 500 m from Baliceaux, is 0.83 km² in size, 1,250 m long, 850 m wide and up to 230 m high. Otherwise Battowia is nothing more than a rock in the sea. There is no anchorage and only a tiny bay in the south, next to it the remains of an old sugar mill. At the highest point of the island there is a white flashing sign (two flashes every 20 seconds) that can be seen for ten nautical miles.
  • Petit Mustique
The island is 2 ½ km south of Mustique, it is 0.25 km² and 115 m high. It is uninhabited and 0.4 km² in size. There are no beaches and no anchorage.
  • Petit Nevis
Petit Nevis is around 1 km south of BEQUIA and just under 600 m north of QUATRE. In the southwest of the island there is an anchorage, this is the battle area for the whales of the whalers of BEQUIA.
  • Quatre Island
The uninhabited island of Quatre is around 1 ½ km south of Bequia. On the nautical chart it looks as if there are reasonably usable anchorages in the four clearly formed bays on the south and east coast. But this is not the case. You can only anchor with difficulty in the western lagoon, which is open to the south. Only frigate birds can be found on the island, nesting in the cliffs on the windward side.
  • Tobago Cays
The Tobago Cays include the islands of BARADEL, approx. 250 m long and 130 m wide; PETIT BATEAU, approx. 510 m long and 260 m wide; PETIT RAMEAU, approx. 550 m long and 250 m wide; PETIT TABAC, approx. 400 m long and 85 m wide; JAMESBY, approx. 95 m long and 85 m wide and SAND CAY.
The four larger cays and two small islets can only be reached by sailing boat. The cays are protected within the horseshoe-shaped “Horse Shoe Reef”, with the reef “Worlds End Reef” in front of it. In front of this reef, the seabed drops to very great depths, there are sharks here. The reef is the first scrap of land in the Atlantic between Central Africa and America.
Petit Bateau and Petit Rameau have beautiful beaches and fishermen occasionally camp on the islands. The most beautiful beach is on the east side of the tiny island Jamesby. All four cays are rich in birds and fish.
The area is ideal for snorkeling; with a fascinating underwater world and extremely rich underwater fauna and flora. Saint Vincent declared the Cays a nature reserve some time ago. You must not leave any rubbish ashore or throw anything overboard that could wash ashore.
The islands are all overgrown with bushes and small trees and look very green. There are also individual palm trees on various beaches.
In 1997 the Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP) was created. There is a daily presence of park rangers in the Tobago Cays. In addition to collecting fees, they check the speed of the visitors' ships. The speed is limited to 5 km / h. It will also ensure that ships are anchored in the designated areas and that the safety of visitors to the park is guaranteed.
The TCMP office is located in Clifton, Union Island, Tel. 485-8191, Fax 485-8192.


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