Big bulk island - Große Schüttinsel

The Big bulk island (sk: Žitný ostrov, Hungarian Csallóköz) is an island in the Western Slovakiabetween the Danube main stream and the Little Danube lies. The Great Schüttinsel is about 84 km long and between 15 and 30 km wide and extends from the eastern outskirts of Bratislava to the mouth of the Waag (Váh) in the main Danube river at Komárno.

Location of the Great Schüttinsel in Slovakia


Most of the Big Island is located in the Dunajská Streda district (Okres) in Trnavský kraj; smaller parts to the district (Okres) Komárno in Nitriansky kraj and to the districts (Okresy) Senec and Bratislava II in Bratislavský kraj.

Small Danube near Kolárovo


  • Komarno (Hungarian Komárom; German Komorn)
  • Dunajská Streda (Hungarian Dunaszerdahely; German Niedermarkt)
  • Šamorín (Hungarian Somorja; German summer unity)
  • Kolárovo (ung. Gúta)
  • Veľký Meder (Hungarian Nagymegyer)
  • Gabčíkovo (ung. Bős)
  • Two districts of Bratislava:
    • Podunajské Biskupice (German Bishops' Village; Hungarian Pozsonypüspöki)
    • Vrakuňa (German Fragendorf; Hungarian Vereknye)

Other goals

  • Small island between the old and the new main Danube river in the area of ​​the power plant Gabčíkovo.


In the plains below the Thebes Gate, the Danube begins to meander and branches out into numerous arms. Below the city center of Bratislava The Little Danube (Malý Dunaj) branches off to the left and meanders inland until, after approx. 128 km (approx. 50 km as the crow flies) at Kolárovo, it flows into the Váh river. The area between the Little Danube / Waag and the main Danube is the Great Schüttinsel. The island is flat and characterized by gravel and wetlands.

The Kleine Schüttinsel lies to the south and is formed by the Danube main stream and the Wieselburger Danube arm (Mosoni Duna), it extends from Čunovo to Gyor. After the Danube main stream during the construction of the power plant Gabčíkovo was relocated to the north, part of the large Schüttinsel between the old Danube main stream (Slovakia-Hungary border) and the new main stream has become another island. In some sources, this is now also counted as the Little Schüttinsel (ung: Szigetköz; sk: Malý Žitný ostrov).


The Large Schüttinsel is an important settlement area for the Hungarian minority in Slovakia. Many places are bilingual and Komárno (Komárom) is the cultural center of the Slovak Hungarians on the Great Schüttinsel. The once quite significant German-speaking minority is hardly significant today.

getting there

Danube bridge Vámosszabadi - Medveďov
  • Airport Bratislava
  • Railway line Bratislava - Komarno with hold a.o. in Dunajská Streda and Veľký Meder
  • Railway line Komárno - Nové Zamky - Nitra
  • Regional buses from Bratislava or Nitra
  • European route E575 Bratislava - Dunajská Streda - Veľký Meder - Győr
  • 1st order main roads No. 13 and 63
  • Danube Cycle Path
  • Danube crossings:
    • Bratislava - Several bridges
    • Čunovo - road crossing from the right bank of the Danube to the new island between the old and the new main stream
    • Ferry Kyselica - Vojka nad Dunajom: cars, bicycles, pedestrians
    • Gabčíkovo - road crossing over the power plant dam
    • Vámosszabadi - Medveďov: Bridge for all road users on the E 575
    • Komárom - Komarno: Road bridge for all road users; Railway bridge (freight traffic only)


Regional buses, bicycles and cars are the best modes of transport.

Tourist Attractions

Komárno Town Hall
  • Komarno: City center, historical fortifications
  • Gabčíkovo: Danube power plant
  • Dunajská Streda: Žltý kaštieľ (Yellow Castle), Baroque, early 18th century
  • Danubiuana Meulensteen Museum near Čunovo
  • The Danube floodplains
Yellow castle in Dunajská Streda


  • Cycling along the Danube
  • The old main stream of the Danube is recommended for paddle boats
  • Whitewater arena near Čunovo
  • Thermal baths in Dunajská Streda and Veľký Meder


  • In addition to Slovak cuisine, Hungarian cuisine is also predominant.




  • Dry, cold winters and dry, hot summers.


Web links

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