Guipúzcoa - Guipúzcoa

View of the village of Orio
Guipúzcoa - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Guipúzcoa - Coat of arms
Guipúzcoa - Flag
Institutional website

Guipúzcoa (official name in Basque: Gipuzkoa) is a province of the autonomous community of Basque country, in Northern Spain.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Azkoitia (Azcoitia) - Industrial town in the Urola river valley with a historic center where turreted houses prevail.
  • 2 Deba (Deva) - A holiday resort on a high stretch of coast where a large beach opens up.
  • 3 Getaria (Guetaria) - An important seaside resort, renowned for its restaurants serving grilled fish accompanied by the local Chacolí white wine.
  • 4 Hernani - Town ten km from San Sebastián, with a beautiful old town at the foot of Mount Santa Bárbara which has inspired many painters.
  • 5 Hondarribia (Fuenterrabía) - Porto with a long tradition behind it, Hondarribia it is located on the mouth of the Bidasoa river which forms the border with the France. It boasts numerous monuments and pretty typically Basque houses on the harbor front.
  • 6 Irun (Irún) - The first Basque city you come across coming from Hendaye (France).
  • 7 Mutriku (Motrico) - Located on a deep inlet on the east coast, right on the border with the province of Biscay, Mutriku it is a holiday center thanks to its beaches and also to its pretty medieval center.
  • 8 Orio - Small, pretty fishing village on the mouth of the river of the same name between the sea and the mountains.
  • 9 Oñati (Oñate) - Inland town, in the green valley of the Deva river, entirely surrounded by mountains.
  • 10 San Sebastián (Donostia) - The capital of Guipúzcoa is also a tourist destination of international fame thanks above all to its position on the magnificent bay of La Concha which is home to renowned beaches.
  • 11 Zarautz (Zarauz) - Nicknamed "La Reina de las Playas", thanks to its beach, the largest of the Basque country.
  • 12 Zestoa (Cestona) - City of 80,000 inhabitants and spa center.
  • 13 Zumaia (Zumaya) - Town of 10,000 inhabitants with a marina and a beach, that of Itzurun, limited by high calanques.

Other destinations

  • 1 Aiako Harria Natural Park (Parque natural de las Peñas de Aya / Aiako Harriaren nature parkea) - Park on the western slopes of the Pyrenees between woods and singular rocky outcrops. Inside are the open-cast mines of Arditurri exploited in Roman times.
  • 2 Aralar Natural Park - Mountain park on the border with Navarre, among beautiful karst landscapes. The fauna includes horses in the wild.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Guipúzcoa
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Guipúzcoa
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