Haiti - Haití


Haiti, officially the Republic of Haiti (in French: République d'Haïti, Haitian Creole: Repiblik d'Ayiti) is a country located in the western part of the island of The Spanish, one of the greater Antilles. It limits the north with the Atlantic Ocean, south and west with the Caribbean Sea and to the east with the Dominican Republic. To its west, meanwhile, is Cuba. Formed after a slave rebellion against French colonial rule, Haiti was the first independent country in Latin America. At present, however, it is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, which has prevented the development of tourism and taking advantage of its natural wonders.


Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Tourists who are baffled by absolute misery should probably visit other places. However, for those with patience and an open mind, Haiti reveals a rich culture that is unique among post-colonial nations.

It is very useful when traveling to Haiti to have a local contact, through a church, a hotel, or simply through making friends with someone. Experiences like dining locally, riding a tap-tap, or strolling through one of the incredibly crowded open-air markets, is great fun and well worth doing, but it is much safer and easier if you has a trusted Haitian to accompany as guide and interpreter


Mostly mountainous, with a wide, flat central plain to the north. The highest point is Chaine de la Selle at 2777 m.


Tropical and semi-arid, where the mountains in the east cut through the trade winds, Haiti is in the middle of the hurricane belt and is subject to severe storms from June to November. It experiences occasional floods, earthquakes, and droughts.

When traveling to Haiti it is very important that you bring a first aid kit. Be sure to include a lighter, flashlight (due to Haiti's constant power outages), Pepto-Bismol, instant ice packs, Motrin, and Tylenol, water purifying tablets (just in case), bug spray, sunscreen , Benadryl, etc. not to drink the water and beverages made with the water unless it is on a US basis with guaranteed purified water.


Haiti was inhabited by the native Taino Indians when Christopher Columbus landed on December 5, 1492 at Mole St Nicolas; watch Columbus travels. Columbus named the island Hispaniola. The Tainos were an offshoot of the Arawak Indians, a peaceful tribe that was weakened by frequent violent invasions by supposedly cannibalistic Caribs. Later, Spanish settlers brought smallpox and other European diseases to which the Tainos had no immunity. In the short term, the native Tainos were practically wiped out. There is no visible trace of Taino blood in Haiti today, and the vast majority of Haitians are descendants of enslaved Africans, yet genetic studies have shown that the mixture of European and Taino is more common than is often believed.

In the early 17th century, the French established a presence on Hispaniola and in 1697 Spain ceded the western third of the island to France. Through the development of sugar and coffee plantations, the French colony of Saint-Domingue flourished, becoming one of the richest in the Caribbean. African slaves were brought to Haiti to work on these French plantations. The working conditions for slaves in Haiti were the harshest imaginable, as the sugar and coffee plantations were labor intensive. The French imported a huge slave labor force, which ultimately far outnumbered the French planters 10 to 1. Even within the colony's minority of free people there were significant divisions among the small whites who did not own slaves and worked in the offices or superintendents, the "grand blancs" who owned slaves and plantations and the "free colorados" who were descendants of slaves and whites and occupied all strata of free society, from the rich landowners to the poor laborers. Whites, who were born largely on the island and only came to Saint Domingue to make a fortune, instituted a racist caste system designed to deny the "free colorados" the relatively powerful position they had gained in the mid-18th century. However, all the inherent tensions (and the prevailing tension of slavery) came to a head when the French Revolution broke out in the metropolis in 1789 and all this talk of "freedom" and "equality" meant that everyone - wanted overthrowing the colonial order to that point, ultimately resulting in a slave uprising and the collapse of all slavery and plantation-based society.

In August 1791, Saint-Domingue's nearly 500,000 slaves rebelled, sparking an almost continuous civil war in which inherent tensions erupted between various groups in Haitian society. After a bloody 13-year struggle, which was influenced by and in turn influenced the Napoleonic Wars, as well as the American War of 1812, the former slaves overthrew the French and created Haiti, the first black republic. The first leaders of Haiti, Jean Jacques Dessalines, who proclaimed himself Emperor Jacques I, perpetrated a massacre against the remaining white Haitians, killing almost all of them and driving most of the rest into exile. Jacques I was assassinated two years later, setting the precedent for a host of violent transfers of power, which however generally ended with the death in exile of the losing side. Haiti was hampered by the ravages of wars, as well as by the lack of major trading partners, which was further complicated by the refusal of any great power to recognize the independence of Haiti. France only accepted independence in the 1820s after Jean Pierre Boyer agreed to pay an indemnity of 150 million francs to France in exchange for recognition of independence - a major source of Haiti's crushing debt and a sum that France He has duly collected most of it and has never been so apologetic for it. The United States, which is a slave nation, did not officially recognize Haiti until the Civil War eliminated the resistance of the South in the Senate to such an extent, six decades after Haiti had been thrown from the colonial yoke.

Lack of government and civil unrest led to the US occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934. While order was brought in and much infrastructure was developed in Haiti by the United States, Haitians resented the occupation of their country. The withdrawal of the Americans by President Roosevelt in 1934 left a power vacuum that was filled by the Haitian military elite. The Forbes Commission in 1930 accurately noted that "the social forces that created [instability] remain: poverty, ignorance, and the lack of a tradition or desire for an orderly free government."

The next 20 years saw ruthless struggles for power that ended with the ascension of François (Papa Doc) Duvalier. Duvalier's brutal dictatorship lasted almost thirty years, with his son Jean-Claude (Bébé Doc) Duvalier assuming power after Papa Doc's death in 1971. Bébé Doc was ousted in 1986, followed by more bloodshed and military rule. which culminated in a new Constitution in 1987 and the election of former priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide as president in 1990. After a coup, Aristide went into exile. Most of his mandate was usurped by a military takeover, but he returned to office in 1994 after Haitian General Raoul Cedras called on the United States to intervene, negotiating the removal of military leaders from Haiti and paving the way. for the return of Aristide. His former prime minister, René Préval, became president in 1996. Aristide won a second term as president in 2000 and took office in early 2001. However, the corruption allegations were followed by a paramilitary coup that ousted Aristide in 2004. Since then, Haiti has been occupied by UN peacekeeping troops (MINUSTAH), mostly from Brazil.



  • Prince Port - It is the capital of Haiti and the largest, most populous and chaotic city.
  • Cap-Haïtien - The second largest city in the country, on the Atlantic coast near some very nice beaches and interesting old forts.
  • Gonaïves - Here, on January 1, 1804, Jean-Jacques Dessalines signed the Act of Independence of Haiti and established the first Afro-descendant Republic in the world.
  • Jacmel - It is a relaxed city, with a beautiful historical center and It is the artistic and cultural capital of the country, with a great demand cannot be easily ignored, although in ruins after the earthquake.
  • Jérémie - It is the most western and isolated city in Haiti. A place like few others, a charming dream.
  • Les Cayes -It is the main port in southern Haiti and starting point for Île à Vache.
  • Petionville - It is a wealthy suburb and much safer than Port-au-Prince, where you will find most of the capital's nightlife, restaurants, wealthy Haitians, and foreigners.
  • Port-de-Paix - It is the main drug smuggling city in Haiti, with the opportunity to call a ferry to Turtle Island, a virtually undiscovered tropical paradise, though also discovered through the centuries by how famous a pirate and not a few wealthy drug lords.
  • Port-Salut - birthplace of President Aristide, it is home to miles of beautiful beaches, empty white sand

To get

Visa Requirements

Visas are required only by citizens of Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic Y Panama. Citizens of other countries can stay three months without a visa.

By plane

International travelers will arrive in Haiti at Port-au-Prince (PAPIATA) in the Airport Aéroport Toussaint L'Ouverture or in the International Airport Cap-Haitien in the north. Airline tickets can be purchased through many online ticketing sites and agencies. There are also flights within Haiti available. Prices on these flights can fluctuate from time to time due to inflation, but depending on the airline, they generally range from $ 125 to $ 132 to and from Port-au-Prince, cheaper between Port-au-Prince and Jacmel. A really cheap, reliable and popular airline is Sunrise Airways. In addition to avoiding a rather dangerous and inadequate public transport system by bus and taps, the flights offer a safe passage to and from Port-au-Prince from other parts of Haiti.

Airlines such as American Airlines, Delta and Spirit serve Port-au-Prince from the US Air Canada, Air France, and Caribair, among others, also offer international flights to and from Port-au-Prince.

Lynx air flies from Fort Lauderdale and Miami to Cap-Haïtien. MFI (Missionary Flights International) flies to Cap also from Florida, but only registered non-Catholic Christian missionaries are welcome on board. Other international airlines serving Cap-Haïtien include Sky King, Turks and Caicos Air, and Pine-apple Air.

By highway

From Santo Domingo, Caribe Tours operates a daily bus to Petionville (in the hills above Port-au-Prince) that leaves at 11 a.m. A ticket costs $ 40 one way, US $ 26 tax and 100 DR. Unfortunately, this bus drops you off in Petionville after dark, so make prior arrangements with a reliable person to find you and transport you to your accommodation.

There is also a crowded border crossing between the Dominican Republic and Haiti at Dajabón / Ouanaminthe. The edge is open only during the day. From here you can take local transport to Cap-Haïtien.

Another option, less expensive, from Santo Domingo to Puerto Príncipe, is to take a gua-gua (Dominican minibus) from Santo Domingo (which leaves a few blocks north of Enriquillo Park) for 380 pesos DR (about $ 10, 5 h ) and reach the border town of Jimani. From there, it is a 4 km walk or a 50 peso DR motoconcho ride to the border post.

The rim is apparently open from 09:00 to 18:00 (but don't trust those hours). It is very easy to cross the border without undergoing any immigration procedures on either side, and while it is probably illegal, it saves a few dozen dollars in bribes and is also much faster. Besides entering the Dominican Republic when a soldier looks at the passport, nobody does any inspection: immigration or customs. Entering Haiti legally is fast: fill out the green form and pay the amount requested by the official (around 100 DR). There are no ATMs at the border.

The money changers give gourdes for DR pesos and US dollars. The rates are fair. There is a lot of local transportation from the border to Port-au-Prince. Crowded taps and buses can take you to Croix-des-Bouquets for 50 gourdes (1.5-2 hrs), from where it's another hour to Port-au-Prince (bus, 5 gourdes). The road has variable conditions and is prone to flooding. Peruvian UN soldiers at the border have confirmed that the road to Port-au-Prince is safe to travel without incidents of robbery or kidnapping, but they are definitely trying to get to Port-au-Prince before dark.


By car

Cars can be rented through Hertz, Avis, etc. Taxis in Haiti are generally in the form of SUVs or trucks, as most of the roads are backlogged for repairs, in addition to the large number of unpaved roads one faces while traveling in Haiti. Pricing is often fair (i.e. 450 gourdes, or $ 11.53 to 39 gourdes per dollar, from Port-au-Prince to Léogâne), but it offers security and convenience that cannot be found when using taps or buses.

By bus

Tap taps are the cheapest way to travel in Haiti. Haitian faucet taps are modified trucks or vans and are ubiquitous throughout Haiti. A raised canopy-shaped wooden cab usually sits atop the truck bed, while wooden benches are attached to the bed and serve as seats. Tap-taps are frequently painted in bright colors, and often carry a religious slogan, such as Jesús vous aime ("Jesus loves you").

In Port-au-Prince, most routes cost 10 gourdes ($ 0.25). They are also quite convenient, as they will stop anywhere on the route - just yell "merci!" for the driver to stop. However, they are sometimes over-packed and can be quite dangerous for riding on mountain roads, where road conditions are less than ideal. Travelers not speaking conversational Creole for the first time are advised not to travel by playing unaided. There are also tap-tap versions of school buses that are used for longer trips. These are often modified school buses.

A more comfortable alternative for long-distance trips are minibuses. These congregate in various lots throughout the city, organized by destination. Seats for Jacmel, for example, cost around 150 gourdes (30 Haitian dollars, $ 3.75), while the more comfortable front seat can cost 200 gourdes ($ 5).

To buy

The gourde It is the currency of Haiti. As of April 2011, the exchange rate is 40.85 gourdes = US $ 1. Although traders are required to quote prices in gourdes by law, virtually everything that is priced in "dollars" (not US dollars). US dollars, but Haitian dollars, which is equal to 5 gourdes.This practice is a holdover from the US occupation of Haiti in the 20th century, during which the gourde was set minus 5 gourdes per US dollar.

Haiti has become famous for its lively market, very informal but interesting. Everything that is sold here, from the most curious and attractive to the most awkward of objects at cheaper prices. Haggling is the most appropriate and recommended, as most Haitians will charge foreigners at least twice the market rate. There are several large retail supermarkets in the capital that offer a variety of items at fixed prices. Haiti has a world of crafts waiting to be requested.

Eat and drink

Haitian cuisine is typical of the Caribbean métissage, a wonderful mix of French and African sensibilities. It is similar to its Spanish Caribbean neighbors but unique in its strong presence of spices. The roasted kid called 'kabrit', the fried pieces of pork 'griot', the poultry with a creole sauce 'poulet creole', the rice with wild mushrooms 'du riz jonjon' are all wonderful and tasty dishes.

Along the coast fish, lobster and shell are available. Haiti has a very fine collection of fruit including guava, pineapple, mango (Haiti's most esteemed fruit), banana, melons, breadfruit, as well as sugar cane from the mouth watering cut and peeled to order in the streets. Restaurants in big cities offer safe and delicious food, and food and water precautions are taken to keep things safe.

However, even at resorts with purified water, it is not always safe to assume that raw vegetables (such as lettuce and tomatoes) have been properly washed. In smaller or more humble places be sure to eat fruits and vegetables that can be peeled, drink only bottled beverages, make sure any ice is from a clean water source, and make sure the meat is well cooked.

When bottled water or boiled water is not available, a freshly opened coconut provides water and electrolytes with minimal risk to health.

Haitian rum is well known. 'Barbancourt 5 stars' is a top drawer drink. 'Clairin' is the local sugarcane cannon water that you can buy on the street, often flavored with various herbs that can be seen filled in the bottle. 'Prestige' is the most popular beer, and it is of good quality and great taste. Also be sure to try the "Papye" drink, a kind of papaya milk shake that is deliciously refreshing beyond words on a hot day. Creams is a tasty, creamy alcoholic beverage that is derived from coconut milk.


The official languages ​​of Haiti are French and Haitian Creole (Kreyòl Ayisien), which is a French-based Creole language, with 92% of the vocabulary derived from French and the rest mainly from African languages. Haitian Creole is the native language of the masses, while French is the administrative language, despite the fact that only 15% of Haitians can speak it and only 2% speak it well.

Creole shares traits with French, but, on a more basic level, so that the French speaker can understand it well, except for some certain situations. Many Haitians are very grateful if you take the trouble to learn a little of one of the official languages ​​(preferably Creole or Kreyòl), rather than using an interpreter or expecting them to speak English. Haitians who work in tourist areas often speak English well enough to converse, and Spanish is also spoken in the border area with the neighboring Dominican Republic.


There are many guest houses throughout Haiti. However, these are very difficult to find. Many of these guesthouses cost $ 25 to $ 35 a night and include 2 to 3 meals during the day. Sometimes these houses are associated with orphanages (such as Casa de San José for boys).

The Saint Joseph Home for Boys is at Delmas 91, near Petionville.

Fondwa Guest House is at the bottom of the Anbatonèl hill (a small town halfway between Léogâne and Jacmel).

Camping is a high risk activity in some parts of Haiti and is not recommended.


One of the things that a visitor or a missionary in Haiti must learn very quickly is that Haitians are very worthy people, they have their pride, despite everything they have had to endure. There are some beggars and street vendors in the cities, but they are the exception rather than the rule. Impoverished, Haitians always accept gifts, but they almost always stand upright, look into each other's eyes, and pay for it with a sincere "Merci" (Thank you).

Haiti is a nation of fairly conservative standards. Modesty in dress is recommended when exploring the cities of Haiti, especially for women. The intelligent visitor must look them in the eye and treat them with friendship and respect, as equals, no matter how poor or desperate their living conditions may seem.

Try to learn some basic Haitian Creole words.

Ask permission before taking pictures of the premises (although they often ask for money). Never put the camera in people's faces or take random pictures. Don't just take photos of the garbage piles that can be seen in some of the larger cities (eg Cap-Haïtien and Port-au-Prince) or anything else that Haitians are not proud of and may be offensive. However, people have no problem with foreigners, fear photographs of beautiful landscapes, cultural events or places of historical interest.

Carry a few gourdes in your pockets for the kids who carry your luggage, shine your footwear, or those who hail your tap-tap at the airport (but be on the lookout for pickpockets).

Sometimes visitors in Haiti hand out candy, among people, especially children accept your offer, but this is offensive to most people as it compromises dignity as Haitians Take a bottle of water and extra food with you to share with your driver, guide, or interpreter.

Be patient, as nothing moves fast in Haiti. Most people will find your amusement at best, complaining and gross insult at worst.

Bring a couple of photos of the area where you live, your workplace, or your family to share with friends when taking. These are the things that transform from a tourist into a real person. More often than not, people will return the favor, and you might find a friend.

Your emotions are real. It is normal to feel overwhelmed if you have not experienced this kind of difference from the previous culture. If you are easily affected by the signs of poverty, Haiti is not for you. Be courteous but not intrusive. It is normal to ask questions of the locals. Remember that you are a guest in your country. No waiting to be treated like a king or queen (although it is possible to get some extra privileges), because they are foreigners. Haitians are warm and helpful people.

They may try to charge you to collect a shell from the floors and up to $ 6 to take a picture of your donkey. You do not have to pay, but out of respect, do not take the picture. It would be appreciated if you ask if you can take the photo.

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