Panama - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Panamá — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Flag of Panama.svg
Capital city
Form of State
Other languages
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
8 ° 37 ′ 0 ″ N 80 ° 22 ′ 0 ″ W
Official site

the Panama is a country ofcentral America, frontier of Costa Rica to the north-west and Colombia At the South-East.



Panama is a country located between two oceans, the Pacific where its capital Panama city is located and the Atlantic where the second exit or entrance to its famous Canal is located. North border with Costa Rica and south with Colombia, this small country in Central America has several provinces and stretches mainly from north to south, being not very wide in its center.


Its climate is tropical with two predominant seasons: summer which is from December to April and "winter" which is for its part from May to the end of November; beware, winter in Panama is the rainy season, but it never gets below 25 ° because we are in tropical climates, it rains there more often and especially at the end of the day.



Holidays and public holidays


Panama Map
Panama, the capital, and the provinces of Colón and Coclé.
West Caribbean
The provinces of Bocas del Toro and Ngöbe-Buglé as well as the northern portion of the province of Veraguas.
West Pacific
Several major attractions of the country in the province of Chiriquí, as well as the provinces of Herrera and Los Santos, and the southern portion of the province of Veraguas.
The forests and swamps of the province of Darién, a portion of the province of Panamá, Kuna Yala and the San Blas Islands.


Other destinations

To go


  •      Panama
  •      Visa exemption
  •      Visa required

By plane

  • 1 Río Hato Airport (IATA : RIH, ICAO: MPSM, Aeropuerto Internacional de Río Hato) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (3 km east of Río Hato, Cocle province, Center region)

On a boat

By train

By bus

By car

Taking out insurance as soon as you cross the border is strongly recommended, customs clearance book it's not mandatory.


By plane


On a boat

By train

By bus

All times on

By car

It is advisable to obtain the international driving license if you plan to drive a vehicle.

For the adventurers of the Pan-American Highway, there is currently no road connection between Panama and the Colombia. Do not try to pass the frontier through the forest, because the risks of attack or of getting lost are serious!

To speak

The official language is Spanish.

To buy

Banknotes of US $ 100, US $ 50, US $ 20, US $ 10, US $ 5, US $ 2 and US $ 1

The currency used in Panama is the United States dollar (USD). There is officially a national currency, called balboa (PAB), which still has a value equal to that of the United States, but which is only issued in coins of 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents. The currency, except the 50 centimes, is identical to the American one in shape, weight and color.

The tourist is required to declare to customs, at the time of arrival, his monetary possession if and only if he carries a sum greater than 10,000 dollars. Banks rarely offer the money change service. Few banks offer the transaction of euros in dollars (BNP, HSBC) and are only available in the capital. We advise you to arrive in Panama with United States dollars, avoiding bringing bills of 50 and 100 dollars which are accepted with difficulty.

When leaving the country, you will have to pay a boarding tax of 20 dollars, but which airlines normally include in the price of the ticket.


By searching, you can find excellent meals at inexpensive prices. The equivalent of a 5-star meal with drinks costs between $ 8 and $ 30 (in some locations).

Have a drink / Go out


To learn

To work



Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
All emergency services:911

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


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Destinations located in the region