Peninsula Valdés - Halbinsel Valdés

The peninsula from space

The Peninsula Valdés lies in the north of the argentinian province Chubut on the Atlantic coast and is one of the most famous nature reserves of the Argentine part of Patagonia. It closes the gulf to the north of it San Matías in the south. Except for the small town Puerto Piramides the peninsula is almost uninhabited.

The peninsula is best known for its abundant wildlife, of which the marine mammals such as sea lions, whales, dolphins, orcas, elephant seals and other seal species, as well as the Magellanic penguins, now attract many tourists.


Map of Peninsula Valdes


There have been individual nature reserves on the peninsula for several decades, but they had to share their space with military bases, especially until the Falklands War. They were named in 2001 Area Natural Protegida Península Valdés in summary, shortly after the peninsula ins UNESCO World Natural Heritage has been recorded. The reserve is managed by a non-governmental association that is financed by the entrance fees.


The landscape is slightly hilly and typical of the Patagonian steppe. The highest elevation is that Cerro Piaggio with 110 m, but there are also places that are below sea level, such as the dried out salt pan Bajo del Gualicho (41 m below sea level). Almost everywhere there is a steep coast with a few bays and sandy beaches.

Flora and fauna

Sea lions on the peninsula

Numerous marine mammals have made their home on the coast of the peninsula. One finds:

  • Whales: The largest populations are killer whales (orcas) and Commerson dolphins (toninas). The biggest whale to haunt the area is the Southern right whale (Ballena Franca Austral), which can be seen there in the bays especially in spring.
  • Seals: Of the seal species, it is the ones that particularly sting Sea lions and Elephant seals out of which there are different populations in some bays.
  • Penguins: The species found on the peninsula are the black and white striped ones Magellanic penguins.

There are also guanacos (a species of llama), pumas, rheas, armadillos and various small animals, including numerous species of snakes, on the peninsula. Different species of seagulls are at home on the bird island.


The climate is temperate and dry. In summer there is mostly bathing weather with temperatures around 27 ° C and almost always flawless sunshine, although a fresh Patagonian wind often blows. In winter, however, it is cool, but less windy with an average of 12 ° C during the day.

getting there

The nearest airport is in Trelew, 60 km southwest of the peninsula, a total of 140 km from Puerto Pirámides. A good starting point is also Puerto Madryn, which is located at the southern end of the peninsula and is served by all buses in the area, but does not have an airport.

The starting point for all tours is on the peninsula itself 1 Puerto Piramides, a small town with less than 1000 inhabitants on a bay on the southwest coast. Pirámides is not approached by regular buses but only by coaches. Entry to the reserve must be paid for in advance.

Since there is no public transport on the peninsula itself, a good way to get there is to travel from Puerto Madryn or Trelew with a rental car, which is also mobile on the peninsula.

Fees / permits

The fees are staggered according to origin (as of 2008):

  • Foreigners 40 AR $ (approx. 8 €), children 6-11 years 20 AR $, children under 5 years free
  • Argentinians and foreigners residing in Argentina: $ 12 / person, children, pensioners and school groups $ 6 / person
  • Residents of Chubut Province: $ 2


Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Isla de los Pájaros Bird island in the Gulf of San José. Entry is forbidden, but there are expeditions you can join in which the island is observed by boat with binoculars.
  • 2 Caleta Valdés : Elongated bay in the east of the peninsula, with alternating sea lion and penguin colonies.
  • 3 Punta Norte Cape in the northeast
  • 4 Mirador Elefantes Marinos
  • 5  Punta Delgada
  • 6  Estancia San Lorenzo, Estancia San Lorenzo, Peninsula Valdés Patagonia Argentina. Tel.: 54 11 2150 6922 (Estancia), 54 280 445 5888 (Puerto Madryn). Sheep farm, restaurant, large penguin colony.
  • 7  Estancia La Elvira. Tel.: 54 (0)2965-474248.
  • 8  Salina Grande
  • 9  Salina Chica
  • 10  Centro de interpretacióm Istmo Ameghino


Numerous commercial providers in Puerto Pirámides offer whale sightseeing tours by boat (also in Argentina under the buzzword Whale watching). Whales can be seen in the southern spring and early summer when they raise their young in the bay off Puerto Pirámides. In February, when the pups go into the sea, schools of orca come close to the peninsula. A few orcas are known to wash up on the beach to prey on seals.

The peninsula can of course also be explored by mountain bike, but you have to be prepared for the wind. In return, you reach areas that you would otherwise not reach with any commercial tour. Hiking is also possible in some areas.



There are mainly restaurants only in Puerto Pirámides. At the other tourist points of the peninsula there are some restaurants, some only cafeterias, each with limited opening times. Shops can only be found in Puerto Pirámides.


In Puerto Pirámides there are hotels and holiday home colonies as well as a campsite. However, the number of overnight accommodations is not very large.


When camping, make sure that the tent is set up so that it is windproof. Furthermore, you should not mess with the sea lions - they can easily become aggressive if you get too close to them.



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