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Upper Normandy
La Manneporte-Etretat-Normandie.jpg
Regional capital
49 ° 30 ′ 0 ″ N 1 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

The Upper Normandy is a region corresponding to the eastern part of the Normandy in France.


  • Haute-Normandie is one of the smallest French regions, with only 2 departments, theEure and the Seine-Maritime. Haute-Normandie was separated from Lower Normandy when creating regions. Since the beginning of the policies tried to "reunify" the 2 Normandy, without success until 2016, when the region administratively merged with Lower Normandy.
  • Haute-Normandie is crossed by the Seine, which flows to Haven, after crossing Rouen. The Seine flows in a more or less wide valley surrounded by hillsides. The meanders are very numerous there, in particular downstream of Rouen. This part is crossed by 3 remarkable bridges: the suspension bridge of Tancarville, the Brotonne bridge and the Normandy.
  • The Upper Normandy coast is mainly located in Seine-Maritime, with the exception of a few hundred meters in theEure. It is characterized by large chalk cliffs, and bears the name of Alabaster coast. This cliff is almost uninterrupted, interspersed only with a few valleys where towns or villages are located:
Normandy has beautiful things to show


The region is subdivided into two departments:

Haute-normandie wikivoyage carte.png
It is the most populated, industrialized and tourist region of Upper Normandy. The Alabaster coast with the Étretat site as well as the cities of Rouen and Le Havre are essential stops.
Much less populated and much more rural than Seine-Maritime, the Eure does not lack charm. To see in particular: the sites of Giverny, Les Andelys and the Vernier marsh.


  • 1 Rouen
  • 2 Le Havre
  • 3 Dieppe
  • 4 Evreux
  • 5 Fecamp  – Logo of a star article
  • 6 Elbeuf
  • 7 Bernay
  • 8 Les Andelys  – Chateau Gaillard
  • 9 Lillebonne  – Roman theater.
  • 10 Pont-Audemer
  • 11 Petit-Caux

Other destinations


French is the language spoken in Haute-Normandie. There are some patois, especially in the country of Caux, but these are less and less spoken.

To go

By car

By train

On a boat

Liaison withEngland from the Haven

By plane

Airports at Rouen and at Haven. These airports offer daily regular flights to Lyon, three times a day for each. Le Havre airport also offers daily flights to Amsterdam and Toulouse. The two airports are also connected daily to Brighton Shoreham in the South of England. Deauville airport is connected to London Stansted with Ryanair.


Good road network, especially from the Haven With l'A13, theA29, theA28 (free north of Rouen), the RN154 and the RN13. It is impractical to travel by train, unless you travel on the national lines, mentioned above.




Rouen has a university a large business school, as well as some engineering schools. It is also possible to study at Haven (university, business school, engineering schools and IUT), as well as Evreux (IUT).





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Complete list of other articles from the region: Normandy
Destinations located in the region