Indre-et-Loire - Indre-et-Loire

Indre-et-Loire department

Indre-et-Loire is a department in the French region Center-Val de Loire and part of the historical region Touraine (Ordinal number 37). It is traversed by the Loire and their left tributaries Indre and Cher.

Indre-et-Loire is owned by the départements Sarthe in the North, Loir-et-Cher in the Northeast, Indre in the south East, Vienne in the southwest and Maine-et-Loire surrounded to the west.


Map of Indre-et-Loire

There are generally several tourist areas:

  • Tours and its surroundings
  • Loire Valley, from Tours to Amboise
  • Cher Valley, from Tours to Chenonceau Castle
  • Du val d'Indrois to the Indre valley
  • Southern Touraine
  • Plateau de Sainte-Maure
  • Pays de Richelieu
  • Quinone and its surroundings
  • Pays de Bourgueil
  • Entre Indre et Loire
  • Langeais and its surroundings
  • Pays de Racan
  • Gâtine tourangelle


  • 1 ToursWebsite of this institutionTours in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTours in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTours (Q288) in the Wikidata database - Prefecture (administrative seat) of the department. City of St. Martin, famous basilica
  • 2 AmboiseWebsite of this institutionAmboise in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAmboise in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryAmboise (Q205116) in the Wikidata database - well worth seeing the former residential palace Amboise as well Château du Clos Lucé
  • 3 Azay-le-RideauWebsite of this institutionAzay-le-Rideau in the Wikivoyage travel guide in another languageAzay-le-Rideau in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAzay-le-Rideau in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryAzay-le-Rideau (Q243032) in the Wikidata database - One of the most famous Loire castles is located in the small town
  • 4 BourgueilWebsite of this institutionBourgueil in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBourgueil in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBourgueil (Q504875) in the Wikidata database - Viticulture and Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Nature Park
  • 5 Candes-Saint-MartinWebsite of this institutionCandes-Saint-Martin in the Wikivoyage travel guide in another languageCandes-Saint-Martin in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCandes-Saint-Martin in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCandes-Saint-Martin (Q476848) in the Wikidata database - small community at the mouth of the river Vienne in the Loire
  • 6 QuinoneWebsite of this institutionChinon in the travel guide Wikivoyage in a different languageQuinone in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChinon in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsQuinone (Q194138) in the Wikidata database - sub-prefecture, Chinon Castle and nuclear power station on the Vienne
  • 7 DescartesWebsite of this institutionDescartes in the encyclopedia WikipediaDescartes in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsDescartes (Q320299) in the Wikidata database - named after the most famous son of the former village La Haye en Touraine
  • 8 LangeaisWebsite of this institutionLangeais in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLangeais in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLangeais (Q28335215) in the Wikidata database - Viticulture, castle
  • 9 LochesWebsite of this institutionLoches in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageLoches in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLoches in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLoches (Q213349) in the Wikidata database - Sub-prefecture, worth seeing the Donjon (residential tower)
  • 10 RichelieuWebsite of this institutionRichelieu in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRichelieu in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRichelieu (Q659955) in the Wikidata database - the place was founded by the cardinal. Castle Park.
  • 11 VillandryWebsite of this institutionVillandry in the Wikipedia encyclopediaVillandry in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsVillandry (Q1138735) in the Wikidata database - Located at the mouth of the Cher in the Loire, worth seeing: castle and castle garden

Other goals


The central region is known for the castles of the Loire Valley, which are mainly located in the Loire Valley. They are said to have been renovated and changed in the Renaissance, when the court of the French kings was located in the region.


The French spoken in this region is Classical French, which can be learned in any course, despite some specific words for the region but very little used. It is also considered the purest French in terms of accent, which makes it a preferred destination for foreigners wanting to learn this language.

getting there

By plane

The Tours AirportTours Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTours airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTours Airport (Q1433087) in the Wikidata database(IATA: TUF) is mainly served by Ryanair, but not from German-speaking countries. The nearest major airports are in Paris, am Charles de Gaulle airport TGVs run directly to Saint-Pierre-des-Corps

By train

  • TGV Atlantique from Paris-Montparnasse train station via Orleans to Saint-Pierre-des-Corps near Tours and on to Poitiers and Bordeaux. 1 Saint-Pierre-des-CorpsSaint-Pierre-des-Corps in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSaint-Pierre-des-Corps in the Wikimedia Commons media directorySaint-Pierre-des-Corps (Q3097610) in the Wikidata database TGV train station
  • There are TER (Regional Express) connections from Le Mans to Tours (a good 1 hour); from Orléans and Blois via Amboise to Tours; as well as from Nevers and Bourges via Chenonceaux and Bléré / La-Croix to Tours.

By car

Due to the central location in the region Center-Val de Loire southwest of Paris, the department is easy to get to. The A10 comes from Orleans and goes past Tours continue after Bordeaux. Also the A85 crosses the region, it comes from Vierzon and continues after Angers. The A28 comes from Rouen above Le Mans to Tours.

By bicycle

  • Loire cycle path (Part of EuroVelo 6 Atlantic – Black Sea)
  • French cycle route V41 from the Paris area to Tours


The Loire cycle path is an extremely attractive cycle route, it leads from Orléans and Blois among others. through Amboise, Tours, Villandry and Langeais, on towards Saumur and Angers.

Tourist Attractions

Ussé Castle
Chinon Castle

The Loire and its tributaries form between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes-sur-Loire a cultural landscape with numerous historical villages and cities as well as extraordinarily beautiful and world-famous ones Castles of the Loire. This valley has been part of the since 2000 UNESCO world heritageUNESCO world cultural heritage.

  • 1 Chenonceau Castle, one of the most famous castles in the Loire
  • Amboise Castle. Another highlight on the Loire.
  • Loches Castle, on the Indre.
  • Villandry Castle
  • Azay-le-Rideau castle, on the Indre.
  • Langeais Castle
  • Ussé Castle, 12 km north of Chinon, 14 km southeast of Langeais.
  • Chinon Castle
Pagoda de Chanteloup
  • Montrésor Castle
  • Montpoupon Castle
  • Clos Lucé Castle. Parc Leonardo da Vinci in Amboise, the Italian artist spent the last three years of his life here.
  • Plessis-lès Castle Tour
  • Le Rivau Castle
  • Les Réaux castle
  • Valmer Castle near Chançay, 12 km northwest of Amboise, 20 km northeast of Tours.
  • Pagoda de Chanteloup, in the south of Amboise. Erected in 1775 as a viewing point for hunting, example of the Chinoiserie, d. H. late baroque imitation of Asian architecture.



  • Rillettes de ToursRillettes de Tours in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRillettes de Tours in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryRillettes de Tours (Q16672807) in the Wikidata database are a gastronomic specialty of the city of Tours. It is a pork spread that has been slowly cooked in a saucepan with pork fat (cooking time between 5 and 12 hours). Rillettes are sold in sausage shops all over France, where they are affectionately known as "pork jam" by the locals. They are usually presented in a saucepan or jar, where they can be covered with a layer of fat to preserve the product. The meat is flavored with white wine (Vouvray) during the cooking process. The result is a golden yellow to brown paste with a rough, coarse texture and a taste of browned meat, like the essence of roast pork. It is served on toasted bread with gherkins and combined with a glass of cold white wine.






Web links

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