Bordeaux - Bordeaux

Bordeaux - Stone Bridge (Pont de Pierre) over the Garonne River.
Coat of arms
Bordeaux - Coat of arms
Name inhabitants
Map of France
Tourism site
Institutional website

Bordeaux is the capital of the region FrenchAquitaine.

To know

Located on the Garonne River, a few kilometers from its estuary, Bordeaux is the capital ofAquitaine and is famous above all for its production of fine wines. Most of its visitors are vacationers interested in wine tourism and wine importers.

The center of Bordeaux has a monumental appearance with 18th-century buildings mostly based on French classicism and has been on the World Heritage List since 2007.

How to orient yourself

Facade of the "Grand Théâtre" on the place de la Comédie
Fog effect on the Piazza della Borsa
Place du parlement

Bordeaux's main train station is the gare de Saint-Jean at the bottom of the cours de la Marne. The Jet'Bus shuttle bus, coming from the airport, terminates here. The station is located south of the center near the left bank of the Garonne.

The Saint-Michel district is north of the station and is part of the historic center.

The main street in the center is the rue Sainte Catherine, one of the longest pedestrian streets in Europe. It crosses the entire historic center in a perpendicular direction for 1.3 km.

At the end of the rue Sainte Catherine is the place de la Comédie, on the site of the ancient Roman forum and today dominated by the facade of the Grand Théâtre, erected in 1780.

Place de la Bourse is a famous square in Bordeaux overlooking the Garonne. It was inaugurated in 1749.

Halfway between the Place de la Bourse and the Place de la Comédie is the Parliament Square (Place du Parlement), heart of old Bordeaux (vieux Bordeaux). It is so called because it was overlooked by the Parliament building established in 1462 and suppressed in 1790. Today the square is surrounded by restaurants frequented by tourists despite the salty prices and a "menu" not up to par. In the center of the square is a fountain from 1865.

Further north is the Place des Quinconces, which boasts the supremacy of the largest square not only of France but also ofEurope. It was settled in the early 19th century.

The nicest area of ​​the center is the "Triangle d'Or" between corso Clemenceau, corso de l 'Intendance and les allées de Tourny. In the center stands the Place des Grands Hommes.

How to get

By plane

L'Bordeaux - Mérignac airport it is located 10 km west of the center.

Regional flies by Rome-Fiumicino, EasyJet from Milan-Malpensa e Ryanair from Bologna is Rome on a stable basis (in summer 2019 also from Lamezia Terme).

The connections with the center are ensured by a shuttle bus, the "Jet'Bus" which runs every 45 minutes. It ends at the railway station and makes intermediate stops. The first ride from the airport is at 07:45, the last at 22:45. In reverse (From the train station to the airport) the first ride is at 06:45, the last at 21:45.

Alternatively, it is possible to board a public bus of line 1, which runs from 05:00 to 23:38 and every 10 minutes. Before terminating in the Quinconces district, bus no. 1 stops at the tram lines "A", "B" and "C"

By bus

Companies such as Baltour and Flixbus offer itineraries fromItaly towards Bordeaux and vice versa.

How to get around

What see

Fine Arts Museum
La Grosse Cloche
Facade of the church of the Holy Cross

Events and parties

Carnival (2006 edition)
  • Carnaval des 2 rives.
  • Fête du vin.

What to do


Bordeaux - Rue Sainte-Catherine, one of the main commercial arteries

The shopping streets are "cours Georges-Clemenceau" and the rue Sainte-Catherine with mostly clothing stores. The second is a pedestrian street overlooked by about 250 boutiques, plus the Fnac and Galeries Lafayette department stores.

How to have fun

To find out about the shows and the monthly program of the venues you can download the pdf format from the site Clubs et concerts.

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices


How to keep in touch


To visit the other centers of the Aquitaine you can use one of the suburban buses departing from the "Gare routière des Quinconces".

Bordeaux is also a good destination for those wishing to continue their journey to the Iberian countries. Its train station is stop of the TGV train from Paris to Irun with intermediate stop a Biarritz and direct change for the international train "Sud-Expresso" for Lisbon to Hendaye or at its second stop after the border a Irun in Spain, with intermediate stops including a Irun, San Sebastian, Vitoria, Miranda de Ebro, Burgos, Valladolid, Medina del Campo, Salamanca, and including in Portugal a Look, is Coimbra. For updated timetables and prices you can consult the website in (EN) .

By train you can also reach Lourdes in two and a half hours by TGV with direct service.

As an alternative to the train you can use the coaches of Eurolines which follow a different route from that of international trains.

  • Gujean-Mestras - Approximately 60 km from Bordeaux, Gujean-Mestras it extends over the Bassin d'Arcachon, a deep inlet on the Atlantic coast with lagoon characteristics. The reason for coming here is to taste the oysters which are artificially grown in the lagoon waters.

Who cares about wine tourism, the hinterland of Bordeaux offers great opportunities. The major centers of wine production in the Gironde department are listed below:

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Bordeaux
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Bordeaux
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