Ingushetia - Inguscezia

Mountains of Ingushetia
Ingushetia - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Ingushetia - Coat of arms
Ingushetia - Flag
Institutional website
Travel Notice!ATTENTION: Ingushetia is a very insecure region of Ciscaucasia. Attacks and assassinations aimed at targeting prominent political figures are on the agenda. Thefts and acts of violence are also very frequent. It is recommended to avoid trips that are not urgent

Ingushetia or Republic of Ingushetia (in Russian: Республика Ингушетия) is a region of the Russia in North Caucasus.

To know

Geographical notes

Ingushetia is located on the northern slopes of the Caucasus. The region is crossed by the Terek and Assa rivers.

When to go

Ingushetia has a continental climate with temperatures ranging from 7 ° in January to 23 ° in July.


Ingushetia has been part of Russia since 1810. From 1921 to 1924 it was part of the Soviet Republic of the Mountains founded in the Caucasus. The Ingush Autonomous Oblast was founded in 1924. From 1934 to 1992 it was united with neighboring Chechnya, in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, except for a short period during the Second World War, when Josif Stalin accused the Ingushes of collaborate with the Germans and deported the entire population to Central Asia. Their autonomous territory was dissolved, and the Prigorodny District was moved to neighboring North Ossetia. The Ingush were rehabilitated in the 1950s and were able to return home, but the Prigorodny District remained part of North Ossetia, and the Ingushes had to face the considerable animosity of the Ossetians who had settled in the territory.

Tension exploded after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The North Caucasus was the scene of the first serious inter-ethnic violence that plagued the Russian Federation. At the end of October 1992, tens of thousands of Ingush were forced to leave their homes in the Prigorodny District. The problem of these refugees has since been one of the main ones for the government of Ingushetia, already confronted with rising unemployment (up to 50%), a worsening ecological crisis, a high concentration of Russian troops stationed here due to the conflict. with neighboring Chechnya, and the flow of Chechen refugees caused by that conflict. Although some agreements have been reached with North Ossetia regarding Ingush refugees, the matter is not yet close to a conclusion.

The capital was moved from Nazran to Magas in December 2002.

In June 2004, some 570 Chechen militants invaded the republic and attacked the city of Nazran, killing more than 90 people. Russia blamed Chechen warlord Šamil Basaev for organizing the attack.

In 2009 a series of terrorist attacks hit the highest officials of the republic: on June 10, Aza Gazgireeva, vice president of the Supreme Court, was killed; on 13 June the former Deputy Prime Minister Bašir Ausgev was killed; on June 22, the President of the Republic Junus-Bek Jevkurov was injured in an attack, while three of his agents died. More recently, other senior government officials have also been killed.

Spoken languages

The Ingush are closely related to the Chechens and speak one similar language, belonging to the linguistic family of Northwestern Caucasian languages. The Russian it has the status of official language and is known practically by all inhabitants of the region.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

Monument to the victims of political repression in Nazran '
  • Karabulak (Карабулак) - Historic city of Ingushetia, built on the ruins of an ancient fortified village of the Vainach tribes, Karabulak saw a population explosion during the Chechen conflict due to the high number of refugees.
  • Magas (Магас) - Capital of the Republic, Magas has an unusual record for a capital. In fact, in 2008 it was the smallest city in Russia with the title of regional capital and former capital of an autonomous Republic. Its name in Ingush means "city of the sun" and was built in 1995 with the project, even then, to move the capital of the Republic and its offices here. The effect is at least strange: a city with nearly 30,000 homes and services for as many people that is actually inhabited by less than 500 individuals.
  • Malgobek (Малгобек)
  • Nazran ' (Назраянь) - Capital of the Republic until 2002. Nazran 'is a nineteenth-twentieth century city, important above all for its position on the road coming from Rostov-on-Don.

How to get

How to get around

What see

Vovnuški Fortress
  • 1 Vovnuški fortress (Вовнушки). This complex is a unique and magnificent example of the defensive architecture of the Tejp, the Ingush and Chechen tribal or ethnic entities.

What to do

At the table


The premises that sell alcohol are the primary targets of the Islamic fundamentalist rebels; try to stay away from them as much as possible.


Before embarking on the journey consult:

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Ingushetia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Ingushetia
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