Similan Islands - Isole Similan

Similan Islands
Mu Ko Similan National Park
Similan Islands - Location
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The Similan Islands National Park (เกาะ สิ มิ ลัน) is a protected area located in the south of Thailand.

To know

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

What to do

scuba diving

These islands are home to one of the best diving spots in the wholeAsia. There are very delicate coral reefs and a superb variety of marine life. You can see striped barracudas, giant trevally, arctic trevally, manta rays, leopard sharks etc. It is accessed with liveaboard boats from Kao Lak is Phuket and with daily tours from Kao Lak.

  • 1 Lighthouse beach. The dive site is located in the southernmost corner of Similan Island and the big attraction is the wreck of the Atlantis, a diving ship that sank in 2002. shallower and the stern to a depth of about 30 meters.
Depth: 35 m.
Marine fauna and characteristics: Wreck. As usual when objects are submerged and marine life takes over many animals are attracted, becoming a very interesting artificial reef to see.
  • 2 The city of boulders (Boulder City). As the name suggests, there is a crazy scenery of huge rocks, cliffs and cliffs on this site on a sandy bottom.
Depth: 40 m.
Dangers This place is very open and unprotected and may have very strong currents in places and it is recommended to keep to the quiet side. The descent and ascent are made along the anchor chain.
  • 3 The china of breakfast (Breakfast Bend). The name of the site derives from the fact that in the morning you can have breakfast while looking at the sun. On this side of Thailand it is possible in many places but particularly here on the Ko Bangu side the name cannot be more appropriate. The morning sun plays a lot with the colors of the coral reef that slides down 18 meters where you can find leopard sharks resting on the sandy bottom. Continuing there is another descent up to 30-35m.
Depth: 35 m
Marine fauna and characteristics: Leopard sharks.
  • 4 Christmas tip (Christmas Point) (Just outside Ko Bangu.). A deep and unprotected dive in which both strong currents and large animals could be found.
Depth: - 40 m
Marine fauna and characteristics: With a little luck, you may encounter manta rays.
  • 5 The deep 6 (Deep six). As the name suggests this is a deep dive off island number 6, Ko Pabu. The main attraction is a large cavern located at the anchor point of the top of the buoy.
Depth: 40 m
Topography: There are many large rocks which drop down to 40m
Marine fauna and characteristics: Cave
Dangers: Strong currents. Keep to the top of the buoy when descending and ascending to avoid being separated from the group and carried away.
  • 6 Donald's bay (Donald Duck Bay). The name doesn't make sense until you enter the bay. Looking from the right side, the large rock at the entrance looks like the character of Walt Disney. Another nice site to see marine fauna where you can also see crabs, octopuses and cuttlefish moving along the seabed. The dive is simple and a good place even for inexperienced divers. Also good place for snorkeling: it is not very deep and you can also enjoy the beach.
Depth: 15 m
Marine fauna and characteristics: Crabs, octopuses and cuttlefish.
  • 7 East of Eden (East of Eden) (It is located east of Ko Pabu). The most beautiful reef in the Similan Islands and purple corals are breathtaking.
Depth: 30 m
Topography: The underwater territory is a very rich coral reef that goes down to a depth of 30m, leaving room for the sandy bottom.
Marine fauna and characteristics: During the dive you pass an opening with a sandy bottom in which you can see many eels that look like a kind of plantation.
  • The elephant head rock (Elephant Head Rock). A big rock for experienced divers.
Marine fauna and characteristics: Trevally, small reef sharks, hawksbill turtles, lionfish, grouper and bluefish can be seen.
  • 8 The shelter (Hide-a-way) (Off the coast of Ko Payu.). This site consists of a sandy bottom with coral covered cliffs. Typically you dive from north to south ending up in a shallow area perfect for a safety stop and snorkeling.
Depth: 25m
  • Ko Bon. This island has a large 35m deep wall followed by a stairway ridge that goes down to 45m.
  • Ko Tachai. About 25km north of the region, this island is currently not part of the Similan. Rich in tropical plants and an underwater coastline that drops to 90⁰.
Marine fauna and characteristics: Divers may encounter leopard sharks, nurse sharks or whale sharks.
  • Shark Fin Barrier (Shark-fin Reef). Excellent dive for experienced divers.
Marine fauna and characteristics: Clown triggerfish, half-moon triggerfish, batfish and surgeonfish can be encountered.
  • Alley of the Groupers (Snapper Alley). Famous site for night diving. The configuration of the seabed and the large amount of coral offer marine animals many places to hide and sleep.
  • 9 Stonehenge (Off the north side of Ko Miang). A large tower-shaped rock with a great variety of marine life.
Depth: 40m
Topography: The site is very deep with a large coral covered rock.
Facilities available: The accommodations on the island are only bungalows in limited quantities.
Marine fauna and characteristics: Barrel sponges, scorpion fish, marine fan corals, barracudas, ghost pipefish and ghost fish can be seen. Large fish such as leopard sharks and tuna can also be seen.
  • 10 Turtle Rock (Turtle Rock) (Off the coast of Ko Similan). The site has a beautiful landscape consisting of escarpments and corridors. Unfortunately there is some damage from wild anchorages and dynamite fishing before these islands even became a protected area.
Depth: 30m
Marine fauna and characteristics: In all likelihood, sharks will be encountered.


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Similan Islands
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Similan Islands
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