Yogyakarta - Jogjakarta

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Yogyakarta or Yogyakarta is a city in Central Java, Indonesia. It is also the capital of a province of the same name. This province has the status of a special district (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta), also indicated as DIY.


Jogjakarta is the freezer of the Javanese culture and this is the culture in Indonesia that is best known. This culture is "guarded" and promoted by the sultan and his court. There are many people in and around the kraton (sultan palace) engaged in expressions of this culture, such as batik, dance, music, wayang performances, etc. The sultan therefore enjoys great respect among the Javanese, many see him as a kind of (half) deity. people find the best that Indonesia has to offer and for most tour groups that visit Indonesia, a visit to the city is a mandatory number.


By plane


Daily flights from a.o. Jakarta, Denpasar, Surabaya and BandungThe airport of Jogjakarta, Adisucipto, is 10 kilometers from the city and has a good infrastructure. The main "losmens" and hotels have a counter and provide free transportation for their customers. There is also a counter of the taxi company where you can get a pay a fixed rate. Not a scam.

By train

Railway station

There are regular train connections from Jakarta to Jogjakarta, among others. Most trains in that direction leave Jakarta from Stasiun Gambir. Ask here which train is the fastest and most comfortable connection. Or go bust and marvel at everything that shuffles down the aisle. There are also night trains, which are particularly popular with the locals.

By car

By bus

Travel around

There are still a lot in Jogjakarta betjak's and once you have taken one don't be surprised if he is waiting for you at the door of your hotel and afterwards also asks for money for the wait, without you having asked for it.

To look at

In Jogjakarta and the surrounding area are a few places that you absolutely must see when you are in the area.

  •    The Borobudur (28 km northwest of Yogyakarta). The largest Buddhist structure in the world. Completely restored located on a hill. See especially the beautiful reliefs and the many stupas on top. The view is also beautiful, provided the weather cooperates.
  •    The Prambanan Temple Complex (15 km northeast of Yogyakarta). This is a Hindu structure, consisting of three large and three smaller temples.
the kraton
  •    the kraton (Keraton) (in Yogyakarta itself). This is the palace of the sultan of Yogyakarta. Guided tours are organised.
The Water Palace
  •    The Water Palace (Taman Saric). A ruin of a sultan's holiday palace.
  •    Imogiri. Dead sultans are buried here. The place is surrounded with Javanese mysticism.
  •    Parang arthritis. This is a village on the south coast and a place where the locals like to recreate. You can not swim there, because that is too dangerous.

To do

  • Climbing mountains: stunning views and viewing of the Merapi: one of the most unpredictable volcanoes in the world, just check in advance if surrounding mountains are accessible.

To learn

Gajah Mada University offers various courses.

To work

To buy

Jalan Malioboro

Mainly on the Jalan Malioboro: People stumble over the batik sellers here. If you like batik, this is the place to be. Also for wayang kulit dolls, for example.

Yogya silver

Jogjakarta is of course also well known for the so-called Yogya silver. Strangely enough, this is not offered on every street corner. In Jakarta you often have more choice in this area.



In the evenings along the Jalan Malioboro all kinds of food stalls. One of the popular dishes there is pecel lele, pecel is an op gado-gado similar vegetable salad with peanut sauce, lele is a type of freshwater catfish.




stay overnight



On the side of the station are numerous hotels in different price ranges. And there is an Ibis hotel along Jalan Malioboro the main shopping street of Yogyakarta.





Daily life

all around

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