Jordan - Jordania


Jordan (in Arabic, الأردنّ Al-’Urdunn), officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (in Arabic, المملكة الأردنّيّة الهاشميّة Al-Mamlaka al-Urdunniyya al-Hāshimiyya), is a country of Asia located in the region of middle East. It limits the North with Syria, northeast with Iraq, to the east and south with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, southwest with the Red Sea (in the gulf of Aqaba), and to the west with Israel and the territory Palestinian of West bank.


Jordan is a country located in Asia, more specifically in middle East. Its extension is 89,342 km². The Jabal Umm al Dami with 1,854 meters is the highest point in the country. Its capital and most populated city is Haman.Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by King Abdullah II, who holds executive and legislative powers. The official name is Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It borders Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Syria, and the Palestinian Territories. It also has coasts in the Dead Sea and in the Red Sea adding a total of 26 km of coastline. Jordan is a land of biblical stories, lost cities and movie sets. If it were located in other parts of the world with greater political stability, it would undoubtedly be a first-rate tourist destination, but even so, it surprises us with its security and pacifism.

The historical legacy The region currently occupied by Jordan is one of the most important in the history of mankind. political environment, We can summarize that Jordan has always been at the heart of the Middle East power struggles, mainly because of its strategic location at the crossroads of the Holy Land, between Christians, Jews and Muslims.

In the economic environmentAccording to the OECD, the Jordanian economy is among the smallest in the Middle East. Like other countries in the area, it has been suffering since 2009 the repercussions of the global economic crisis. According to the International Monetary Fund, international reserves have been increased, thanks to Foreign Direct Investments from wealthy investors from the Persian Gulf.

From the tourist point of view, the opportunities for tourism to become one of the most important engines of the country's economy are enormous as Jordan lacks oil wealth and its natural resources are limited.

In the social environment, tolerance is essential to accommodate the large number of visitors who come to this country. Jordan has cultivated this virtue for its tourists and travelers as well as for the many refugees from Palestine and Iraq who have been welcomed in this country in recent years. The country currently faces important challenges in the field of modernization and of urban development, but still one of the best Middle Eastern countries to visit.


Jordan is composed of 12 governorates, each of them with a capital that in turn and mainly, bear the name of its government:

Amman - Capital Amman, Irbid - Capital Irbid, Zarqa - Capital Zarqa, Al Balqa - Capital Salt, Al Mafraq - Capital Mafraq, Al Karak - Capital Karak, Jarash - Capital Jarash, MadabaBold text - Capital Mdaba, Ajlun - Capital Ajlun, Aqaba - Capital Aqaba, Ma’an - Capital Ma’an and At Tafilah - Capital At Tafilah.

The country of Jordan It is geographically differentiated by the following regions:

  • North Region: Jerash, Irbid and Ajlun. Dead Sea Region: Kerak and Madaba.
  • Mountains Region "Heights Plateau": Kerak, Madaba, Amman, Zarqa, Jerash and Irbid.
  • Araba Valley Region: Araba, Tafilah and Kerak. Jordan Valley Region: Irbid, Ajlun, Jerash, Balqa and Amman
  • Eastern Desert Region: Ma´an, Amman, Zarqa and Mafraq.

As soon as to the weather it is eminently desert, although Mediterranean forest and grassland biomes are also present in the west.

According to WWF, the territory of Jordan is divided between five ecoregions: in the Northfrom east to west, the scrub desert of Mesopotamia, the steppe of the Middle East and the forest of the eastern Mediterranean follow one another; the South It is divided between the desert and xerophilous mountains of Arabia and Sinai and the tropical desert and semi-desert of the Red Sea.

There is six nature reserves in Jordan, the Dana Biosphere Reserve, the Wadi Mujib, the Ajlun Forest Reserve, the Dibeen Forest Reserve, the Azraq Wetland and the Shaumari Reserve. The last two are near Azraq, but while the first is a wetland where migratory birds can be seen, Shaumari is a small reserve where you can see desert animals that have disappeared from most of the country, such as the Arabian oryx, the onager, Persian gazelle and ostrich.

Jordan is a small country with limited natural resources and is currently looking for ways to expand its water supply and make more efficient use of existing reserves, including regional cooperation. Jordan is also dependent on the outside to meet most of its energy needs.

Since 2000, exports of textile products that have entered the United States market have been a boost to the economy. The government has placed particular emphasis on the potential of the information technology (IT) and tourism sectors as potential drivers of the economic growth.



It is a sprawling city spread over 19 hills or "jebels". Amman is the ancient and modern capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Known during the Iron Age as Rabbath-Ammon and later as Philadelphia, the ancient city that once belonged to the Decapolis, today has a population of about 1.5 million people. Often called the White City because of the large number of small stone houses it houses, Amman has a wide variety of historical sites. Above Amman, the site of the first fortifications stands out, where numerous excavations are now being carried out that are revealing remains from the Neolithic and the Hellenistic, Late Roman and Islamic periods. Known today as the Citadel, it houses many structures such as the Temple of Hercules, the Umayyad palace, and the Byzantine church. We can visit three important museums; The Archaeological Museum of Jordan, The Museum of Folklore and The Museum of Popular Traditions.


It is the most attractive tourist place in Jordan and the birthplace of the Nabataeans. This city can only be accessed through an imposing 1 kilometer long path or Siq whose walls rise 200 meters, leading to the most famous monument: the treasure, with hundreds of buildings, tombs and temples from the second century and evocative sandstone paintings. A sublime building that will leave an indelible impression on any visitor or traveler who will need at least two days to visit due to the number of monuments and the distance between them.This city is considered one of the seven wonders of the modern world, declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

GERASA (JERASH), GADARA (UM QAYS) and PELLA (TABQAT FAHL)Roman cities that were part of the Eastern Roman Empire.

JERASH It is considered one of the best preserved Roman cities in the world. It was hidden for centuries under the sand and was discovered in the excavations carried out in the 70s. It is an example of a city in which powerful cultures are mixed that are reflected in the architecture of its buildings in the religion and in the languages ​​used. The Greco-Roman world and the ancient Arab traditions of the East coexisted.

UM QAYS, it was next to Jerash, Amman and Pella (Tabqat Fahl), city of the Decapolis. They preserve ancient remains of the impressive black basalt theater, the Basilica, gardens, baths, mausoleum, etc., even the remains of what was a great hippodrome.

LUMP, is a good example of the Greco-Roman period. It offers vestiges of the walled cities of the Bronze and Iron Ages, so we can also admire remains of Byzantine churches, Islamic residential neighborhoods and a medieval mosque.


Also called the "city of Mosaics", where we can see spectacular Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics. There is the famous map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the 6th century. We can visit it on the floor of the Greek-Orthodox Church of San Jorge.

Nearby we can also visit Mount NEBO, the place where God denied Moses the entrance to the promised land.


It is a city located on the Red Sea, with extraordinary beaches and an important diving center. Its coral reefs and marine fauna are famous. It was in ancient times the main port of the routes between the Red Sea and the Far East.

Other destinations

The tourism is a sector of key importance for the Jordanian economy. Together with the political stability of the country, its geography makes it a highly attractive tourist destination.

The dead Sea, Jordan's most important natural feature, is a saltwater lake located 415 meters below sea level, the lowest point on Earth, saturated with potassium and magnesium salts. Its salt content exceeds 60 grams per liter and this is the fundamental cause so that it can float in its waters without any effort. The main attraction of the Dead Sea is its warm waters that contain ten times more salt than those of the rest of the seas and rich in salts and minerals that make it an important center for health and wellness tourism in the region.

Wadi Rum, located in southern Jordan near the Red Sea. The activities to be carried out in this place are 4x4 safaris, adventure trekking, camping in the desert, climbing, etc. It is a wonderful place where the water and the wind have carved some imposing and tall figures in the stones, which build a landscape of monolithic rocks that reach 1750 meters in height.

It still remains a bedouin village that inhabits this area and that maintains a semi-nomadic life. This town is very hospitable and welcoming to visitors.

The Desert CastlesEast of Amman is made up of about 20 Muslim fortified castles and palaces built in the 7th and 8th centuries by the Umayyads. Notable Qasr al-Kharrana, Qseir Amra (with stupendous frescoes and baths), the Qal'at al-Azraq (built in basalt black), Sarah's Hamman, Qasr al-Hallabat (one of the largest in the desert), Qasr Ain as-Sil, Qasr Aselkhin and Qasr Deir al-Kahf.

In Jordan the traveler can visit: the northern city of Irbid, with its archaeological remains from the Bronze Age, its Roman tombs and statues and its Great Mosque; the city of Amman (Amman), modern and cosmopolitan capital of the country; the Turkish castle of Mafraq (Al Mafraq), built in the 16th century; the small town of Bethany, north of the Dead Sea, where Jesus of Nazareth was baptized; the strange and beautiful remains of the city of Petra (80 kilometers south of the Dead Sea); the castle of Al Karak (Karak), from which the valley of the Dead Sea overlooks; the remains of a Turkish fort from the 18th century, in the city of Maán (Ma'an), at South of that country; the city of Aqabá (Al 'Aqabah), the only Jordanian port, on the Red Sea coast.

To get

Entering Jordan is easy, either by air, land or sea. It is important to note that you cannot enter Syria or certain countries in the Middle East from Jordan, if your passport is stamped with Israel and the Palestinian Territories. three international airports, two of which - Queen Alia and Marka - are in its capital, Amman and the other in Aqaba, King Hussein.

By plane

Queen Alia airport is the one with the highest air traffic with direct international flights from and to the Middle East, Africa and some European capitals, this airport has a terminal divided into two sectors and is located 32 km away. Direct buses and taxis depart from Amman. they take us to the center of the city. All means of transport provide service 24 hours a day. We can also rent a car at the airport to international or national companies, with or without a driver.

In Jordan there is only one domestic flight that covers the Amman-Aqaba route twice a day at a really reasonable price. It is a trip that is worth taking nothing more than to contemplate the desert.

The following airlines fly to Jordan and have an office in Amman:

  • Air France (06-5100777;
  • British Airways (065828801;
  • Emirates (06-4615222;
  • Gulf Air (06-653613;
  • KLM (06-655267;
  • Kuwait Airways (06-5690144;
  • Lufthansa Airlines (06-5200180;
  • Qatar Airways (06-5679444;
  • Turkish Airlines (06-5548100;


The best way to get to Jordan by Boat is from Egypt by Ferry. It leaves from Nuweiba (Sinai) and arrives in Aqaba, its price is around $ 95 (one way). The trip can take between 1 and 3 hours depending on the ferry chosen, more information can be found at

By car

If we rent a car in Amman and plan to deliver it in Aqaba, for example, we must know that a supplement must be paid, which is sometimes important.

The signage in tourist places is also in English and some people speak this language but, even if they do not speak it, Jordanians are friendly and will always try to help us, guide us and be helpful in whatever way they can. Pay attention to speed limits because there are radars everywhere!

By bus

Almost all overland travelers arrive in Jordan by bus or jeepney, although you can also enter your own vehicle. Leaving Jordan by land is somewhat more difficult due to the characteristics of the visas, especially towards Syria. All cities have public transport of buses and minibuses that provide satisfactory and regular services. The minibuses are cheaper but, like the "collective taxis" they do not leave until their capacity is full. In Jordan, hitchhiking is prohibited by law but, there is always a driver to take us, it is de rigueur to share the expenses if the journey is more or less long.

By train

Jordan's only railway line covers the Damas-Amman route in 8 hours.


By thumb

Jordan is one of the easiest countries to hitchhike in. It is not uncommon to wait less than 5-10 minutes before being picked up. Especially if you are not from the US or something like that, people will be happy to take you on the road and will immediately bring up topics like FCB, Paris, Bayern Munich or pizza, depending on your nationality. Also, hitchhiking is made even easier by the fact that many tourists with guides or rental cars will pick you up if they see that you are not from the region. Although Jordan is the target of extremists, hitchhiking is no more dangerous than in other countries, considering the high probability that someone will pick you up. Even on off-season holidays, you will barely wait more than 10 minutes for someone to stop by.

To go for a walk, simply let your arm hang down and use your hand to wave towards you, or point your index and middle finger towards the road. Don't lift your thumb from hitchhiking, this seems to be rude. In some countries, it is common to even pay to hitchhike. It is not here. Although, for example, along the Dead Sea hotel promenade, the locals may demand a small amount, but anything beyond 2JD per 10km is too much; take bus prices as a guide, just in case.

Combining this with the local (mini) buses (whichever comes first) is an efficient and inexpensive way to discover and experience Jordan, and meet interesting and friendly local people.

By plane

The only domestic air route is between Amman and Aqaba.

By tour operator

Much of Jordan's most spectacular scenery - Wadi Rum, Dana Reserve, and Iben Hamam - is best viewed in 4x4 vehicles with drivers or guides familiar with the territory.

Most people visiting Jordan opt for organized tours, although local guides from the various visitor centers in Jordan's ecological reserves can be used. Most tourists who cross into Jordan from Israel are on day trips to Petra or in organized tour groups. They make up a significant percentage of daily visitors to the natural attractions of Petra and Jordan.

By servees

Service taxis or so called services they cover practically the same routes as buses. They are definitely more expensive than minibuses, but much faster and more convenient.

Services only leave when they are full, so there is no set schedule. You may also be approached by private cars that operate as service taxis. If you use one of these, it is important to agree on the price in advance.

Portions are generally white or cream in color. Sometimes they can be persuaded to deviate from their standard route if they are not already carrying passengers. However, it is very likely that you will be asked to wait for a yellow taxi.

By car

Car rental It will allow you to make the most of your visit to Jordan, especially to travel the King's Highway or the Dead Sea area. Various agencies can be found in Amman, Aqaba and at international airports.

Taxis - There are private and collective. The private ones are yellow in color and in those that do not have a meter, you have to negotiate the price before leaving. Collective taxis They are white in color and follow fixed intercity routes, they are shared, they only leave when they are full.

By bus

The JETT bus company has services connecting Amman with Aqaba, the King Hussein Bridge (to cross into Israel) and Hammamat Ma'in. Private buses (mainly operated by the Hijazi company) go from Amman to Irbid and Aqaba. The minibus services connect the smaller cities with a much more irregular service; they usually go away once they are full.

The Abdali Transport Station near the center of Amman served as a bus / taxi hub to locations throughout Jordan, but many of its services (especially minibuses and service taxis) have been moved to the new North Bus Station (also called Tarbarboor or Tareq). Here you can find buses to Israel and a 1.50 JD bus to Queen Alia Airport.

By train

The Jordan Hejaz Railway is the only railway line that operates passenger services. It is primarily a tourist attraction and not a practical means of transportation. In the 2010s, Jordan has made some noise towards the construction of new railway lines and neighboring Israel has built numerous new railway lines in the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s and has announced its intention to cooperate with Jordanian partners and / or Palestinians for cross-border services, but as of 2018 nothing concrete has come out of this.


The official language of Jordan is Arabic, although English is spoken throughout the country, especially in cities. On the other hand, English is compulsory in schools, so the vast majority of Jordanians speak it without any problem. Most signs are written in both Arabic and English.

Here are some useful words and phrases to help you get started:


  • YES Na’am
  • Do not The A
  • Please Min fadlak ' (To a man)-Min fadlik (to a woman)
  • Thanks Shukran
  • No problem Afwan
  • Hello Marhaba
  • Goodbye Ma’asalameh
  • What is your name? Shoo ismak? (To a man)- Shoo ismek? (to a woman)
  • Please Lao samaht
  • Excuse me / sorry ‘An Iznek
  • What time is it? Edesh el sa’aa?
  • How much? Addeysh?
  • I do not speak Arabic Ana laa ahkee Arabee
  • One Waahid
  • Two Tinain
  • Three Talaateh
  • Four Arba’a
  • Five Khamseh
  • Six Sitteh
  • Seven Saturday
  • Eight Tamenyeh
  • Nine Tis’a
  • Ten ‘Ashra
  • Left Shmaal
  • Right Yameen
  • Right Dughree

The number system. Arabic numerals are very easy to read and in fact the western system derives from Arabic. They are read from left to right.


For extended stays, it is possible to take Arabic courses at the University of Jordan and other private educational centers in Amman. The British Council in Amman occasionally offers Arabic courses for foreigners.

In Amman, the starting cost of apartments is 350 to 1,400 JD per month. The owners prefer that you pay in advance and commit to at least half a year of stay.

An alternative is the Zarqa Private University. It's a 35-minute drive east of Amman and can save you a fortune, because it costs 1/3 less to stay in an apartment there than in Amman.


Job opportunities for the occasional foreign visitor are limited in Jordan. Most foreigners working in Jordan have an employment contract with foreign multinationals and development organizations (Amman is the "gateway to Iraq" and a key base for continued efforts to rebuild its neighbor).

There is the possibility of taking up an informal job teaching English if you are looking for many opportunities.

Fluent Arabic speakers may be more successful, although the process of obtaining a work permit is not particularly straightforward. Involve an experienced local to help you.


Historical places of interest:


Visit the Citadel. It is the highest point in Amman. It is surrounded by 1.7 km. of wall. Inside the citadel we can visit the Umayyad Palace, made up of royal buildings with different dependencies such as the Byzantine basilica, the throne room, the Umayyad cistern, the Roman Temple of Hercules, etc.

The Archaeological Museum

The Roman Theater - It is a spectacular theater, sample of the Roman Philadelphia. Next to the theater we can visit the Roman Forum and a small amphitheater.

King Hussein Mosque - Located in the heart of the city. Ottoman style.

Nymphaeum - Located in the grounds of the Hussein Mosque. It is a place dedicated to nymphs.

King Abdullah Mosque - It is the largest in the country and was built in honor of King Abdullah. Its magnificent blue dome measures 35 m. in diameter and is the element that attracts the most attention.

The Abu Darwis Mosque- It was built based on alternate layers of white and black stone that make it unmistakable. Non-Muslims are currently not allowed inside.

Darat al-Funun - is a cultural space dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary art.

• Visit the Souk Jara souk

• Walk around Al Wakalat.

• Enjoy a sunset from the hills of the city.


Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics.

Church of St. George, where is the Mosaic Map of Palestine, the oldest in the Holy Land.

Burned palace - residence burned down in Byzantine times and from which several mosaics can be seen.

Al-Kahadir Church - It is the church of the Holy Martyrs, of Byzantine style and of the s. VI that has columns decorated with animal and plant motifs.

The Church of the Virgin - with precious mosaics decorated with figures of flowers and plants, animals, as well as scenes from mythology, hunting, fishing, agriculture and everyday life.

The Church of the Apostles - a must for its extraordinary collection of mosaics with plant motifs.

• The Museum of the City.

Mukawir Fortress - It is located south of Madaba, built by Herod the Great and within its walls John the Baptist was imprisoned and it was there that the famous Salome dance took place in honor of Herod, who presented him with the head of the Baptist to satisfy his wishes.

Umm-Er-Rasas - walled city mentioned in the old and new testaments, where we can also enjoy beautiful mosaics.


One of the most revered places in Jordan. It is believed that from where Moses surveyed the Promised Land and where his mortal remains rest.PETRA

al Khazneh - is the most famous building in the city, the Treasury, decorated with large Corinthian columns. It has been majestic since the year I d. Its façade is entirely excavated in rock. The director Steven Spielberg, used the images of this facade for his film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."

Street of the Facades - old main thoroughfare of the city with numerous houses decorated in Assyrian style.

Royal Tombs - place occupied by impressive tombs dating from 70 AD. They emphasize, the Tomb of the Urn, the Tomb of the Silk, the Corinthian Tomb and the Palace of the Tombs.

The Deir - It is one of the most spectacular after The treasure. It is also known as The Monastery. It was built in the s. II A.D. and used as a monastery in Byzantine times.

Column Street - it was the center of the daily life of the Nabateans, where markets, shops, houses, etc. are built.

Aaron's Mountain - Located at 1350 m. and at its top there is a mosque built in the s. XIV in honor of the brother of Moses, considered by Islam as one of the prophets.

Bede - also known as "Little Petra", it is the place where the first Nabataean settlement originated. It is an interesting excursion where you can observe the way of life of the Nabataean culture.


Hadrian's Arch - Located at the entrance of the city, built in the s. II A.D. on the occasion of the emperor's visit.

The Hippodrome - Place where the famous chariot races were held.

The Temple of Zeus - Built in 162 AD

The South Theater - Next to the Temple of Zeus and from which you can enjoy impressive acoustics. It can hold up to 3,000 spectators.

Ruins of the Old Cityd - The constructions of the Plaza Oval, the street of the columns, the theaters, the thermal baths and some temples stand out.

The Artemis' temple - It is a fascinating place, located next to the Byzantine church from the 6th century.


It is a village to the west of Hueras and where we can visit the Ajlun Castle, erected in 1184 by one of the great generals of the Arab leader Salah-Al-Din (Saladin)


• Explore the desert canyons.

• Visit the oases and the incredible stone bridges.

• Climb the mountains.

• Enjoy the beautiful views from its cliffs.

• Castles of the Desert: They are an example of the Islamic architecture of the s. VIII and show through its mosaics, frescoes and other decorations what life was like at that time. Although they have the label of castles, they acted as centers of agriculture, commerce, caravan stations or military sites. The most prominent are:

  1. Qasr al-Hallabat
  2. Qasr Kharana
  3. Qusayr Amra - (Heritage of humanity by unesco)
  4. Qasr al-Azraq

Places of Ecological and Nature interest


Its waters are world famous for their composition and content of magnesium and salt, ten times higher than in any sea. It also contains a total of 21 minerals, 12 of which are not present in other seas. All the properties of its waters and its barometric pressure that allows the area to have 8% more oxygen than places that are at sea level, makes this corner of the world a natural spa.


Located north of Amman. Its forests are mainly oaks, pistachios, pines, carob trees and wild strawberry bushes. It offers climbing routes and has special camping areas.


The Gulf of Aqaba is famous for its reef ecosystem, flora and its marine fauna. Located in the northeast of the Red Sea, with an average water temperature of 23º C, without storms and with warm water currents, these are the perfect conditions for the great variety of marine life that exists in its waters. Depending on the season of the year you can also see turtles, dolphins, manatees and whale sharks.


It is an oasis located in the heart of the eastern Jordanian desert. Among its attractions are, natural ponds, marshes, the Qa’a al-Azraq quagmire and a great variety of migratory birds that make the journey between Asia and Africa.


It is the lowest altitude nature reserve in the world. It is located in the wadi mujib canyon, and enters the Dead Sea up to 410 meters below sea level., In turn, its mountains reach about 900 m. altitude. This variety of elevation provides the enjoyment of a great biodiversity of plants and animals of all migratory and stationary species.


It was created in 1975 by the RSCN as a breeding center for endangered animal species. Oryx, ostriches, gazelles and wild donkeys can be seen living safe from hunting and habitat destruction that brought them to the brink of extinction.


It offers a unique lunar landscape in the world. It is a desert dotted with immense mountains with different shades of reds, yellows and oranges, offering an impressive spectacle. Likewise, you can also see rare and endemic plants, birds and mammals such as; Leonardo's vulture, fan-tailed raven, Bonelli's eagle, Hume's owl, gray wolf, Blandford fox, sand cat, and mountain goat.


It is an area of ​​great beauty and biodiversity. It is the only reserve in Jordan that brings together four biogeographic zones such as: the Mediterranean, the Saharo-Arabian, the Iranian-Turanian and the Sudanese.


It is the last Nature Reserve added to the Jordanian reserve network. It is located in the north of Amman and you can take different walks with impressive panoramic views and with a great variety of trees of different species and antiquity.


  • Practice diving or snorkeling in the Red Sea around Aqaba. El Mar Rojo tiene algunos de los arrecifes de coral más famosos del mundo y es un lugar popular para bucear y hacer snorkel. Tortugas, calamares, peces payaso y un tanque hundido son algunas de las vistas submarinas. El equipo se puede alquilar en los centros de buceo, y si se comunica con ellos, estarán felices de ir a buscarlo en automóvil y llevarlo a un buen lugar en la playa y viceversa.
  • Grandes lugares para hacer senderismo son la Reserva Natural de Dana, Wadi Rum, Wadi Mujib o Wadi Bin Hammad al noroeste de Kerak.
  • Flotar y "nadar" en el Mar Muerto es uno de los aspectos más destacados.


  • 8-9 días de autostop y autobús: Amman - Jerash - Madaba - Mar Muerto - Reserva Natural de Dana - Petra - Wadi Rum - Aqaba (incluidas posibles paradas en Ajlun, el Monte Nebo, el complejo Panorama del Mar Muerto y el Castillo de Shoubak). Agregue un día para cada uno de los siguientes: Castillos del desierto, área circundante de Madaba, Wadi Mujib, Kerak
  • 4-5 días : Aqaba - Petra - Wadi Rum - Aqaba



To buy


Tipos de cambio del dinar jordano

As of January 2020:

  • 1 € ≈ 0,8 JD
  • Reino Unido £ 1 ≈ 0.9 JD

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available on

La moneda es el dinar jordano , denotado localmente por el símbolo " JD " antes o después de la cantidad o en árabe como دينار, oa veces " £ "(ISO currency code: JOD ). Se divide en 1000 fils y 100 piastras (o qirsh). Las monedas vienen en denominaciones de 1 (casi inexistente), 5 y piastras y ¼ JD, ½ JD. Los billetes se encuentran en denominaciones de 1, 5, 10, 20 y 50 JD. La tasa de cambio se fija efectivamente al dólar estadounidense a una tasa artificialmente alta (alrededor de $ 1,41 ≈ 1,00 JD) que hace que Jordan tenga un valor más bajo de lo que sería de otra manera. La mayoría de los restaurantes y tiendas de alto nivel en los centros comerciales también aceptan dólares estadounidenses.

Muchos lugares tienen cambios limitados, por lo que es importante mantener una cantidad de 1 JD y 5 notas JD. Como los cajeros automáticos dan billetes de 20 JD y 50 JD para transacciones grandes, esto puede resultar difícil.

Las tarjetas se aceptan de forma limitada (y aparentemente aleatoria). La mayoría de los hoteles y hostales aceptan tarjetas que incluyen tarifas de entrada a Petra (50 JD y más) y en los campamentos en Wadi Rum.

Los cajeros automáticos están comúnmente disponibles, pero pueden cobrar una tarifa de hasta 7 JD, especialmente el cajero automático en el aeropuerto justo antes del mostrador de visas que debe usar para retirar dinero para pagar la visa (a la llegada), excepto cuando tienes un Jordan Pass . Pruebe varias máquinas para encontrar una con la más baja o sin tarifa, y recuerde el banco. Sin embargo, en el caso de Visa, a veces estas tarifas adicionales no se cobrarán en casa. Probablemente, en su mayoría, solo si indica más en su recibo de lo que ha recibido.


Un presupuesto de subsistencia sería de alrededor de 15 JD por día, pero esto significa que comerá falafel todos los días. 25 JD permitirá un alojamiento ligeramente mejor, comidas básicas en un restaurante e incluso una cerveza ocasional. Es mejor consultar los precios de alojamiento en línea; la mayoría de los albergues y hoteles de Jordania tienen sus habitaciones en los sitios web de hoteles comunes.

Si prefiere comer lo que comen los lugareños, solo debería costar entre 1 y 2 JD, por lo que puede comprar un sándwich de falafel / shwerma con cualquier lata de gaseosa (la más común es Coke, Sprite y Fanta). Si desea comprar un sándwich de pollo, le costará (0,50-0,80 JD).

Para probar la auténtica comida jordana y no quedarse en hoteles con estrellas todo el tiempo; comer allí es caro para un jordano medio. A menos que la comida venga con el alojamiento del hotel, no coma aquí. Puede parecer que las personas que están adentro pueden pagar la comida y hacer que parezca y suene como si fuera una forma normal de comer. Vaya a la ciudad o a los mercados o restaurantes locales y averigüe qué está comprando la gente; ahorrará mucho dinero en su viaje. Si no es así y desea ahorrar el viaje de ver a la gente real del país, quédese donde está y disfrute de lo que la guía de viajes quiera que vea, haga y pague.

Los no jordanos pueden obtener un reembolso del IVA en el aeropuerto cuando regresen a casa. El monto del IVA debe ser superior a 50 JD en cualquier cosa, excepto en: comida, gastos de hotel, oro, teléfonos móviles.

Resumen (precios y costos comunes):

  • Autobús: 1 JD cada 40 km; taxi - 1 JD por 5 km; camello, burro o caballo - 12-15 JD / h
  • Rollo de falafel - 0,5 JD; falafel y hummus - 2-3 JD; cerveza (en la tienda) - 0.5-1 JD
  • Habitación de hotel - JOD8-15 JD; dormitorio - 5 JD; colchón - 1-2 JD
  • Campamento de Wadi Rum: 20-30 JD; Hoteles del Mar Muerto: 50-60 JD (fuera de temporada)
  • Playa del Mar Muerto (turística) - 20 JD; Pase de Jordan: 70-80 JD

El salario mensual promedio de los jordanos es de 450 JD, mientras que la línea de pobreza oficial es de 70 JD por mes (2018).


Se acepta la negociación, especialmente en los mercados, pero algunos precios pueden ya ser definitivos, por ejemplo, en los restaurantes, el autobús o el museo. Dado que también los lugareños ricos obtendrán precios locales justos y económicos, no hay razón para que los turistas deban pagar más. Sin embargo, como turista, puede ser difícil saber si el precio que obtuvo es justo o inflado porque se lo considera un turista adinerado. Es mejor preguntar en diferentes lugares para tener una idea de cuál debería ser el precio. Recuerde siempre agradecer al comerciante por indicar el precio, incluso si no compra nada.

Un enfoque de trabajo para los hoteles es buscar el precio en uno de los grandes sitios de reserva de hoteles y caminar directamente al hotel elegido indicando el precio visto. Es posible que obtengas algún descuento, de lo contrario, solo probar el siguiente podría convencer al chico de la recepción de que te ofrezca un mejor precio. Sin embargo, esto solo funcionará cuando y donde las opciones de alojamiento sean amplias, es decir, probablemente no durante la temporada alta en Petra o en el Mar Muerto.

Promociones y guías

El turismo es un gran generador de ingresos. Si bien esto debe ser apreciado y respetado después de tiempos difíciles, muchos turistas son simplemente vacas de efectivo rápidas para guías turísticos y taxistas que los llevan de un lugar, tienda, hotel o restaurante sobrevalorado al siguiente, recolectando su parte de 30 -50% del propietario al salir. Por lo tanto, no confíe demasiado en ellos, de lo contrario, lo cobrarán dos veces, una vez por su servicio y una vez tomando una comisión. Esto significa que o el restaurante será turístico con precios muy inflados, o el hotel agregará un recargo cuando les pida el precio, especialmente si el guía o el taxista se encuentra junto a usted. En su lugar, elija el restaurante y el hotel usted mismo sin que lo sigan, y use taxistas como transporte, no como guía.

Además, no crea en lo común que mi primo (o amigo) ofrece / tiene (algo que usted está buscando) y yo puedo conseguírselo más barato - lo contrario será mayormente la verdad, tampoco será su primo tampoco será más barato. Siempre obtenga varias cotizaciones independientes para las cosas o recorridos que le interesan, y nunca se convenza de que solo hay una opción disponible y debe atenerse a esa que se lo dice, incluso si dicen que esto o aquello no está disponible, no trabaja o no está en esta dirección , por ejemplo, taxistas que fingen que no hay autobuses desde el puente Allenby hacia Jordania. La variedad de tales ejemplos es enorme.


No compre souvenirs en los centros turísticos del país, como Petra, Jerash o Amman; los precios aquí se inflan 2 o 3 veces. Madaba o Irbid pueden ser buenas oportunidades para conseguir recuerdos.

Podría estar prohibido comprar y exportar artefactos arqueológicos, como monedas antiguas. Por lo tanto, no piense que puede hacer un buen negocio aquí. Si no es un experto, incluso podría terminar comprando productos genuinos falsos, solo porque se ven viejos y el comerciante habla encantador no los hace reales.

To eat

La cocina jordana es bastante similar a la que se sirve en otras partes de la región. El alimento básico diario es el khobez, un pan grande y plano que se vende en panaderías de todo el país por unos cientos de filetes. Delicioso recién horneado.

Para el desayuno, el desayuno tradicional suele consistir en huevos fritos, labaneh, queso, zaatar y aceite de oliva junto con pan y una taza de té. Algunos comen falafel y hummus los fines de semana y otros más a menudo. No existe una convención sobre cuándo debe o no debe comer cualquier tipo de alimento. Tu decides. Este es el desayuno más popular. El manousheh y los pasteles son el segundo elemento de desayuno más popular. Todos los hoteles ofrecen desayuno americano.

El plato nacional de Jordania es el mansaf, preparado con jameed, un yogur secado al sol. describe el mansaf como "una enorme fuente con capas de pan tradicional" shraak "parecido a una crepe, montones de arroz reluciente y trozos de cordero que se han cocinado en una salsa única hecha de jameed reconstituido y especias, espolvoreado con piñones dorados. . " En realidad, más personas usan almendras fritas en lugar de piñones debido al precio más barato. El mejor mansaf se puede encontrar en Kerak .

Si bien el mansaf es el plato nacional, la mayoría de las personas en las zonas urbanas lo comen en ocasiones especiales y no todos los días. Otros platos populares incluyen Maklouba, verduras rellenas, freekeh.

The mezza de estilo levantino se sirven en restaurantes de "estilo libanés", que es típico del estilo jordano, en todo el país, y es fácil encontrar cadenas internacionales de comida rápida. Algunas empresas locales comieron:

  • Abu Jbarah: restaurantes de falafel
  • Al kalha: falafel y restaurante hogareño
  • Al-Daya'a y Reem: lugares para conseguir sándwiches y platos de shawerma.

En cuanto a los restaurantes de estilo extranjero, no faltan. Los mejores se encuentran generalmente en hoteles de 5 estrellas, pero el precio es alto. Los restaurantes italianos y las pizzerías abundan en Amman, Madaba y Aqaba, pero son muy difíciles de encontrar en otras ciudades.

Cada vez más cafés sirven comida. Hay una gran cantidad de cafés al estilo del Medio Oriente que sirven Argeelleh, además del complemento completo de bebidas de café del Medio Oriente y Occidente. También hay un buen número de cafés de estilo occidental que suelen servir postres, ensaladas y sándwiches de estilo occidental.

Drink and go out

Aunque Jordania es un estado islámico, la cerveza Amstel elaborada localmente está disponible en los mejores restaurantes. Guinness, Becks y Heineken se sirven en bares para los occidentales. El vino jordano, sobre todo del monte Nebo, también es bastante bueno. Algunas tiendas, especialmente en los centros turísticos, también venden alcohol más fuerte. Las licorerías generalmente son identificables por el logo de Amstel. En las zonas turísticas es fácil encontrarlos y solo durante el Ramadán pueden estar cerrados. Una excepción es Wadi Rum , porque aquí no hay tiendas, solo campamentos, pero los más lujosos atenderán esas necesidades.

Para obtener más detalles sobre el alcohol en Jordania, consulte también el artículo de Amman.


Amman tiene una gran cantidad de hoteles de 5 y 4 estrellas. Además hay un buen número de hoteles de 3 estrellas y hay muchos hoteles de 2 y 1 estrella en el centro de Amman que son muy baratos, y hay muchos turistas, especialmente los que están de paso y se hospedan en estos hoteles.

Hay dos escalas de calificación de los hoteles en Jordania. Están los hoteles estándar de 5 estrellas de estilo occidental, como el Sheraton, Crowne Plaza, etc., y luego están los establecimientos locales de 5 estrellas. Los establecimientos locales que se consideran '5 estrellas' en Jordania serían más como hoteles de 3 estrellas en Occidente. Un viajero pagará un precio alto por un hotel de 5 estrellas de marca occidental en Amman o Petra y menos por el hotel local de 5 estrellas.

Además, para estancias más largas es posible conseguir apartamentos amueblados por 200-600 JD al mes.



Jordan está muy seguro. Prácticamente no hay ninguna parte insegura de Jordania, excepto en la frontera iraquí. Aunque las zonas rurales de Jordania tienen una infraestructura limitada, los fellahin (o habitantes del pueblo) estarán encantados de ayudarle.

Como en muchos lugares, tenga cuidado con cualquier persona que parezca interesada en enredos románticos, ya que no son infrecuentes los incidentes de mujeres extranjeras que son encantadas por los lugareños y luego descubren que el "romance" era simplemente una tapadera para obtener sexo, dinero u otros servicios. Esto es especialmente cierto para las jóvenes extranjeras: un campamento acogedor alrededor y tal vez un poco de vino hace el resto.


Jordania es una nación musulmana, por lo que las normas occidentales, como las demostraciones públicas de afecto, pueden no ser aceptadas ni siquiera por la élite educada en Jordania. Jordania no es un lugar donde la homosexualidad se tome a la ligera como en Occidente, aunque no es ilegal como es el caso en la mayoría de las otras naciones árabes. Sin embargo, la escena LGBT, especialmente en Ammán, prefiere el enfoque de no preguntar, no decir sobre este tema. El adulterio, incluido el sexo consentido entre parejas no casadas, es ilegal y puede ser castigado con una pena máxima de 3 años de cárcel. Sin embargo, esto en general no concierne a las parejas occidentales, sino que solo será un problema cuando se relacione con la gente local.


Como en todas las áreas urbanas del mundo, las ciudades de Jordania tienen algunos problemas de salud, pero también tenga en cuenta que Jordania es un centro de tratamiento médico en el Medio Oriente y sus hospitales de clase mundial son respetados en todas partes del mundo. Tenga cuidado al comprar comida a los vendedores; los vendedores no están tratando de lastimarte, pero la comida puede estar sucia. Los hospitales en Jordania, especialmente en Ammán, son abundantes, y Jordania es un centro para el turismo médico.

Además, el mayor riesgo para su salud en Jordania es estar involucrado en un accidente de tráfico.

The perros pueden ser un problema en áreas remotas de Jordania. Aunque son mucho menos numerosos en comparación con Asia. Si se acercan demasiado a ti, (finge) recoger una piedra. Recordarán este gesto de la última "experiencia" dolorosa. También (llevar) un palo grande podría ayudar.

Se dice que el agua del grifo es potable, al menos en algunas áreas, pero la mayoría de la gente bebe agua embotellada, que es la opción más segura para los visitantes.


Jordania es un país de mayoría musulmana con una gran población cristiana también. Es una de las naciones más liberales de la región y muy hospitalaria con los turistas, y los lugareños estarán encantados de ayudarte si se lo pides. Los jordanos, a su vez, te respetarán a ti y a tu cultura si respetas la de ellos. Respeta el Islam y el Rey de Jordania.

Las mujeres pueden usar ropa normal sin acoso en cualquier parte de Jordania. Las modas occidentales son populares entre las jóvenes jordanas. Sin embargo, se debe usar ropa modesta en los sitios históricos religiosos y antiguos.

Respete la monarquía jordana que cuenta con un fuerte respaldo del pueblo. La monarquía jordana es muy pro occidental y muy abierta a las reformas, al igual que el pueblo jordano. Si bien Jordania es un país generalmente libre y tolerante, evite discutir temas delicados con conocidos casuales o extraños, como el conflicto israelí-palestino.



El Ramadán es el noveno mes y el más sagrado del calendario islámico y dura entre 29 y 30 días. Los musulmanes ayunan todos los días durante su duración y la mayoría de los restaurantes permanecerán cerrados hasta los descansos del ayuno al anochecer. Se supone que nada (incluidos el agua y los cigarrillos) debe pasar por los labios desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Los no musulmanes están exentos de esto, pero aún deben abstenerse de comer o beber en público, ya que esto se considera muy descortés. Las horas de trabajo también se reducen en el mundo empresarial. Las fechas exactas del Ramadán dependen de las observaciones astronómicas locales y pueden variar un poco de un país a otro. El Ramadán concluye con el festival de Eid al-Fitr , que puede durar varios días, generalmente tres en la mayoría de los países.

  • 13 de abril - 12 de mayo de 2021 ( 1442 d . H. )
  • 2 de abril - 1 de mayo de 2022 ( 1443 d . H. )
  • 23 de marzo - 20 de abril de 2023 ( 1444 d . H. )
  • 11 de marzo - 9 de abril de 2024 ( 1445 d . H. )

Si planea viajar a Jordania durante el Ramadán, considere leer Viajar durante el Ramadán .

Durante el Ramadán, y particularmente en el feriado de Eid al-Fitr, los horarios cambiarán. Muchos restaurantes, especialmente los que se encuentran fuera de Ammán, están cerrados durante las horas de luz del Ramadán y solo abren al atardecer. Sin embargo, esto no afecta a los principales restaurantes cercanos a los destinos turísticos. Además, durante Eid al-Fitr es imposible conseguir un servicio (minibús) al final de la tarde o al anochecer en muchas partes del país. Planifique con anticipación si va a llevar un servicio a un área periférica; es posible que deba tomar un taxi de regreso. Sin embargo, JETT y Trust International Transport generalmente agregan más autobuses a sus horarios durante este período de tiempo, especialmente los que van de Amman a Aqaba.

El cambio de horario deberá tenerse en cuenta especialmente con respecto al siguiente tema.

Días festivos

Algunos días festivos se basan en el calendario gregoriano:

1 de EneroAño nuevo
30 de eneroCumpleaños del rey Abdullah
25 de mayoDía de la Independencia
9 de junioDía de la adhesión del rey Abdullah
25 de DiciembreChristmas

Los días festivos religiosos se basan en el calendario islámico, que tiene 11 días menos que el gregoriano. Por lo tanto, las vacaciones se cambian. Las fiestas importantes son:

Muharram (مُحَرَّم)Año nuevo islámico
Ashura (عاشوراء)Día de ayuno y liberación del Profeta
Mawlid an-Nabī (النَّبِي)Cumpleaños del profeta Mahoma
1er Ramadán (رمضان)Inicio del ayuno
Eid al-Fitr (عيد الفطر)Festival de ruptura del ayuno
Eid al-Adha (الأضحى)Fiesta de sacrificio

Busque las últimas fechas en Internet.

De pie en filas

Los jordanos tienen un problema notable al hacer fila para el servicio. A menudo, los que están cerca de la parte trasera de una línea intentarán avanzar sigilosamente y pasar a los que están frente a ellos. Los miembros de la línea a los que se les pasa, en lugar de oponerse a esta táctica, a menudo comenzarán a emplear el mismo truco ellos mismos, en los miembros de la línea frente a ellos. El resultado final es a menudo una multitud ruidosa que se disputa el servicio en el quiosco en cuestión.

Nadie, incluida la persona que maneja el quiosco, se siente feliz cuando se desarrolla esta situación y, a menudo, las tensiones en la multitud que empuja parecen lo suficientemente altas como para que los desacuerdos violentos se sientan a pocos minutos de distancia. Sin embargo, no hay violencia y la sensación es que los jordanos reconocen límites distintos comunes en cuanto a lo que era razonable en la línea de empujones.

No obstante, debido a este fenómeno común en Jordania, se sugieren varias estrategias.

  1. Llegue temprano, reserve tiempo y sea paciente. Dado que una alineación degenerada rara vez es una alineación eficiente, tenga en cuenta en sus planes de viaje el hecho de que invariablemente tomará más tiempo de lo esperado para lidiar con cualquier arreglo de cabina de servicio, ya sea que se trate de aduanas, compra de boletos, espera para subir un bus, etc.
  2. No se enoje por la alineación ni se deje atrapar por las emociones de la multitud. Seguirás avanzando, incluso si algunas personas se escabullen frente a ti. Nadie en la 'multitud de la fila' es del todo irrazonable, y no seguirás siendo rechazado indefinidamente. A menudo, como mucho, terminará siendo atendido en el quiosco tres o cuatro turnos más tarde de lo esperado. Solo trata de relajarte y tómatelo con calma.
  3. Evite la alineación por completo cuando sea posible. A menudo, los quioscos manejan grupos en ráfagas, como un quiosco de aduanas que se ocupa de un autobús lleno de personas a la vez. En estos casos, si aún no comienza en la parte delantera de la fila, busque un lugar cómodo lejos de la multitud y espere a que el resto del grupo se abra paso antes que usted. Luego, dirígete al quiosco una vez que esté despejado. La ventaja de ser el último es que, a menudo, el encargado del quiosco apreciará su paciencia y estará feliz de tratar con usted ahora que no tiene una multitud que clama por su atención.

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