East Kalimantan - Kalimantan Orientale

East Kalimantan
Kayan Mentarang National Park
East Kalimantan - Location
Coat of arms and flag
East Kalimantan - Coat of Arms
East Kalimantan - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

East Kalimantan (Kalimantan Timur, often abbreviated to Kaltim) is a region ofIndonesia located on the island of Borneo.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Balikpapan - Large industrial port with huge oil refineries, Balikpapan it is a city with a high quality of life by Indonesian standards.
  • 2 Nunukan - Small port on the homonymous island with frequent maritime connections with Tawau, a village in the province Malaysian of Sabah.
  • 3 Samarinda - Capital of East Kalimantan, Samarinda is a port on the Mahakam River where tourists embark to reach the indigenous villages of the hinterland.
  • 4 Tarakan - City of 200,000 inhabitants on the island of the same name, Tarakan it was the scene of a bloody battle between Australian and Japanese troops at the end of World War II.

Other destinations

  • 1 Derawan Islands (Kepulauan Derawan) - Group of islands surrounded by corals with a varied marine fauna that attract fans of scuba diving.
  • 2 Labuan Cermin Lake - Idyllic lake on a cove on the central coast, made of fresh and brackish waters.
  • 3 Mancong - Tiny village on a tributary of the Mahakan among dense forests where it is possible to attend ceremonial folkloric dances.
  • 4 Kayan Mentarang National Park - Located on the mountain ridge that marks the border with Malaysia, the remote Kazan Mantarang park is covered in dense forests populated by gibbons, monkeys, Malay bears and rhinos.
  • 5 Kutai National Park - Located on the coastal plain, about 120 km north of Samarinda, Kutai Park lost much of its forest cover in raging fires between 1982 and 1983.
  • 6 Tering - A series of villages inhabited by the Dayak tribe, famous for their tattoos.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects