Kallithea (Halkidiki) - Kallithea (Chalkidiki)

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Kallithea (Halkidiki) is a city on Kassandra (Municipality on the western finger of the Chalkidiki peninsula).


The entrance to the town on the main road to Kallithea.

In the 1970s, a hotel complex was built near Kallithea that could accommodate up to 2200 tourists. In the course of time, other hotels were added that were located around the hotel complex, but also in Kallithea itself. The result was a huge flow of tourists who came to Kallithea every year to spend their holidays here. And the place has adapted to it. A spacious pedestrian zone was created with shops, taverns and bars that are tailored solely to the needs of travelers. Then there is the entertainment industry. A nationally known disco, a bowling alley, a cart alley and many other establishments were built on the street between the hotels and Kallithea. Until 6:00 a.m. you can listen to the techno music from the stigma, the discotheque known until Thessaloniki.

Not much is left of the actual place. A few Greeks still live here, but there are only a few left and they run the town's shops and bars.

If you like the hustle and bustle and the many people, you will surely have a great holiday in Kallithea. Those who want to have some peace and quiet will surely like the city less. There are only two opinions about Kallithea.

The name Kallithea means something like "good view" or "good view" and the city definitely lives up to that. The center is located directly on the cliff. You can see very far to the north as well as to the south and it is a really wonderful view. To the east of the main street there are a few taverns, some of which have a balcony with a sea view. You can have a good time here if you've got a good seat.

getting there

A side street in Kallithea

By plane

The best international way to get there is by plane Thessaloniki AirportThessaloniki Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaThessaloniki Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsThessaloniki Airport (Q127958) in the Wikidata database(IATA: SKG) at. From here it is 45 minutes by car to Kallithea. It takes longer by bus because it stops in every village.

In the street

A motorway leads south from Thessaloniki Nea Moudania. Here you have to turn south, Kassandra is signposted. On the quite well developed road you come directly to Kallithea.


A taxi is quite cheap in Kallithea. The nearby places can be easily reached by taxi. It makes sense to agree a price with the driver beforehand. So you can quickly and easily after Kassandria or Afytos reach. The bus is much more uncomfortable, it rarely drives, the journey is adventurous and the word punctuality is unknown here. The best thing to do is to take a rental car. But you should rent them specifically if you already know where you want to go. The roads on Kassandra are quite well developed, the signs are almost always available twice, once in Greek and once in English.

Tourist Attractions

The pedestrian zone in Kallithea at noon, so empty!

Kallithea has a lot of beautiful views to offer. From the main road you only have to go near the cliffs and get incomparable views to the north and south. You cannot see the two hotel castles in the north.


A lot can be done in Kallithea. Many water sports are on the program. Jet skiing or diving is possible, although not cheap.


The pedestrian zone leaves nothing to be desired for the tourist, all the shops that one would expect here are also available. But really Greek flair does not want to arise. If you really want to buy Greek things, you've come to the wrong place. It is a Mecca of souvenirs and kitsch that is sold here and has probably adapted to the needs of the customers.


Relax in Kallithea

Of course, the cuisine in Kallithea is also adapted to the needs of tourists. But even here the big fast food chains have not yet found their way into the market. But you can get pizza on every corner. But there are also taverns that still offer good Greek food. You just have to search a little. As everywhere in Greece you can also sit outside in almost every tavern, which is sometimes not nice, because you are sitting right on the main street, sometimes sensational when you sit with a sea view over the cliffs.

You can also sit here without eating anything, just to have a drink. Be careful with the drinks. If you order the ouzo for 5 euros, you get a 0.2 liter glass with ouzo, nuts, chips and olives. The ice cream is also served separately. In Greece it is customary to serve something to eat with a drink. After that you are definitely not allowed to drive a car.


Nightlife is what Kallithea is all about. Here you can party all night long, there is always a lot going on here. The word got around to Thessaloniki and the young people from Thessaloniki come when they have time to Kallithea to celebrate. But also the young people from other vacation spots on Kassandra flock to Kallithea at night to celebrate. The discotheque is very well known "Stigma"which can be found just north of Kallithea. You can listen to techno here until six in the morning. It's always full, always in a good mood.


The view from the cliff to the south.

There are quite a number of hotels in Kallithea. They are all designed for package tourists, but you can also book a room for one night. The hotels are located in the upper class. Most hotels have four stars, even if not all of them live up to this claim, or German tour operators like to raise the categories. You should look at the national category. This is often lower than that of the tour operator, but also fairer. The center of the hotels is a little south of Kallithea, here comes the complex of the two large hotels Athos Palace and Pallini Beach, which can accommodate up to 2200 visitors. The building sin from the 70s has been renovated again and again, they have made an effort and it is very pleasant, but the age cannot hide the complex. Around the area of ​​this complex there are a few hotels of newer origin, which are nicer designed.


The jobs in the hotels are very popular. Many of the people who work here come from far away and only go home on their days off. As long as you work here, you stay in the hotel complex. Here extra accommodation has been created for the staff. If you want to work here, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is very important. English is compulsory, German is desirable, and Russian, Romanian and Bulgarian are also in demand. The working conditions in the hotels are very tough. The working day has 12 hours, and when the hotels are full you always have something to do.

You can also find work in agriculture, but only temporarily, for example when the olives are ripe. But these jobs are also very popular and it is difficult to find a job.


Another beautiful view from Kallithea.

In Kallithea you have to be a little more careful than in the rest of Greece. Although crime hardly plays a role here, too, the masses of tourists have imported a little crime. This is also because the night draws a lot of people and it is very crowded. But the police are there and it's not really bad. You just have to be a little more careful.


There are several resident doctors in Kallithea. There is also a pharmacy. There is also a list of doctors who also speak German. You won't necessarily find them in Kallithea, but in the area you can certainly find a doctor who also understands German. In the pharmacy you can buy many things that you can only get with a prescription or not at all in Germany. The prices are much lower than in Germany.

Practical advice

Kallithea is very friendly. You can actually get by right away. The most important thing is to stay away from the main road, there is at least a lot of through traffic. As soon as you are a bit off the road, it becomes quieter and more beautiful, both towards the coast and towards the pedestrian zone.

Telephone in Kallithea

In Kallithea you have a connection to all the usual cell phone networks, and in the hotels there are also often W-LAN connections. If this is not the case, you still have an internet corner where you can check your e-mail. In the city there are also a number of internet cafes where you can get cheap internet access. The souvenir shops also sell postcards with associated stamps. The post doesn't take that long to get to Germany. The mail arrived after two to three days. But they are not as far as they are in Germany. Let the picture show it. One or the other will know it from childhood.


Nightlife in Kallithea

If you are on holiday in Kallithea, then you should not miss it a day after Thessaloniki to drive, on the one hand to enjoy the great shopping opportunities and on the other hand to simply get to know this side of Greece. You can book a tour that just takes you to Thessaloniki, but there are also tours that include a small guide, which also leaves you time to spend a little time in the city on your own.

A round trip around Sithonia you should definitely do it, be it with a guide in a bus or on your own by car. The more beautiful landscapes and views can be found here.

If you have a car, it is also a trip to Polygyros to recommend. Here, too, you can smell the beautiful Greek air without tourism overshadowing this beautiful scent. If you are already in Polygyros you almost inevitably come to the excavations of Olynthos over, which you can visit. And the Petralona caves are also on the way. If you do the excursion on Wednesday, you can first visit the market from Nea Moudania visit.


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