Kirchhain - Kirchhain

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Kirchhain is a city in Hesse.

getting there

In the street

By train

There is a rail connection via the Main-Weser-Bahn (route Frankfurt - Gießen - Marburg - Kassel). Regional express trains and regional trains stop at Kirchhain station. Unfortunately, the tracks in both directions can only be reached via stairs.

On the bike

Two long-distance cycle paths cross in Kirchhain:

  • Hess. Long-distance cycle route R6: From Waldecker Land into the Rhine Valley
  • Hess. Long-distance cycle route R2: The Four Rivers Tour


Almost everyone speaks High German here, the Upper Hessian dialect can be found at most in the districts, which are, however, quite uninteresting, otherwise English or French. The high proportion of people of Turkish origin who speak French is surprising


Map of Kirchhain

Tourist Attractions

  • Cozy pedestrian zone
  • Half-timbered town hall
  • Tanzlinde in the district of Himmelsberg (about 5 km northwest of the city above the Wohratals). The 700-year-old linden tree has a trunk diameter of around 9 m and is already largely hollow. The old tree can be found near the church in the village. Especially on hot days you can take a break under the canopy of the linden tree. The summer linden tree has been a natural monument since 1971. In 2001, the giant tree was "ennobled" as a motif for a special postage stamp from Deutsche Post (appeared as a special "Linde zu Himmelsberg" stamp in the "Natural Monuments in Germany" stamp series). Location of the linden tree: 50 ° 51 '33 "N.8 ° 54 '52 "E.
  • In the district of Langenstein: 1 Village churchVillage church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaVillage church in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsVillage church (Q72941168) in the Wikidata database with a remarkable "air rib vault", 4.75 m higher in the churchyard w: menhir


  • Cycling
  • hike - Extra tour Himmelsberg with dancing linden tree in the village Himmelsberg and observation tower in Burgholz. The 18.8 km long, mountainous circular hiking trail also touches the northern outskirts of Kirchhain (Information see leaflet as PDF).






  • Amöneburg - from Kirchhain train station approx. 5 km on foot or by bike (steep incline), also bus connection
  • Rauschenberg - Nice bike tour from Kirchhain on the R6 along the Wohra (approx. 8 km one way)


Web links

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