Kop van Overijssel - Kop van Overijssel

The region Kop van Overijssel (Head of Overijssel) is in the province Overijssel in the Netherlands.

Location map of Overijssel in the Netherlands
Kop van Overijssel
Kop van Overijssel


Other goals


The Kop van Overijssel consists of the former Zuiderzee towns Vollenhove, Blokzijl and Kuinre, which became part of the poldering of the Noordoostpolders (today province Flevoland) lost their former function as fishing ports. Vollenhove and Blokzijl still have enough water on their doorstep that is at least used for tourism, but Kuinre has lost everything since 1942: its port, its fishing fleet and the atmosphere that goes with it.

The wetlands, which are valuable today, begin to the east of these former coastal cities De Weerribben and De Wieden.

Already in the Middle Ages it was discovered that cut and dried bog could be used as fuel: peat. For centuries, peat cutting was the most important means of existence in this region. The peat was cut out in long strips, always leaving out a narrow strip of soil to dry the peat on. These strips were called "laying fields" or ribben (Ribs). In the beginning these were ribben often so narrow that they were knocked away in strong storms. This created large areas of water, e.g. B. the neighboring nature reserve De Wieden.

In De Weerribben it never came to that. Peat cutting started there later than in De Wieden and you had rules for the minimum width of the Ribben set up. Large areas of water as a result of being cut Ribben are therefore not to be found here. The at least 3 m wide Ribben and a maximum of 30 m wide petgaten (Moats) thus also clearly represent the original network of the bog colonization. The wooden ones Tjasker (Flutter mills) - two rebuilt specimens can be seen on Hoogeweg in Kalenberg - were used to drain the bog holes when the peat colonization slowly began.

Peat cutting remained of great importance for the region until around 1920. After that there was no longer enough usable moor available and made this branch of industry unprofitable. Over time, the local population switched to growing reeds. In and around the shallowly dredged water ditches, water and bank vegetation had developed. From that it developed Rietland The cultivation of reeds became an important source of income. The quality of the Overijssel reed was so good that it was known all over Europe. In 1919, however, a pumping station was built at Blokzijl to control the water level in northwest Overijssel. The Rietlanden therefore became less and less moist. This encouraged the process of silting up and the reeds became interspersed with marsh plants. The construction of the north-east polder in particular intensified this effect. The cultivation of reeds became less and less important. The residents of the area looked for other jobs, e.g. in agriculture. For some, however, the cultivation of reeds remained an important source of income.

getting there

By car

  • from the north of the country:
From Heerenveen over the A32 south towards Meppel / Zwolle. The Symbol: AS 7 (Steenwijk-Noord) leads to the country road N334. This leads to Zwartsluis and crosses the southern part of the Weerribben-Wieden National Park. From this country road several country roads lead westwards, i.e. into the Kop van Overijssel into:
    • N762: Blauwe Hand - St. Jansklooster - Vollenhove;
    • N331: Zwolle - Hasselt - Zwartsluis - Vollenhove.
  • from the east and south of the country:
From Zwolle over A28 to the north (towards Meppel). At the height of Staphorst on the A32 drive. Further see above.

With public transport

From the NS station Zwolle there is a local train every hour (.50) to Steenwijk (direction Leeuwarden). This is a central location for the subsequent bus traffic.



The central location for public transport is Steenwijk, where trains from Leeuwarden and Zwolle stop once an hour. The following bus lines connect the Kop van Overijssel with the big wide world:

  • Leeuwarden (13),
  • Meppel - Zwolle (40),
  • Zwartsluis - Zwolle (70),
  • Blokzijl - Marknesse (75),
  • Oldemarkt - Emmeloord (76),
  • Havelte (248),
  • Ossenzijl (276).

In addition to the OV chipkaart, which is valid throughout the Netherlands, there is one for Overijssel Dalkaart Overijssel & Flevoland. This inexpensive card is available outside the urban traffic areas of Deventer and Zwolle, the Twente region and the city lines of Almere and Lelystad. It applies outside of rush hour (Mon-Fri from 9 a.m., Sat Sun / ft all day). The price depends on the distance, see Tariff and route directory.


  • Kampen Kampereiland - Mandjeswaard
The self-service chain ferry for bicycles and pedestrians leads over the Ganzendiep. It runs daily from late June to mid-October (not when there is ice).
  • Genemuiden - Zwartsluis
The "Noordwesthoek I" is a motorized car ferry across the Zwarte Water and operates daily all year round.
  • Sint Jansklooster - laarzenpad
This self-service ferry connects a hiking trail and is only permitted for pedestrians. It can be used daily from August to March (not when there is ice). It does not go from April to July because of the bird breeding season.
  • Blokzijl - Jonen
This electrically powered cable ferry for bicycles and pedestrians runs daily from April to October. It can be used as a self-service ferry from November to March.
  • Kalenberg Weerribben
This simple cable ferry across the Vaart in Kalenberg is self-operated and only approved for pedestrians. It can be used every day except from March 1st to mid-July (bird breeding season).
  • Oldemarkt - Oldetrijne
This self-operated bicycle and pedestrian ferry leads across the linden tree from Overijssel to Fryslân. It is to be used daily (except when there is ice).

Tourist Attractions


Rouveen. Fair

Vollenhove. Open-air theater festival in front of the old castle ruins

  • Gondelvaart

Belt Schutsloot. The ornate and illuminated gondolas are the annual highlight in the village. 2nd fr in August

  • Euifeest

Hasselt. The streets and canals are illuminated during the hay festival. mid August


  • 1  Eetcafé `t Otterswold, Noorderweg 45, Belt-Schutsloot. Tel.: (0)38-3869127. Het Otterswold impresses with its location on the water. The menu offers, among other things. the whole variety of Dutch snacks. But there is also a "real" menu and good ice cream during the season.
  • 2  Eetcafé De Waterlelie, Belterweg 104, Belt-Schutsloot. Tel.: 31 38 3866574. This is also available in this water village: located on the water but still quiet. It is not a posh restaurant, but the menu has something to offer (dishes from the "large menu" between € 14.50 and 19.00).
  • 3  De Belt café-restaurant, Havezatherweg 4, Belt-Schutsloot. Tel.: 31 38 3867221. Located by the water, of course (a tour company is also part of it) with a terrace, but everything a bit more dignified than that Eetcafés. The menu is not for the small budget.
  • 4  Restaurant Hotel Geertien, Muggenbeet 3, Blokzijl. Tel.: 31 527 291245. The price level in the water sports town is significantly higher than in the country. But so is the quality.
  • 5  Restaurant "Kaatje bij de Sluis", Brouwerstraat 20, Blokzijl. Tel.: (0)527-29183. "Kaatje" was mentioned in the years ago Guide de Michelin found (1 star) and that is also defended. The kitchen is of the highest standard, the pricing doesn't let it go. No prices are given on the Internet, but you can safely assume that it will be expensive.
  • 6  Café Restaurant Prins Mauritshuis, Brouwerstraat 2, Blokzijl. Tel.: 31 527 291468. A house with history, which has housed the café-restaurant since 1998. The Prins Maurits Orphan Fund was set up here in 1676. The building itself dates from 1873, however. The menu is on the "usual" Blokzijler level: a little better and a little more expensive than usual (cold starters € 10.50 - 12.75; warm € 9.75 - 12 , 75; soups € 5.50; main courses meat € 18.75 - 26.75; HS fish € 17.00 - 29.75; HS vegetarian € 17.50; game menu € 34.75 (3 courses); desserts € 8.00 - 9.00; extensive lunch menu from € 3.95).
  • 7  Annekee, koffie- en theeschenkerij, Bierkade 9, Blokzijl. Tel.: 31 527 292991. Coffee and tea are served here, plus there is sweets from our own production. (Attention: Ndl. sweets are not cheap sticky camels, but mostly fine chocolates. What the Germans mean by "sweets" is called here zuurtjes.) The "Annekee" also has a hundred-year-old saloon boat, which the better-off used to use. It is used to organize tours today - and of course coffee and tea are also served there.
  • 8  Restaurant ‘t Zwaantje, Dominee T.O. Hylkemaweg 1, Giethoorn. Tel.: 31 521 361593, (0)6-44070034 (mobile). The restaurant is divided: one half of the room is a cozy dining room furnished in the old Dutch style, the other half offers a barbecue (grilled). The restaurant is surrounded by a terrace on three sides. The menu includes 30 types of pancakes, regional dishes as well as lunch and à la carte dishes.Open: Opening times: Jan - Nov Fri - Wed 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • 9  Restaurant De Lindenhof, Beulakerweg 77, Giethoorn. Tel.: 31 521 361444. Very exquisite eatery with an exciting menu.Price: The pricing is very simple: 1 dish € 59; 2 Ger. € 89; 3 Ger. € 109; 4 units € 129.
  • 10  Grand Café "De Fanfare", Binnenpad 68, Giethoorn. Tel.: 31 521 361600. The cozy mood of one bruin cafes together with the terrace, ensures that everyone feels comfortable here, regardless of whether they come here for a coffee, lunch or a large dinner. Day ticket for lunch € 3.75 - 12.50; Main courses € 13.50 - 19.50. Evening menu starters € 3.75 - 11.50; Soups € 4.50; Gourmet salads € 4.75 - 12.50; Main courses (meat / fish / vegetarian) € 13.60 - 19.50; Desserts € 3.50 - 5.75.
  • 11  Scackbar / ice cream parlor "Geythorn", Binnenpad 42, Giethoorn. Tel.: (0)521-361954. Chip stand and ice cream parlor right on the water. There are tables and chairs, both outside and inside, and everything else a fast-food heart desires.
  • 12  De Weerribben café-restaurant, Hoogeweg 9, Kalenberg. Tel.: (0)561-477243. There are a variety of pancakes here, but also other, hearty dishes if you order in advance. This will be a specialty Otterslokje (Otterschlückchen), a herbal liqueur from the Weerribben, which is only available here. Boats can also be hired from the café.
  • 13  Eetcafe Vrijstate, Kalenbergerpad 4, Kalenberg. Tel.: (0)561-477527. Eating, drinking, sightseeing and canoe rental. You can eat and drink on a cozy terrace by the water or in the 't Lokaal exhibition room.
  • 14  Café-Restraurant Het Doevehuis, Kalenberg-Zuid 1, Kalenberg. Tel.: (0)561-477394. Pancakes and delicious meat and fish dishes are also on the program, as is bike and canoe rental.


Hotels and hostels

  • 1  Hotel Geertien, Muggenbeet 3, Blokzijl. Tel.: (0)527-291245. The prices include a breakfast buffet (€ 9 p.p.). Excl. Tourist tax € 0.85.Price: single € 79.00; Double room / bathroom € 95.00; Double / bath shower € 99.00; Suite for 2 pers. € 140.00.
  • 2  HR De Jonge, Beulakerweg 30, Giethoorn. Tel.: (0)521-361360. Hotel-Restaurant De Jonge is located on one of the many canals in the village of Giethoorn. It exudes calm and tranquility. The prices depend on the season, they can also be higher on public holidays.Price: Prices: Double € 82.50-99.00; Double room deluxe € 99.00-109.00.
  • 3  City logement "De Smidse van Steenwijk", Gasthuisstraat 34-36, Steenwijk. Tel.: (0)521-520852, (0)6-21285991 (mobile). Spend the night in a museum, that's possible in this 3-star hotel. The rooms are comfortable and very tastefully furnished and breakfast is taken over the forge fire in the completely preserved forge.Price: Prices: double room 95.00; Suite € 155.00. Tourist tax € 0.85; Breakfast € 9.50 p.p. (Children up to 6 years pay half).
  • 4  "An't Water", Wetering West 77, Wetering. Tel.: (0)521-371311. Hotel / guest house, housed in a former farm from 1900. Since the agricultural activities were ended in 2000, the property has again belonged to the national park Weerribben-Wieden. In addition to the pension, there is a mini-campsite with ten places.Price: Prices: DR / BB € 56.00; HB € 90.00; Double room, shower, toilet, B&B € 61.00; HB € 95.00; Double shower / toilet / balcony BB € 66.00; HB € 100.00. The prices are room prices.
  • 5  Hotel Zwartewater, De Vlakte 20, Zwartsluis. Tel.: (0)38-3866444. Multifunctional sports and water sports center with hotel, located on Zwarte Water. Excellent views over the water, good service.Price: Prices: city side A B single € 53-56; Double € 79.50-85.00; Extra bed € 20; Waterside "Standard" single room € 63; Double € 100; Extra bed € 20; Waterside "Comfort" single room € 77.50; Double € 115; Extra bed € 26.50.

Bed & Breakfast


  • 6  "Woldberg" natural camping site, 't Goor 1a, Baars. Tel.: (0)561-474414. In the middle of the forest, not far from the national park Weerribben-Wieden and only 10 minutes (by bike) from Steenwijk is this natural camping site of the State Forestry Office SBB.Open: Open: 1.4. - 31.10.Price: Prices: tent / caravan / mobile home € 4.00; Small tent € 3.00; Adults € 4.50; Children (2-12) € 3.50; Pet € 1.00; Tourist tax € 0.65. In the off-season the prices are lower.
  • 7  Natural camping site "Landgut Oldenhof", Oppen Swolle 7, Vollenhove. Tel.: (0)527-241252. Campsite in the park forest of a historic country estate in the high country of Vollenhove. Particularly attractive for cyclists and hikers: You pay nothing for your tent.Open: Open: 1.4. - 15.10. (Ascension weekend closed).Price: Prices: Adults € 3.75; Children (4-20) € 2.75; Motorhome € 2.50; Tent / caravan € 2.00; Car € 2.00; Motorcycle € 1.00; Pet € 0.50; Tourist tax € 0.85; Environmental tax € 0.40.
  • 8  Natural camping site "De Dassenburcht", Vijverweg 5, Staphorst / Punthorst. Tel.: (0)527-231706. This "Dachsburg" from SBB is located in the forest district of Staphorst in a mixed forest with large trees, heather areas and moor lakes. The shielded ones hofjes on the square guarantee absolute tranquility when you need it. Of course, there is also a large field to run around. Not far away is the bathing lake "De Zwarte Dennen".Open: Open: 1.4. - 1.11.Price: Prices: tent / caravan / caravan € 4.00; Small tent € 3.00; Adults € 4.50; Children (2-12) € 3.50; Pet € 1.00; Tourist tax € 0.57. In the off-season the prices are lower.

Two Paalkampeer-Tent spaces are available in the Staphorst forestry department. Almost wild camping with a water pump with unfiltered water as the only comfort. The places are very secluded, accessible only to cyclists and pedestrians (cars have no chance). No more than three tents are allowed to stand on a pole, and no longer than 72 hours.

  • Het Schot on the Schotseweg in the Staphorst forestry department in the last forest before the development. GPS coordinates:
    • X 214,292 Y 519,722;
    • N 52.66173 E 6.26358.
  • Kievitshaar is on the edge of a heather field on Kievitshaarweg in the extreme south of the Staphorst forestry department. GPS coordinates
    • X 219.020 Y 514.263
    • N 52.61214 E 6.33241.
  • 9  Water sports campsite "Kleine Belterwijde", Vaste Belterweg 3, Belt-Schutsloot. Tel.: (0)38-3866795. Open: Open: 1.4. - 1.11.Price: Prices: Adults € 4.35; Children (-12) € 3.35; Caravan / tent € 4.35; Motorhome € 6.25; Electricity € 2.25; Boat € 4.35; Dinghy € 2.00; Motorcycle / moped € 0.75; Car € 1.90; Environmental / tourist tax € 1.00; Shower coins € 0.50.
  • 10  Mini camping Duinigermeer, Duinigermeerweg 6, Blokzijl. Tel.: (0)527-291771. Open: Open: 1.4. - 1.11.
  • 11  Mini campsite "De Veenwijde", Duinigermeerweg 4, Blokzijl. Tel.: (0)527-291907. Open: Open: 15.3. - 15.10.Price: Prices: Overnight stay € 2.20 p.p .; Caravan / tent € 1.75; Motorhome € 2.30; Car € 0.55; Electricity € 1.40; Tourist tax € 0.90; Environmental tax € 0.65; Pet € 0.50.
  • 12  Mini campsite "Boerenbont", Zuiderzeeweg 9, Blokzijl. Tel.: (0)527-291843. Open: Open: 15.4. - 30.9.
  • 13  Botel Giethoorn, Binnenpad 49, Giethoorn. Tel.: (0)521-361332. Open: Open: 1.4. - 15.10.Price: Prices: overnight stay € 3.50; small tent € 3.50; medium tent € 4.00; large tent € 5.00; Caravan € 5.00; Dog € 1.50.
  • 14  Mini campsite "Onder de Heerenbrug", Kanaaldijk 1, Giethoorn. Tel.: (0)521-511303. This small campsite is located directly on the Beukers - Steenwijk canal.Price: Prices: caravan / tent € 1.60; Small tent € 0.80; Car € 0.50; Motorhome € 2.10; Pet € 0.55; Overnight stay p.p € 1.80; Use of water / sanitary p.p. € 2.35; Environmental / tourist tax p.p. € 0.95. Children under 10 years old only pay for use of plumbing and taxes.
  • 15  Marina "De Molenwaard", van Nahuysweg 151, Hasselt. Tel.: (0)38-4771651. Website also in German. The marina also has a small campsite with Trekkers hats.
  • 16  Mini campsite "Het Doevehuis", Kalenberg-Zuid 1, Kalenberg. Tel.: (0)561-477394. In the middle of the island kingdom of Kalenberg in the national park Weerribben-Wieden is this small campsite.Price: Prices: caravan (large tent € 4.50; small tent from € 3.50; adults € 4.00; children (-12) € 2.75; dog € 2.00; electricity € 2.00. Taxes Incl.
  • 17  Mini camping "Schotererf", Worstsloot 1, Kuinre. Tel.: (0)527-231526. Price: Prices: tent pitch € 7.00 per night (tent / caravan car electricity (6A)); small additional tent € 1.00; Adult € 3.50; Child (0-3) € 1.75. Environmental taxes and hot water consumption are € 0.85 including tourist tax.
  • 18  Recreatiecentrum / Camping "de Kluft", Hoogeweg 26, Ossenzijl. Tel.: (0)561-477370. Tourist all-round operation at the northern entrance to the national park Weerribben-Wieden.Open: Open: Apr - Oct.Price: Prices: Adults € 3.80; Children (-3) free; Children (3-12) € 2.15; Caravan / mobile home / large tent € 9.50; Small tent up to 5m² € 6.00; Electricity € 2.75; Pet € 3.25; Environmental taxes € 0.35; Tourist tax € 0.85.
  • 19  Mini camping "'t Waterhoentje", Leeuwte 71, Sint Jansklooster. Tel.: (0)527-246674. In the southern part of the national park Weerribben-Wieden The Belterwijde can be reached from here by canoe.Price: Prices: 2 people all-in € 12.95 per day. 1 person all-in € 9.50 per day. This includes an overnight allowance. The price includes shower and hot / cold water, charges and taxes, electricity (6A); free use of all additional devices. Small tents (Trekkerstentje) with bicycles (18.00-9.30) all-in, but without electricity: € 5.00 per tent and day; € 2.50 per person and day.
  • 20  Camping "De Meppelerweg", Meppelerweg 168, Steenwijk. Tel.: (0)521-515772.
  • 21  Camping Swarte Sluys, De Vleugel 2, Zwartsluis. Tel.: (0)38-3866652.




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