La Cote - La Côte

The region La Cote lies on the north shore of Lake Geneva in the canton Vaud. The new districts (from January 1, 2008) Morges and Nyon have a share in it.


Other goals


The region is from the wine growing region La Cote originated because this is known it was natural to use it as a normal region name. However, it is not necessarily congruent with the wine-growing region. Especially the district of Cossonay, and everything that is not on the sea slope, but on the plateau, is usually no longer included in the La Côte region. Or then it will be used for all locations that are in the two districts of Nyon and Morges, as it will be valid from January 1st, 2008.

The wine-growing region includes all the communities west of Lausanne that grow wine, and that is almost all of them on the lakeshore.

The following municipalities have appellation status: Morges, Aubonne, Féchy, Perroy, Mont-sur-Rolle, Tartegnin, Coteau de Vincy, Bursinel, Vinzel, Luins, Begnins, Nyon.


The majority of French, German and English are widely used as second languages.

getting there


Tourist Attractions







Web links

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