Lama dei Peligni - Lama dei Peligni

Lama dei Peligni
Lama dei Peligni - foreshortening
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Lama dei Peligni is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

The Abruzzo chamois in the Lama park

It is known to naturalists as the country of chamois; it is located in a florofaunal area of ​​particular interest within the Maiella National Park.

Geographical notes

the town is located between the Aventino river and the slopes of the Maiella massif. To connect the two banks of the river, several bridges were built, which collapsed except one, which is called Iron bridge, built with the pieces of wood that were used in the construction of the rails. The environment of Lama dei Peligni presents itself: it ranges from the lower altitude area where vast oak woods prevail, passing through the steep rocky crags inhabited among other things by squirrels, roe deer and wild boars, up to the flat areas located at high altitudes in where, for example, the Apennine edelweiss vegetate.

The town is home to the first faunal area of ​​the Abruzzo Majella chamois and it is not uncommon to see specimens of this particular Apennine species. It is 53 km from Chieti, 29 from Roccaraso, 40 from They launch, 4 from Taranta Peligna.


The territory has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as amply testified by a series of cave paintings found in the caves of the area and the remains of a Neolithic village. In "Contrada Fonterossi", right in the vicinity of the Neolithic site, the so-called Maiella man, human remains of a prehistoric burial dating back to 7000-5000 BC.

In Roman times the area was inhabited by the Italic tribe of the Carecini, of Samnite derivation, distributed in the main inhabited centers of Cluviae and Juvanum. The Middle Ages period was characterized by the presence of some monasteries and hermitages where ascetics and saints lived; among the many it should be mentioned the Blessed Roberto da Salle, disciple of Celestino V, who stayed at the local Hermitage of Sant'Angelo.

The development of the town in the field of wool production began in the Renaissance period. The history of Lama dei Peligni is also marked by the destruction suffered due to violent earthquakes. Nearby is the Grotta del Cavallone where Gabriele D'Annunzio set "The daughter of Jorio".

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the localities of Corpi Santi, Fonti Rossi, Vaccarda and Piani Marini.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A14 A14 motorway, exiting at the Val di Sangro tollbooth and continuing for Casoli, Lama dei Peligni;
  • A25A25 exiting at the tollbooth of Sulmona and continuing for Roccaraso, Palena, Lama dei Peligni
  • Strada Statale 84 Italia.svg It is crossed by the former state road 84 Frentana

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

Piazza Umberto I and the portico of San Nicola
  • 1 Parish church of San Nicola e Clemente, piazza Umberto I (in front of the town hall). The original building dates back to the 16th century. In the eighteenth century two windows were added on the facade to make the interior brighter; the portico on the right side is from the twentieth century. The facade is rectangular. A tympanum overlooks the portal, while a rose window is decorated with some heads of angels. The portico has six spans with a round arch. The bell tower has three levels marked on the outside by a string course.
The interior has three naves. In the side aisles there are minor altars, with representations of Saints. In the right aisle appear, in order, a niche with St. Sebastian, a first modern altar with an effigy of the Divine Mercy (recently set up), which houses the baptismal font, the latter covered by a late-Gothic wooden chest dating back to the nineteenth century. Subsequently there is an altar with the Madonna Addolorata and the dead Christ, then an altar with St. Anthony of Padua and finally a last one with the representation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the left aisle, a first altar with the Madonna del Rosario, then an altar with a painting of the Madonna delle Grazie. Subsequently an altar with S. Cesidio, followed by the one in honor of S. Giuseppe. Finally there is a niche with S. Gabriele dell'Addolorata. At the back of the church, on the entrance door, there is a mezzanine supported by four columns, which houses a pipe organ built in the seventeenth century. At the bottom left of the central nave there is a wooden pulpit, with representations of the life of Jesus. The high altar placed in the center of the presbytery takes light from the dome. Behind the altar is the urn of the Holy Child, with the tabernacle underneath.
  • 2 Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia and Convent of Sant'Antonio da Padova (in the Largo Convento locality). The convent was founded in 1327 by Roberto da Salle: the five-storey bell tower divided by string courses was built by Roberto Verlengia. The second and fifth floors have mullioned windows with a balustrade. The church has a gabled facade. The tympanum has some decorations that show stories of Saint Anthony. A statue of the same saint is placed above the tympanum. The interior has a single nave.
The adjoining convent is located to the left of the church which consists of several rooms with stone walls. Inside it preserves a copper cross by Abruzzese workers of the fourteenth century, a statue of the Madonna of the twelfth century and the manuscripts of Sant'Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori.
  • Church of San Rocco (at the Plebiscito lake). The church has been remodeled several times on a building dating back to the mid-17th century. It was rebuilt in 1713 after the earthquake of 1703, a time when it is enriched with silverware and sacred furnishings. The bell tower was added in 1802; it has four floors marked on the outside by string courses. The first three floors are in stone, while the last is in brick with corners reinforced by cantonals. In 1933 the church was rendered impracticable due to the earthquake which required a restoration.
The Second World War caused damage to the apse and the facade rebuilt in the 1950s. The roof was rebuilt in 1994. The interior is a hall divided by four bays supported by three pairs of pillars. The apse is covered with a sail.
  • 3 Church of San Pietro, on the provincial road to Taranta Peligna. The church was built in the twentieth century on a pre-existing building. The façade is gabled with two bell towers. The door is preceded by a small staircase. The portal is surmounted by a window in turn surmounted by a tympanum. The interior, with a hall, preserves a wooden bust depicting St. Francis Xavier.
  • 4 Church of San Clemente. It is located on a ravine on the outskirts of the town. Given the lack of sources it is not possible to date the foundation of the church with certainty, however a stone of the church dates back to 1529. The 1933 Maiella earthquake and subsequently the Second World War caused the religious building to be abandoned forever. The structure of the church is simple and poor with stone walls of different shapes. The facade was perhaps a gable. Beside the portal were devotional windows. Due to the lush vegetation that is inside it is not possible to access it.
  • Church of the Madonna dei Corpi Santi. In the homonymous district, the current building is the result of the reconstruction in the nineteenth century of a previous building destroyed in the earthquake of 1706. Among the relics of the old church remain a lead lamp and a statue of the Madonna. The crowning is horizontal. A tympanum divides the facade into two parts. : The interior has a single nave with side chapels.
  • Verlengia Palace, piazza Umberto I. The presence of a baroque grating suggests that the building dates back to the eighteenth century. The palace was reworked in the twentieth century. It is currently only partially inhabited. Where the plaster has fallen, traces of masonry can be seen. The door also has a stone exhibit.
  • Palace of the Tabassi Barons, piazza Umberto I. The building dates back to the 16th century; later the building was renovated and remodeled. The building is on three levels separated by string courses. The main facade has giant pilasters in the corners on which an entablature is placed. The main portal is in stone surmounted by a round arch. Above the frame of the door is the coat of arms of the ducal family. Next to the main portal there are three other lowered portals. On the upper floors it is enlivened by windows and balconies that have a classic layout.
  • Ducal Palace, piazza Umberto I. The palace was built by the will of the Di Capua dukes in the sixteenth century. In 1756 it was owned by the D'Aquino family of Caramanico. Little remains of the original structure except some cantonal stone and a few windows. The building is on three levels. The cantonal consists of a pilaster that is surmounted by a circular element supported by shelves. The window located on a cantonal has a stone exhibition with piers with floral motifs decorations placed on a window sill supported by shelves. The frame on which the entablature ends is supported by some shelves with acanthus leaf decoration. The facade has a shoe profile.
  • Cinnamon source, via Nazionale Frentana. Fountain with three spouts with two rectangular-shaped basins placed on the sides, perhaps built in the twentieth century on a previous building placed on a spring. The tub has a molded profile and is supported by two volute pedestals. The back wall has an overhanging cornice, surmounted by a higher attic in the central part.
  • Naturalistic Archaeological Museum "Maurizio Locati". The museum is divided into two rooms in which panels, dioramas, multimedia supports, naturalistic and archaeological finds show the history of the territory. A section is dedicated to the processing of pasta.
A reconstruction of a Maiella cave with its rock paintings introduces the archaeological section, dedicated to Francesco Verlengia. The archaeological section exhibits objects from Prehistory to the Middle Ages from Lama dei Peligni and the adjacent municipalities: vases, coins, a funerary kit with iron and bronze objects, Roman funerary tombstones from the imperial age and the cast of theMaiella man whose original dates back to 7000 years ago and comes from the archaeological excavations of Fonterossi.
The naturalistic section is dedicated to Abruzzo chamois. Around the museum there is the Michele Tenore botanical garden.
  • "Michele Tenore" Botanical Garden. The floral oasis, founded in 1995, was recognized as a "garden of regional interest" by the Abruzzo region in 1998. The symbol of the floral center is the cornflower of the Maiella and it was named after Michele Tenore as he was the first to identify this flower on the Maiella.
The garden hosts 500 on an area of ​​9000 m² and is divided into various didactic sections and other sections that represent the various plant environments of the Maiella. Many species are endemic to the central Apennines or endemic to the Maiella. Among the various reconstructions there is the reconstruction of an agricultural landscape dating back to the Neolithic. Many species collected in the park are at risk of extinction and therefore are included in the Red Book of Italy or in the Red List of Abruzzo plants.
Upon request, it is possible to organize meetings and projections relating to nature, thematic educational courses, seminars and theoretical-practical courses on nature. In addition, the park collects various seeds to exchange them with various other Italian and foreign botanical gardens.


Entrance to the Grotta del Cavallone
  • 5 Cavallone cave, former state road 84. The Grotta del Cavallone opens onto the overhang of the rocky wall located on the left side of the Taranta Valley at an altitude of 1475 and extends for over 1400 meters. The area is divided between the municipalities of Lama dei Peligni and Taranta Peligna Rich in concrete formations, it offers visions of great suggestion. From the base, the opening is similar to a large bird's nest; in reality, the grandeur and grandeur of the entrance to the fantastic wall is striking. The cave consists of a series of conduits and concreted rooms, equipped for tourist visits for about 800 meters, whose toponymy is largely governed by characters from D'Annunzio's tragedy The Daughter of Iorio and by more or less happy similarities. It is also called Cave of the daughter of Iorio as Francesco Paolo Michetti drew inspiration from the entrance cave for the scenography of the second act of D'Annunzio's tragedy which was staged at the Teatro Lirico in Milan on March 4, 1904; and in the wake of the success of the poet's work, the cave attracted numerous visitors and scholars, many of whom described it in imaginative terms rich in inspired metaphors.
  • Canosa Cave. The cavity is a shelter under the rock at an altitude of 2604, between the Valle di Female Morta and the Valle Cannella, clearly visible from afar and the convergence point of some itineraries for Monte Amaro. The common finitimi of Taranta Peligna, Lama dei Peligni e Pacentro they chose it as the border of their respective territories.
  • Grotta Sant'Angelo and hermitage. The cave with the annexed hermitage is located at 1300 meters above sea level. Nearby there is also the cave with the hermitage of Sant'Agata di Diver.
The first undoubted news dates back to 1447 with the numbering of the fires of the Sangro Valley when a certain "Margarita concubina prioris Sancti Angeli de Monte" is mentioned. Some of the characteristics of the cave led to the idea of ​​building a monastery of San Michele Arcangelo which was then built by Roberto da Salle in the Lombard period. In the thirteenth century the hermitage of Sant'Angelo was built.
Linked to the cave and the hermitage are two tales between history and legend.
The first recalls that in 1327 the hermitage was inhabited by the blessed Roberto da Salle before founding the underlying monastery, perhaps the Monastery of Santa Maria della Misericordia in Lama dei Peligni.
The second tells that in 1656 the notary Camillis di Lama took refuge in the cave to escape the plague. While in the cave he found a boot full of gold coins. Thus began a treasure hunt that caused the destruction of the few remaining walls of the hermitage.
The entrance to the cave is very rough and steep. The small cell perhaps had a small window on the side of the valley. An entrance hall was perhaps the inhabited part since it was flatter. An access stairway carved into the rock allowed you to enter where a holy water stoup was built, still digging the rock. In ancient times the entrance hall was closed at the front by a large wall. Of the other structures, a small wooden aedicule remains. In the background and on the sides of the aedicule there were paintings of Sant'Angelo, San Benedetto and Pietro da Morrone, paintings that have now disappeared. A basin is located near a wall where a vein of water was conveyed while moss was born in a small spring.

Events and parties

  • Re-enactment of the devil's temptations in Sant'Antonio abate. Simple icon time.svguntil January 17th.
  • Patronal feast of San Sebastiano. Simple icon time.svg20 th January.
  • Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (in the Fonterossi district). Simple icon time.svg1st Sunday of May.
  • Canoe gathering (on the Aventine). Simple icon time.svg3rd Sunday of May.
  • Feast of the Holy Child of Lama. Simple icon time.svgPenultimate Saturday and Sunday in May.
  • Festival "Aventino Blues. Simple icon time.svgLast week of July.
  • Music party. Simple icon time.svg11 August.
  • Feast in honor of Sant'Antonio. Simple icon time.svg12-13 August.
  • Feast of San Martino (in the Fico San Martino district). Simple icon time.svgPenultimate Saturday and Sunday of August.
  • Feast of the Madonna di Corpi Santi (in the Corpi Santi district). Simple icon time.svg1st Saturday and Sunday of September.
  • Feast of Santa Barbara. Simple icon time.svg25-26 December.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Check mark, via Nazionale Frentana, 210, 39 0872 916004.

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 1 Drums, Via Nazionale Frentana 65, 39 0872 91234.

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Taranta Peligna - It preserves ancient churches and has areas of naturalistic interest such as the Cavallone cave, the Canosa Cave, the Acquevive, the Taranta Valley.
  • Palena
  • Roccascalegna - Its castle, located on the top of a rocky ledge like an eagle's nest, dominates the town; the small village, made up of a few low houses, develops at the foot of the fortress.
  • Casoli - The urban center, gathered around the ducal castle and the parish church, is perched on a hill to the right of the Aventino river, at the foot of the Majella.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lama dei Peligni
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Lama dei Peligni
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).