Le Creusot - Le Creusot

Le Creusot
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Le Creusot is a city in Burgundy in France.

Map of Le Creusot


Le Creusot is located in the Burgundy region and is the provincial capital (French: chief lieu de cantons) for Le Creusot-Est and Le Creusot-Ouest in the department Saône-et-Loire. With about 23,000 inhabitants, it is the third largest city in the Departemane after Chalon-sur-Saône and Mâcon (Seat of the prefecture). The economy is leading in the fields of special steel (Arcelor-Mittal), energy (Areva, General Electric Oil & Gas, Siag), transport (Alstom, Safran-Snecma) and others. Le Creusot has a turbulent industrial history rolled into one Écomusée[1] will be shown. the François Bourdon Academy, an industrial archive, shows the history of the founding family cutter on. Since 1990, the city has been trying to score with the Park des Combes, where special facilities attract fans of sport and relaxation, including a tourist train.

getting there

Le Creusot is very well connected to the traffic routes:

  • The A6 motorway passes nearby.
  • By TGV (Le Creusot Montceau TGV train station), Paris is just 1 hour 20 minutes and Lyon 40 minutes away.
  • The regional train station (TER) is located in the city center.


Traffic normally flows and obstructions are rare. In the city there is a new system of traffic light control that prevents unnecessary waiting times at red traffic lights: a short flash is enough and the traffic light immediately switches to green when the passage is free. This innovation has long been the pride and joy of the Creusotins (Resident of Le Creusot), it made the surrounding cities jealous. An effective system of public transport links the neighborhoods and surrounding places. A special system of Call taxis arranges the shuttle service to the TGV train station.

Tourist Attractions

There are numerous things to see and marvel at in the city, when you put on the appropriate glasses.

  • Marteau Pilon. This monument at the city entrance is the symbol of the pride of the workers' city and documents the solidarity with history. There are numerous legends, some of them exaggerated, about the monument, but all of them refer to an incredible masterpiece.

In addition, the city offers visitors and residents a rich cultural life.

  • Glassware Museum. Le Creusot's Écomusée at Château de la Verrerie presents the city and region's rich industrial history. You shouldn't miss the view of the park.
  • The city is known for its sporting events, especially rugby, soccer and handball.
  • There are facilities for riding, ULM (Microlight) and billiards.

If you come by at the beginning of July, reserve a room for July 14th to watch the traditional fireworks display on the national holiday, which has no equal in France ...


The best thing to do on vacation is to just let yourself drift ... In order to feel at home in this simple working-class city, one should leave the beaten tourist path and the stress of sightseeing: there is nothing that absolutely has to be seen here, no great monuments. Get to know the place in the market (2 rue du maréchal Foch) at the bar du marché and enjoy a glass of wine. This is where you get to know the nice residents and find out the quickest way to get the latest news and where it is worth going «today». For example, they will suggest a game of pool to relax. Then stroll through the city for shopping, visit a park or a museum.


There are numerous shopping opportunities from boutique to department store; and it's nice to know that the prices are lower than in paris ...


  • 1  Shao Restaurant, Avenue François Mitterrand, 71200 Le Creusot. Tel.: 33 3 85 77 15 15. Open: daily 12 noon - 2.30 p.m. 7 p.m. - 10.30 p.m.

To quench your thirst (French: boire un verre) there are several inexpensive addresses. The places that have a billiards table are particularly preferable, as this makes it easier to get in touch while doing an entertaining activity.



Practical advice

The predominant language is of course French. The locals can be recognized by their local sound. Don't be fooled by this Argot worry, but enjoy the diversity of the French language.





Web links


  1. About the same as ours open air museum.
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