Liaoning - Liaoning

Mount Fenghuang in Fengcheng, Dandong in Liaoning Province
Liaoning - Localization
Institutional website

Liaoning is a province of the Northeast China.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Shenyang (沈 阳; Shěnyáng) - An industrial and very polluted city, the provincial capital was nevertheless the subject of a vast building renovation which gave it a modern appearance. Shenyang was the birthplace of the Quing emperors and retains interesting 17th century monuments.
  • Anshan (鞍山; Ānshān) - Third largest city in the province, a heavy industrial area, but also contains the Qianshan National Park and other important tourist sites.
  • Benxi (本溪; Běnxī) - Once heavily polluted industrial city but now reclaimed. Contains the Benxi Shuidong National Park with its caves full of water.
  • Chaoyang (朝阳; Cháoyáng) - Known as the fossil city Chinese for the many important paleontological discoveries.
  • Dalian (大连; Dàlián) - One of the busiest ports in the China, Dalian is, on a par with Shanghai, a model city that testifies to the unstoppable economic development of country.
  • Dandong (丹东; Dāndōng) - Chaotic city, Dandong is the gateway to the mysterious North Korea, thanks to a bridge that spans the Yalu River which marks the border between the two countries.
  • Fushun (抚顺; Fǔshùn) - Several famous Chinese have come from here including Lei Feng, making this, a national pilgrimage site.
  • Jinzhou (锦州; Jǐnzhōu) - Access point to the western corridor of Liaoning.
  • Liaoyang (辽阳; Liáoyáng) - It has a number of historical sites, including the White Pagoda (Baita Si), which dates back to the Yuan Dynasty.
  • Lüshunkou (旅順 口; Lüshun) - Navy base, Lüshun was known in colonial times as Port Arthur and was disputed between Russia is Japan.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Liaoning
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Liaoning
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