St. John the New Monastery in Suceava - Mănăstirea Sfântul Ioan cel Nou din Suceava

St. John the New Monastery in Suceava
RO SV St. John the New Monastery.JPG
Monastery Church (UNESCO heritage)
The profile of the monastery
Hram:Saint George and Saint John the New
Founder:Bogdan III
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Location:Str. Ioan Vodă Viteazul 2, Suceava

The "Saint John the New" Monastery from Suceava is a monastic settlement located in Suceava county, Moldavia, Romania.


The "Saint John the New" Monastery in Suceava is an Orthodox monastery built between 1514-1522 by unknown craftsmen. Between 1522 and 1677, the monastery was the metropolitan residence of Moldavia, and since 1991 it has been the residence of the archbishops of Suceava and Radauti. Here are the relics of St. John the New, brought in 1589 from the Mirăuți Church. The monastery ensemble is composed of: The Church „St. Gheorghe ”, the abbey, the bell tower and the Clisarnița (chapel); all inscribed on the list of historical monuments in Suceava County.

The monastery church

The church of the monastery is dedicated to "Saint George the Great Martyr", its construction was completed in 1522 by Bogdan's son, Ștefăniță Vodă (1517-1527). It has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1993. The architectural building was built according to a triconch plan, with a narthex, nave and altar, supported by 9 buttresses. The tower rises above the nave and has an octagonal shape. The place of prayer was painted (both inside and outside) in Byzantine-style fresco by unknown painters.


The “Saint John the New” Monastery is located on 2 Ioan Vodă Viteazul Street, in Suceava.


The monastery does not offer accommodation. Nearby are the following hotel units:


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