Voroneț Monastery - Mănăstirea Voroneț

Voroneț Monastery
RO SV Church of Voroneț Monastery.JPG
Monastery Church (UNESCO heritage)
The profile of the monastery
Hram:St. George the Great Martyr
Founder:Stephen the Great
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Location:Voroneț, Gura Humorului,

Voroneț Monastery, nicknamed the "Eastern Sistine Chapel", is a medieval monastic settlement located in Suceava county, Moldavia, Romania.


Voroneț Monastery is one of the most valuable foundations of Stephen the Great. The church of the monastery was built in 1488 and is part of the world cultural heritage, under the auspices of UNESCO. It was built according to a trilobate plan, with a tower with a Moldavian vault on the nave. In 1547, Metropolitan Grigore Roșca, cousin of Petru Rareș, initiated the addition of a closed porch. The uniqueness of the place of prayer is given both by the painting of the exterior walls (from the foundation to the eaves) and by the west wall of the porch which is a solid wall without any opening.

The interior painting of the place dates from 1496 and represents biblical scenes, some with a clear monumental character. The exterior painting (dating from the reign of Petru Rareș) is considered the most successful ensemble of Moldovan feudal art, with brightly colored frescoes in which green and blue predominate. The west façade is painted with the scene of the Last Judgment.


The architectural building is located in the village of Voroneț (today the district of Gura Humorului), 77 km away. distance from Vatra Dornei (by DN17 / E58), on the route: Valea Putnei - Pojorâta - Câmpulung Moldovenesc - Gura Humorului - Voroneț.


The monastery does not offer accommodation. Nearby are the following hotel units:


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