Moldovița Monastery - Mănăstirea Moldovița

Moldovița Monastery
RO SV „Buna Vestire” Church of Moldovița Monastery.JPG
Monastery Church (UNESCO heritage)
The profile of the monastery
Hram:Good news
Founder:Petru Rareș
Data of the monastery
Dating:16th century (1532)
The country:Romania
Location:Vatra Moldoviței, Suceava County

Moldovița Monastery is a monastic settlement located in Suceava county, Moldavia, Romania.


The monastic complex dates from the 16th century and includes several buildings (historical monuments); thus: the “Annunciation” church (on the UNESCO World Heritage List), the churchyard, the winter chapel, the enclosure wall with the corner tower, the south cells and the entrance bell tower.

Church of the Annunciation

Church of the Annunciation (southwest view)

The “Buna Vestire” church, founded by Petru Rareș, continues the architectural style of the Moldavian monasteries, combining in a perfect harmony the elements of Byzantine art with the Gothic ones. The exterior fresco on the southern wall of the church has been preserved in excellent condition, being one of the attractions of Moldovița Monastery. The painting made in post-Byzantine style (with Gothic influences) is attributed to some church painters coordinated by the famous Toma de la Suceava, the court painter of Petru Rareș.


Moldovița Monastery is a monastic settlement located in the village of Vatra Moldoviței in Suceava County, 60 km. from Vatra Dornei on the route: Iacobeni - Valea Putnei - Câmpulung Moldovenesc (national road DN17A and DN17 / E58).


The monastery does not offer accommodation. Nearby are the following hotel units:


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