Ancona brand - Marca anconitana

Ancona brand
Panorama of Ancona
Marca anconitana - Location
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Anconetano is the territory of the city of Ancona, capital of the Marche

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Ancona coast

Map of the Anconetano

The capital is located in a bend of the Adriatic Sea Ancona

To the south of the capital is the promontory of Monte Conero, established as a regional park in 1991 and the Riviera del Conero with the seaside resorts of Portonovo, Numana and the beaches of Sirolo it is a popular summer holiday destination.

Further south, on a hill in a panoramic position overlooking the sea it stands Loreto with the Basilica of the Holy House, one of the most revered Catholic pilgrimage sites.

To the north of Ancona it is instead Senigallia, a city of pre-Roman origin with a tourist port and a fair amount of artistic heritage.


  • Esino Valley - In the Esino valley, the most important river of the Marche for basin width are Clairvaux, with the abbey of Santa Maria in Castagnola, an interesting example of Cistercian architecture, Jesi, production area of ​​the "Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi" wine e Serra San Quirico, surrounded by medieval walls. The small center of Arcevia with its castles and prehistoric sites can be reached via a branch from Serra San Quirico. Continuing to go up the course of the Esino, you meet Fabriano, renowned for its paper mills and its historic center as well as for excursions to the nearby mountains of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.
  • Cesano Valley - The Cesano is a small river that has its sources in Monte Catria in the territory of Urbino. and flows into the Adriatic near Senigallia. The most interesting center of the valley is Corinaldo, which has long been included in the list of "The most beautiful villages in Italy and also known for the witches' festival at the end of October, with the alleys of the town and its ancient houses as a worthy backdrop.
  • Osimo - Close to Loreto, Osimo it is a city with an interesting architecture and in addition its subsoil has a network of caves that communicate with the cellars of ancient noble palaces.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

Verdicchio vineyards in the Cupramontana area

The Verdicchio of the Castles of Jesi it is one of the best known white wines in the world. It goes particularly well with fish and should be served fresh.


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