Mediterranean Morocco - Marocco mediterraneo

Mediterranean Morocco
Jebel Musa, believed to be one of the Pillars of Hercules, seen from the Spanish coast

Mediterranean Morocco is a region of Morocco.

To know

The region of Morocco overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar is much less visited than its Spanish counterpart on the opposite shore. The coast is high and rocky and after Tetouanproceeding eastwards, the coastal road becomes narrow and winding requiring long travel times. The interior, dominated by the Rif mountain range is even less visited except for Chefchaouen, close enough to Tangier and, all in all, easy to access.

Geographical notes

Much of the region is occupied by the Rif, the mountain range that runs from nearby Cape Spartel Tangier, in Ras Kebdana on the border line withAlgeria. The northern slope of the Rif descends on the Mediterranean coast while the southern one delimits the valley of the river (wadi) Sebou which has its springs near the picturesque village of Tarhit.

Along the Sebou valley, crossed by the railway and the N6 state road Taza and the imperial cities of Fez is Meknes. The very fertile Saïs plain separates the Rif from the Middle Atlas.

When to go

The summer months are the best time to stay, especially if you intend to use it in sea bathing.

Contrary to what some might think, Mediterranean Morocco enjoys a milder and even more humid climate than that of the opposite coast. Andalusian.

Average daily temperatures range from 12 ° C in winter to 25 ° C in summer. On the Rif mountains the temperatures are lower. The region is also characterized by more rainfall than the rest of the country and only the summer months guarantee completely clear skies.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Al-Hoseyma - City on the gulf of the same name and well-known seaside resort frequented by vacationers from the Benelux.
  • 2 Ceuta - A Spanish possession, Ceuta is connected to the ports on the opposite shore by a comings and goings of ferries.
  • 3 Chefchaouen - Mountain village among extensive olive groves, Chefchaouen with its white houses with blue painted shutters, it is a perfect postcard city reminiscent of the Greek islands.
  • 4 Jerada - A former mining town in the Beni Snassen Mountains.
  • 5 Melilla - Spanish possession, and possible gateway to the east coast for those coming by sea from Spanish ports.
  • 6 Nador - Located on the lagoon called "Mar Chica" (Daughter of the sea), Nador it forms a single urban agglomeration with the city Spanish of Melilla.
  • 7 Ouezzane - City that has retained something of the past atmospheres Andalusian. In the fifteenth century Ouezzane welcomed many Jewish refugees from Spain who had not wanted to convert to Catholicism.
  • 8 Oujda - Capital of eastern Morocco, Oujda is a border town but the border between Algeria is Morocco has been closed since 1993.
  • 9 Saidia - Located right on the border line with theAlgeria, Saidia is a recently established seaside resort, advertised as "the blue pearl of the Mediterranean".
  • 10 Tangier - Main gateway to Mediterranean Morocco, Tangier is a city of exotic charm that in the past has attracted artists (Henri Matisse), musicians (Jimi Hendrix), politicians (Winston Churchill), writers (Burroughs, Mark Twain), publishers (Malcolm Forbes) and extravagant personalities of the jet set (Barbara Hutton).
  • 11 Tetouan - Capital of northern Morocco, Tetouan it is the base for reaching both the Rif mountains and Tamuda bay where the seaside resorts of Martil is Cabo Negro.

Other destinations

  • 1 Ain Beni Mathar - Border town, 80 km south of Oujda, Aïn Beni Mathar has become an innovative city thanks to a solar energy production plant. In the fields of tourism and sport the city has distinguished itself thanks to the creation of a paragliding association which has been very successful but apart from that Ain Beni Mathar it is only a transition point from the Mediterranean to the Saharan region of Morocco.
  • 2 Jebel Musa - The mount is considered one of the Pillars of Hercules along with the Rock of Gibraltar although other interpretations identify the southern column in Mount Hacho of Ceuta.
  • 3 Kariat Arekmane - Village at the eastern end of the "Mar Chica".
  • 4 Oued Laou - A small seaside town, halfway between Tetouan is Chefchaouen with a long and beautiful beach.
  • 5 Al Hoceima National Park - Bordered to the north by the Mediterranean Sea and to the south by the national road nº 16, the park extends over an unspoiled stretch of coast, characterized by cliffs and high cliffs with which the Rif mountains plunge directly into the sea. The park consists of the territories of five coastal municipalities which are, from west to east, Bni Boufrah, Senada, Rouadi, Izemmouren and Ait Kamara, south of Izemmouren.
  • 6 Ras El Ma (Cape de Agua) - Wide beach in front of the Chafarinas islands under Spanish sovereignty, frequented by local families who picnic there on weekends.

How to get

By plane

The airports of Tangier, Nador is Al-Hoseyma they have a large number of international flights, the first also from Italian airports.

How to get around

What see


Assuming you start from Tangier to proceed eastwards, we will meet the following centers: Ceuta, Tetouan is Chefchaouen.

From Oued Laou, the N16 state road, a narrow and winding road, follows a dramatic stretch of coast to the small town of El Jebha, after which it departs from the sea to join the N2 just before the gulf of Al-Hoseyma. Along this last stretch are the magnificent beaches of Cala Iris and Torres de Alcala. The N2, in the stretch from Chefchaouen to Al-Hoseyma instead it passes through the area of Ketama, surrounded by fields of marijuana and also famous for the production of hashish.

What to do

At the table


The town of 1 Issaguen (Ketama) is famous for growing Indian hemp which feeds a lucrative international smuggling.

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