Matterhorn - Matterhorn

The Matterhorn (4478 m above sea level) is a mountain on the Italian/Swiss Border. Above all, the view of Zermatt out. The Matterhorn can be counted among the most famous mountains in the world, probably mainly because of its shape and its location (sole mountain). It is probably the most photographed object in Switzerland.

The mountain presents itself proud and sublime. Motif from the Gornergrat hiking trail to Zermatt.

getting there

Situation map of Switzerland

from Switzerland:

In the street

There Zermatt is car-free, the car must be in either Visp or Bag can be parked and then continue by train (Matterhorn-Gotthard-Bahn, see link at the end) to Zermatt.

Public transport

  • Of Bern from: By train to Visp (SBB) change there to the MGB in the direction of Zermatt.
  • Of Chur from: With the Glacier Express to Zermatt (Rhaetian Railway, MGB). Attention, on the MGB route, the Glacier Express is subject to a surcharge and reservation is required!
  • Of Geneva, Lausanne from: By train in the direction Visp (SBB), change there to Zermatt (MGB).

from Italy:

by car

  • from the Aosta Valley (A5 motorway) to Breuil;

Mountain railways

There are no mountain railways on the Matterhorn.

In Switzerland, however, there is a mountain railway that leads to the Schwarzsee (2583m at the foot of the Matterhorn. There is also a mountain railway to the Kleine Matterhorn (3883m), which is opposite. In between there is the Teodul Pass.

Out Breuil in Italy the mountain railway leads to the Staziona Furgen (3491m) on the southern flank of the Matterhorn. But also to the Testa Grigia (3480m) in the immediate vicinity of the Little Matterhorn.


The Matterhorn is known for its climbing tragedies. The first ascent is the duel between the Swiss from Zermatt and the Italians from Breuil. The Englishman Eduard Whymper finally reached the summit on July 14, 1865 with his three English companions, the guide Croz from Chamonix and father and son Taugwalder from Zermatt, who had started from Zermatt. In the descent, the accident happened that only Whymper and the two Taugwalders survived. The Italian Carell then recovered the proven broken rope three days later after climbing the Lion Ridge, which can still be viewed today in the Alpine Museum in Zermatt. The subsequent commercial "marketing" of the first ascent fame by Whymper found many critical voices at the time and also has parallels in modern mountaineering history in the Himalayas.

The film adaptation of this first ascent by Luis Trenker ("The Battle for the Matterhorn") is considered largely authentic. Around 500 people have now died on the mountain. The mountaineers' cemetery in Zermatt is macabre evidence of this.

Summer activities

There are many hiking trails around the Matterhorn that lead through a beautiful landscape.

There are two routes to the Matterhorn for climbing the mountain, experienced mountaineers, well-fit and ambitious hobby mountaineers:

  • from the Swiss side of the Hörnligrat from the Hörnli hut. The ascent to the summit is considered to be one of the most difficult climbs on a four-thousand-meter peak in the Alps. Not necessarily because of the difficulties of the individual positions, but because of the consistently high requirements (ongoing II, positions III-) In addition to the usual dangers, there is also the fact that on this mountain there are usually a large number (hundreds of times when the weather is nice), often inexperienced (would like to be famous at home) mountaineers from all over the world (guided and unguided) who, due to lack of practice and care, are out and about Climb threaten those walking underneath with falling rocks. The oncoming traffic is accordingly, dangerous overtaking maneuvers the consequence. The "hygienic conditions", especially at the emergency bivouac, are also in line with visitor traffic.
  • from the Italian side of the Liongrat, a little shorter, a little more difficult (without IV fixed ropes) and much more fragile than the Hörnligrat, but less crowded.

The following applies to both ridges: experience in safety technology is essential. The ascent is a serious undertaking, a detailed route description can be found in the relevant literature. The joys of ascent are usually reduced to the summit success.

Winter sports

There are kilometers of ski slopes around the Matterhorn.

It is also possible to ski around the Kleine Matterhorn in summer.


The Hörnlihütte is the last stop for mountaineers, but ordinary tourists can also spend the night here. Otherwise there are plenty of places to stay in Zermatt.


  • The Avalanche warning services:


  • Bernhard Banzhaf / Hermann Biner / Vincent Theler ; SAC Swiss Alpine Club (Ed.): Alpine tours - Matterhorn - Dent Blanche - Weisshorn - From Col Collon to Theodulpass. 2007 (4th edition), ISBN 978-3859022317 ; 628 pages. approx. € 46. The club guide covers the routes of region 3 in detail in the difficulties and in the variants.

Web links

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