Miyako Islands - Miyako-Inseln

Miyako Islands
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On the south coast of Miyako-jima: Adventure park of German culture (Ueno doitsu bunka mura). If you really want to see two segments of the Berlin Wall, you shouldn't miss it.

The Miyako Islands(Japanese: 宮 古 列島, Miyako-rettō) named after the main island of the group, Miyako-jima, they are part of the southern Japanese Okinawa Prefecture. They are closer to the Chinese province Taiwan as the Main island of the prefecture. Eight of the twelve islands are inhabited; apart from the main island, only Irabu / Shimoji-jima and Tarama are really significant.


The islands consist of limestone and coral, are therefore comparatively flat and are used inland for the cultivation of tropical fruits. Some farmers have a farm sale.

Along with those 30-40 kilometers away Yaeyama Islands one also speaks of the Sakishima Islands(Japanese: 先 島 諸島), Sakishima-shotō).

Spokesman of the Miyako languageThere are hardly any people under 70 years old, at best it is still preserved in folk songs.

getting there

By plane

Internationally, you will usually travel via Naha.

1  Miyako airport (宮 古 空港, IATA: MMY) (Bus 5 and Hosaku). Miyako Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMiyako Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMiyako Airport (Q116725) in the Wikidata database.Daily direct flights to Tokyo Haneda, Osaka-Kansai, and regionally several times a day to Ishigaki, Naha and Tarama. A taxi into town costs around ¥ 1500.

By boat

View of Hirara and its port.
Hakuai kinen-hi(Japanese: 博愛 記念 碑) Memorial to the castaways of a German sailor. Donated by Kaiser Wilhelm I.

There is no longer a passenger ferry from Naha. Cruise ships call at the island.

Sailors with their own yacht should note that the next "open port" is that of Ishigaki is, for the Miyako Islands, a “closed port” permit must be obtained beforehand from the coast guard, at least two weeks in advance.

Ferries to Tarama (1 Mon-Sat .; 2 hours) leave from Hirara.


Mausoleum of Nakasone Toyomiya (仲 宗 根 豊 見 親 玄 雅). This local ruler is remembered because he surrendered to an Okinawan armed force in the early 16th century, saving the island's population from death and devastation.
35,000 of the island's 53,000 inhabitants live in Hirara (平 良). Well-developed tourist infrastructure in terms of minshuku, restaurants and surprisingly active nightlife.

In the city and on the 160 km² island, usually between 8.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. 7 bus routes not too often. Car rental companies are numerous.

There is a near the port Ninto-sei(Japanese: 人頭 税 石) called stone. It is said that in ancient times the inhabitants had to line up here to be measured. Anyone taller (about 1.40 m) had to pay poll tax.

The beaches are close to town Paigama(Japanese: パ イ ナ ガ マ ビ ー チ), south of the port as well as the larger one Sunset before the bridge to Irabu.

1  city ​​Museum (宮 古 島 総 合 博物館). Directly behind it is a twelve hectare “botanical garden”, little more than a well-tended park, but with an interesting selection of tropical trees.Open: Tue-Sun 9.00-16.30.
1  Hisamatsu (久松). In this village there is a memorial for the "five brave ones" who were the first Japanese to discover the approaching Russian Baltic fleet on May 25, 1905. There was no telegraph on the island, they rowed fifteen hours the 60 miles to Ishigaki, where they walked another five hours to the post. With the forewarning it was Admiral Tōgō possible the Russians at the Sea battle at Tsushima to beat with devastation.


In April there is a triathlon with up to 1500 participants.

The clear water, abundance of fish and corals invite you to snorkel diving. All public beaches are equipped with showers and toilets. Package tourism is concentrated around the south coast in Ueno

1  Shigira Onsen (シ ギ ラ 黄金 温泉) (Bus 5, m.E. 3). Including the hotel Shigira Bayside Suite Allamanda (All suites have their own pool. Wedding chapel à la Las Vegas). In the vicinity of the Country Club (golf course) and several hotels. Also called an "adventure park" Ueno German Culture Village where you can find a "castle" (example: Marksburg) including a few rooms with western furniture from the early days. When, after the meeting of the head of government of the capitalist states (“G8”) in Okinawa in 2000, the “comrade of the bosses” visited the island to renew the friendship begun by Wilhelm I, the connecting road between this amusement park and the airport was called “ Schröder Street " Japanese: シ ュ レ ー ダ ー 通 り の 碑 around.

More pleasant, because less crowded, are:

  • 1  East coast beach (About 1½ km from the museum / bot. Garden; no bus). A good 1½ km long sandy beach.
  • 2  Araguskukaigan Beach. Sandy beach, to the east end of the island, past the golf course it becomes rockier.
  • 3  Yoshino-kaigan (吉野 海岸). Immediately behind the coast is that Open links-Golf course.
  • 4  Boraga beach (保 良 泉 ビ ー チ) (On the south coast, which is otherwise steep. Bus 1). Partly sand, partly rocky, also with a pool. Restaurant. A shell museum in the village (Japanese: 海 宝 館).

In the North:

  • Ikema Island (Japanese: 池 間, upstream of a headland to the north):
    • 5  Ikizu beach (Bus 6). The path leads on the headland to the bridge on the island through mangroves. Here you can also see the local YukishioVisit the saltworks (Japanese: 雪 塩 製 塩 所)which advertises to produce the world's most mineral-rich salt. The breeding station for Miyako pony one of the eight endemic Japanese horse breeds.
    • 2  Kaichu-koen (宮 古 島 海 中 公園), 字 狩 俣 -2511-1 Hirara (Still on the main island, bus 6). Sitting comfortably on the sofa you can look out into the sea underwater.Open: 10.00-18.00.


Most of the basic accommodations are in Hirara.

At Maehama Beach (前 浜 ビ ー チ)
2  Tokyu Resort, 字 与 那覇 -914 下地 宮 古 島 市. Tel.: 81 980-76-2109. Offshoot of the package tour hotel chain; Pool, private beach, etc. The best hotel on the island.

Right next door is that Marine Lodge Marea (3*).
Significantly easier Lady's Pension Coo (☎ 81 980-76-3368) or Uitsu Minshuku (☎  81 980-76-3923).

Yonaha and Sanitsu-hama (サ ニ ツ 浜)

There are at least five minshuku in the village by the sheltered beach in the bay. There is also a mangrove nature trail here (Japanese: マ ン グ ロ ー ブ の 遊 歩 道) signposted.


The small island of Ogami (Japanese: 大 神 島) can be reached, 5 times a day in 15 minutes, from the offshoot in the village of Shimajiri (Japanese: 島 尻; Bus 6)

Yabiji reef

Corals of the Yabiji Reef.
6  Yabijisera (八 重 干 瀬) (6-8 km north of Ikema Island). Especially during the month of March, which is characterized by low tide levels, the reef comes to the surface. It was then the goal of hundreds of "collectors" of sea animals and corals, which were then loosened with a crowbar and hammer. The event is called Yaebishi. Timid protection measures began in 2001, and the area has been a nature reserve since 2016.

Irabu- and Shimoji-jima

On Irabu (Japanese: 伊 良 部 島) can be reached via a 3½ km long bridge or by bus line 7.

7  Toguchi beach (佐 和田 の 浜). Extremely fine, white sand. Small kiosk, shelter, toilet and barbecue area, all in the village. There are also several diving equipment shops in the area.

The Nishi-kaigan, is, as the name suggests, a marine reserve to the west of Irabu.

There are six bridges to the nearby neighboring island:

On the 9.5 km² Shimoji-jimaJapanese: 下地 島 is the Shimojishima AirportShimojishima Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaShimojishima Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryShimojishima Airport (Q654922) in the Wikidata database(IATA: SHI). It is mainly maintained for training and military purposes (the controversial Sengaku Islands are within reach), there are currently no commercial flights, but there are plans for 2019[outdated] to build a simple terminal for low-cost airlines. There are not twenty houses on the island itself, the interior is used for agriculture, and the community golf course is also located here (Sashiba links).

8  Nakanoshima Beach (中 の 島 ビ ー チ) (Right behind the landside end of the runway). Especially suitable for snorkeling.

Parts of the two islands are under nature protection (as Japanese: 伊 良 部 県 立 自然 公園, Irabu kenritsu shizen kōen). This also includes the two as Tōri-ike well-known saltwater ponds. They are connected to the sea underground, and their level rises and falls with the tides.

  • It is very small Coral-mura Minshuku, ☎ 81 980-78-6008
  • Outwardly, it reminds me of a primary school Coral Hotel, ☎ 81 980-78-6787 to which also that Ocean House heard next door.
  • Solid Japanese middle class is that South Iceland Hotel, with restaurant. Single 2018: ¥ 4500-6000, 3-bed: ¥ 3500-5000 p.p.
  • A hostel with bunk beds in the dormitory (¥ 2500) is close to the beach Guest House Neso (earlier Birafuya), ☎  81 980-78-3380
  • Part of a Chain of middle class hotels is this Peace Island (Another branch is in the south of Miyako).

There is a local one Shojū distillery with factory outlet.


Another small island in the southeast, which can be reached via a bridge (bus 4, rare). The settlement is right at the end of the bridge. The island itself is used for agriculture, but has a protective forest belt near the coast.

There is such a thing as accommodation Hotel Hibiscus (☎ 090-7962-6449. Dormitory ¥ 2500, single to ¥ 4000) with bike and moped rental and a minshuku.

9  Nagamahama Beach (長 間 浜) (West side). About 700 m wide, light sandy beach. Smaller sandy bays adjoin to the south.


The only village is 2  Tarama-son (多 良 間 村) ((1300 pop.) It's a pervert minibus between the airport (connection to Miyako, 40 km away), in the west, and the two ferry docks in the village (Maedomari-kō) and in the west (Futemma-kō)). There are five or six minshuku. The flat island (a 33-meter observation tower has been built in the middle) is surrounded by sandy beaches.

The small island of Minna can be reached by boat in twenty minutes. The route is not regularly operated, occasionally a ride is offered if one of the handful of residents has to go shopping to Tarama.[1]


See the information in general Okinawa.

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  1. 2016 census data: 5 people, almost 100 cows.