Myanmar - Mjanma

Yangon - Shwedagon Pagoda 01.jpg
Flag of Myanmar.svg
Myanmar in its region.svg
Capital cityNaypyidaw
Systempresidential republic
Currencykiat (MMK, K)
1 kiat = 100 pia
Time zoneUTC 6:30
Surface678,500 km²
Population53 370 609
Official languageBurmese
Dominant religionBuddhism
Telephone code 95
Electric voltage230 V / 50 Hz
Type of outletC, D, F, G
Car codeMYA
Car trafficright hand
Burma-CIA WFB Map.png

Myanmar (burm. မြန်မာပြည်, Myăma; eng. Myanmar), Burma - a country with the capital of w Naypyidaw, located in Southeast Asia above The Bay of Bengal and The Andaman Sea. It borders with Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand.


The official language of Myanmar is Burmese.


Flora and fauna


Read on Polish Wikipedia, History of Myanmar.




The cheapest connection with a low-cost airline from Bangkok, costs around 40 euros.

Moving around the country


An administrative division

States of Myanmar:

  • Arakan (Burm .: Yakaing Pyine, English: Rakhaing State (formerly: Arakan State))
  • Chin (Burm .: Kyin Pyine, English: Chin State)
  • Kachin (Burm .: Kagyin Pyine, English: Kachin State)
  • Kaja (Burm .: Kaya Pyine, English: Kayah State)
  • Karen (Burm .: Kayin Pyine, English: Kayin State (formerly: Karen State))
  • Mon (Burm .: Mwan Pyine, Eng .: Mon State)
  • Shan (Burm .: Shan Pyine, English: Shan State)

Myanmar provinces:

  • Irrawaddy (Burm .: Eyawadi Taing, English: Ayeyarwady Division (formerly: Irrawaddy Division))
  • Magwe (Burm .: Magwe Taing, English: Magwe Division (formerly: Magway Division))
  • Mandalay (Burm .: Mantale Taing, English: Mandalay Division)
  • Pegu (Burm .: Pègu Taing, English: Bago Division (formerly: Pegu Division))
  • Rangoon (Burm .: Yangon Taing, English: Yangon Division (formerly: Rangoon Division)
  • Sikong (Burm: Sikong Taing, English: Sagaing Division)
  • Taninthayi (birm .: Taninthayi Taing, English: Tanintharyi Division (formerly: Tenasserim Division))

Union territories of Myanmar:

  • Naypyidaw union territory (Burm .: naypyitaw pyi taung hcu naalmyay: Naypyidaw Union Territory)


According to official data from 1983, Myanmar had over 50 cities with a population of over 20,000. residents. The capital of the country, Rangoon was the only city with over 1 million inhabitants; 1 city with a population of 500 ÷ 1000 thousand; 6 cities with a population of 100,000 ÷ 500,000; 19 cities with a population of 50,000 ÷ 100,000; 17 cities with a population of 25,000 ÷ 50,000 and the rest of the cities below 25,000 residents.

Interesting places

Diplomatic representations

Diplomatic missions accredited in Myanmar

No facility - a country served by the Polish Embassy in Bangkok (Thailand).

Diplomatic representations accredited in Poland

Embassy of the Republic of the Union of MyanmarPh: (49) 30 206 1570, Fax: (49) 30 206 15720 Email: [email protected], [email protected]