Murmansk (Oblast) - Murmansk (Oblast)


The oblast Murmansk (Russian: Мурманская область, Murmanskaya oblast) located in Northwest Russia. It borders on the south Republic of Karelia, in the west Finland and Norway. In the north is the Barents Sea and in the east that White sea.


A part of Kola Peninsula is also the settlement area of ​​the Sami (Laplanders), which mainly extends over the northern areas of the countries Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia extends. However, it is not common for the Russian peninsula to use the term Kola Lapland to use.

Overall, the landscape is quite hilly, the highest peak is the 1201 m high Judytschwumtschorr mountain


Map of Murmansk (Oblast)


Winter in Montchegorsk
  • 1 MurmanskWebsite of this institutionMurmansk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMurmansk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMurmansk (Q1763) in the Wikidata database - Administrative center and only major city
  • 2 ApatityWebsite of this institutionApatity in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageApatity in the Wikipedia encyclopediaApatity in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsApatity (Q103661) in the Wikidata database
  • 3 KirovskWebsite of this institutionKirovsk in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageKirovsk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKirovsk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKirovsk (Q153609) in the Wikidata database - a large city with the northernmost botanical garden in the world and a ski resort in the Khibiny Mountains
  • 4 KolaWebsite of this institutionKola in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKola in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryKola (Q154704) in the Wikidata database - The oldest town on the peninsula has its original fortress, the Cathedral of the Assumption (the first stone building in the region) and a museum of local culture
  • 5 SeveromorskWebsite of this institutionSeveromorsk in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageSeveromorsk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSeveromorsk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSeveromorsk (Q193898) in the Wikidata database - a closed city, the second largest city in the region and the main administrative center of the Russian Northern Fleet
  • 6 MontchegorskWebsite of this institutionMontchegorsk in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMontschegorsk in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMontschegorsk (Q159217) in the Wikidata database
  • 7 KandalakshaWebsite of this institutionKandalaksha in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageKandalaksha in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKandalaksha in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKandalaksha (Q144264) in the Wikidata database
  • 8 PolyarnyWebsite of this institutionPolyarny in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPolyarny in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPolyarny (Q182935) in the Wikidata database - a closed city, one of the oldest in the region, on the Murmansk Fjord; It is now a place for the decommissioning of Soviet and Russian nuclear submarines

Other goals


Murmansk is the only major city on the Kola Peninsula. It is Russia's most important trading and fishing port on the Arctic Ocean.

The smaller towns in the region owe their existence mainly to the mining and processing of minerals: Monchegorsk was founded in a copper and nickel mine (which is now exhausted, but the associated metal refinery with ore from Norilsk continues to operate), Olenegorsk and the Kovdor iron ore mine . Kandalaksha has an aluminum refinery. It's not difficult to guess that Apatity processes apatite (the feedstock for phosphorus fertilizer, which is mined in nearby Kirovsk) while Nikel (and nearby Zapolyarny) mine and process nickel ore.

A special permit may be required to visit the seaports (Severomorsk, Polyarny, etc.) and air force bases in the Kola Fjord north of Murmansk or elsewhere in the region.

In addition to Russians, the peninsula also has an indigenous Sami population. Many of them live in the Oblast's Lovozero district and work in reindeer herding.

The Murmansk region is of particular interest to tourists because of its strangeness - it is located in the far north of Russia above the Arctic Circle and is relatively easy to get to from Saint Petersburg. The highlights of a trip through the Murmansk region are the capital and perhaps an adventurous trip to Kola. To add specialty to your trip, try coming during the summer equinox, when the sun moves around the sky but never sets, or around the winter solstice when the sun never rises and the region is bathed in darkness. Winter is cold, but it's also the best time to see the Northern Lights.


getting there


Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Monument to the heroes of Severomorsk, the defenders of the North Sea (Памятник Героям-Североморцам, защитникам Заполярья ("Sailor")), Ulitsa Sgibneva, 11, Severomorsk, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, 184606.






The foothills of the Gulf Stream bring the region a relatively mild climate.


Web links

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