Val Grande National Park - Nationalpark Val Grande

View from the Alpe Quagiui North

The Val Grande National Park is a national park in the north Italy. It is located in the Val Grande northwest of the Lake Maggiore in the Piedmont. Major cities in the area are Locarno, Santa Maria Maggiore, Malesco, Domodossola, Verbania and Cannobio.


The Val Grande is the largest contiguous wilderness area in the Alps. It consists of seven valleys that all flow into the Val Grande and feed the Rio Valgrande, which then flows through a gorge towards Lake Maggiore.


Settlement dates back to the 13th century. At that time, many alpine pastures were created. At times there were over 50 alpine pastures in the Val Grande. During World War II, anti-fascist partisans withdrew into the valleys, after which soldiers combed the valley and drove many residents away. In 1962 the last alpine pasture was given up. Since then, the valley has been uninhabited and has only been used for logging. The decaying old alpine pastures can still be found in many places today. The national park was founded in 1992 and has since been expanded several times.


The Val Grande is located in the southern Alps and has several peaks over 2000 m altitude. The highest peak is Monte Togano (2301 m) at the northwest end of the valley.

Flora and fauna

Up to 1800 m the valley is covered with dense deciduous forest. Beeches predominate in many places. Larches dominate the tree population upwards. Above the tree line there are scree fields and heaths.


Even if the mountains in Val Grande are not that high, there is an alpine climate. The valley itself has a temperate climate.

View from the Alpe della Colma North

getting there

The valley can only be reached on foot, there are hiking trails in the mountains from almost all the surrounding villages. From Locarno there is a narrow-gauge railway to Domodossola, which runs through a picturesque wild valley in the north of the national park. There you can start from Malesco or St. Maria Maggiore into the mountains, for example, both places have a good tourist infrastructure. However, the tickets for the narrow-gauge railway are very expensive.


There are no roads or driveways in the national park, except for hiking trails in the Alps In la Piana another heliport of the national park administration. The valley can only be entered via one of the surrounding passes. The former hiking trail from the southeast in the Rio Valgrande gorge is closed, there are no bridges or paths.

Tourist Attractions

  • Pizzo Mottac: The 1802 m high Pizzo Mottac rises in the middle of the national park between the valleys. From the summit, as well as from the Alpe Mottac hut just below, you have an excellent view of the entire valley and the surrounding mountains.
  • Pizzo Proman: Of the Alpe della Colma in the south of the valley you can take a two-hour hike to the Pizzo Proman (2098 m) company. The path is demanding and contains easy climbing sections and narrow grades. The view from the summit of the 1900 m lower Lake Maggiore and the mountain panorama of the Alps compensates for all the ascent effort.



The Val Granda is an excellent hiking area. The good signage of the main routes makes it ideal to experience undisturbed nature and to experience the mountains. There are two marked hiking trails in the alp To la Piana to meet. From the north from St. Maria Maggiore over the pass Bochetta di Vald, from the east from Malesco via the Alpe Scaredi, from the south from Premosello via the Alpe della Colma and from the west over the Pizzo Mottac.


There are several official hiking trails that run through the whole valley. These are equipped with signposts at the intersections with information on the next destinations and the distances (in hours). White-red markings are used to mark the path, which are attached to stones or the like at fairly regular intervals. It is not always easy to find them and not to abandon other beaten tracks or deer crossings. Unmarked paths are often overgrown and can hardly be found.


The national park administration operates several huts in the national park. They are not managed, always open, freely accessible to everyone and cannot be reserved. A donation is requested, however. The huts are simply furnished and contain a room with benches and a table, usually also a wood-burning stove with a hob. Once a year the national park administration distributes firewood by helicopter, but hikers are advised to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of dry wood in order to enable subsequent users to have a warm meal on wet days. Usually there are also pots and pans in the huts, but you can't always rely on the quality; a bedroom is usually in the roof. In some huts there are bed frames available, but mostly you have a simple wooden floor. The roofs are covered with stone slabs, between which the air can usually circulate. It is therefore advisable to prepare for cold nights.


Camping is forbidden in the national park, but no problem if there is overcrowding in the immediate vicinity of the huts.


In the hunting season, especially at dusk, you have to be careful not to be confused with game. There are hardly any dangerous animals, with the exception of a few species of vipers, whose bite can be life-threatening.

The paths and climbs are classified according to the current system of alpine hiking trails, the associated warnings should be taken seriously, as there is no mobile phone available in the entire valley and help is therefore difficult to get.

At higher altitudes, especially on northern slopes, you will find extensive snow fields until June, which cover paths and make steep sections difficult to pass.



  • Parco Nazionale Val Grande: 1: 30,000 Zanetti Verlag The official hiking map of the park administration lists all huts and official hiking trails with their classification. It is also updated regularly.

Web links

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