Nikeland - Niquelândia

Nikeland is a municipality in the north of Goiás. The traveler finds many leisure options, spread over almost all its extension.


Founded in 1735 by Manuel Rodrigues Tomar and Antônio de Sousa Bastos, who left Arraial da Meia Ponte (currently Pirenópolis), to explore in search of wealth in the north of Goiás; first they reached the current Trairás (now known as Tupiraçaba), where they found alluvial gold. There they founded a village, which lasted for years in great development; it became one of the most developed villages in Goiás, and it was for a day to capital of the Empire of Brazil. Even today, it has historic buildings, which need to be quickly restored.

In 1755, the town of São José do Tocantins was founded, in the district of Trairás, which grows on the banks of the Bacalhau River -name given by the large presence of this fish- where they soon founded the church of São José, the popular Matriz. The city grows, starts to build houses off the matrix, and streets begin to exist: Rua Direita, Rua da Saudade, Avenida do Cemitério and the Contorno da Matriz.

In 1833, the village became a municipality separated from the former municipality of Trairás.

In 1903/1904, the Brazilian geologist Freimund Heinrich Brockes, looking for ores of commercial value in the region, found samples in Serra da Jacuba which, after being analyzed in laboratories, turned out to be nickel ore.

In 1932-34, with the participation of other partners from the region of Blumenau/SC, the Companhia Níquel Tocantins is founded, which was later sold to an American group.

The discovery made the village grow rapidly in population and wealth. In honor of the ore that gave it wealth and fame, São José do Tocantins is renamed Niquelândia, by State Decree No. 8305, of October 31, 1938. The economy is focused on mining, and the municipality (as already mentioned) awaits its name) is the largest producer of nickel of the State, and one of the largest in the world. Production is divided into two different companies: Votorantim Metais, from the Votorantim Group, and Anglo American, belonging to the group with the same name.

To arrive

By car

  • Leaving Goiania, follow BR-153 to Uruaçu, then GO-237 to Niquelândia. It is 485 km.
  • Leaving Brasilia, take the direction of Brazlândia, follow the BR-080 and turn right to the BR-414 after Padre Bernardo, for a total of 228 km.


gas stations

  • Auto Post Muquem. Av. Brasil, 1774. (62) 3354-4527
  • Niquelândia Auto Tour. Highway GO-237 km 82. (62) 3354-2561
  • Canoeing Post. Av. Anapolina, 11. (62) 3354-1847
  • Golden Post. Av. Brasil, 1.513. (62) 3354-1262


inside the city

  • Mother Church de São José, originally built in 1735, was considered the richest and most elegant in the Province of Goiás. In 1908, a new church was built on the foundations of the old matrix, losing much of its original beauty. Its interior was renovated in 1925 and expanded in 1997. The altar is one of the richest in Brazil, covered in gold, in the Baroque style.
  • bible square rustic, with uneven relief, 80 m of running water, artificial river, waterfalls and a baptistery, playground with several toys and a food court
  • Silva Júnior Square, surrounded by the avenues Getulio Vargas and Brazil, inaugurated in 1985 to mark the 250th anniversary of Niquelândia's foundation, with Portuguese stone paving, modern benches, trees, an interactive light source with a totem in its center, a cafeteria, covered stage, restrooms, etc.
  • church of Santa Iphigenia, whose altar is similar to that of the Matriz, made of pure gold, and is also among the richest in Brazil
  • cultural Center, former Intendance House, which stores objects, clothes, books and old machines
  • houses of right street.

Out of town

  • O Serra da Mesa Lake, originated in the Serra da Mesa hydroelectric dam on the Tocantins River, with 130 km in length only in the municipality of Niquelândia, is another major tourist attraction, with immense potential for the practice of air, water and land sports.
  • Bucaina Camping Clube Spa – located 37 km from the city, on the way to Uruaçu.
  • blue Lake - access via GO 237, enter through Balneário Bucaína, continue for 25 km to the headquarters of the Anglo American Farm, turn right and continue for another 5 km (private property, guide must be accompanied). One of the most beautiful places to practice snorkeling (only with the air in the lungs). It is estimated that the lake is more than 300 m deep.
  • Santa Lagoon – located in the Mosquito region, 21 km from the city.


The mountain ranges that cut through the city provide the emergence of several of them. As the region still preserves almost 60% of its natural vegetation, cut by more than one hundred streams, the traveler enjoys a rich fauna and flora, with camping areas without the predatory action of man.

  • Muquém Waterfall – in the Muquém region, it is 48 km from Niquelândia.
  • São Bento waterfall – 44 km from Niquelândia
  • Pai Chico Waterfall – discovered by the pioneers in the 18th century. It is divided into two waterfalls, the distance between them is 35m. 40 km from the city.


  • 28 km from the city there is a São Bento Cave, of rare beauty.
  • St. Peter's Cave - located 28 km from the city, difficult to access through the mountainous region.
  • Cocal Cave – located 28 km from the city.
  • Pinqueir Stonea – quite high stone. It draws attention for being alone, with trees around, and full of beaks. The Pedra da Pinqueira has two halls, 400 meters apart. Located 30 km from Niquelândia


in the village of Tupiraçaba (formerly Trairás), which was once Brazilian capital for 24 hours, when the Emperor D. Pedro II passed by and stayed overnight in the city, there is a veritable open-air gallery, showing the ruins of a city that was once an important economic center of the State, the second in importance behind the Vila Boa de Goiás.

  • Ruins of the Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Trairás
  • Ruins of the Tupiraçaba Registry Office
  • Ruins of the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição.


  • Fishing -Niquelândia has 130 km of Serra da Mesa Lake within the municipality. The main species are barbado, jaú, piau, painted, several piranhas, traíra, traírão and the famous blue peacock bass.


  • January 20 - São Sebastião
  • February (moving date) - Carnival
  • March 19 - City Anniversary
  • May or April - Holy Week with presentation of the Via Sacra
  • June - Feast of the Holy Spirit
  • July 25th - Congada
  • Last week of July - Livestock Festival
  • August 5th to 15th - Pilgrimage of Muquém
  • September 15 - Waterfall Pilgrimage


  • Banks: Banco do Brasil, Itaú and Caixa Econômica Federal.

With the

  • Churrascaria Chimarrão - Rua 15 de Novembro, 30 Centro.
  • Churrascaria Raja Gaúcha - Av. Brasil esq. c/ Rua Minas Gerais nº 130. (62) 3354-3286.
  • Açaí Station Snack Bar - Praça Mestre Dário, 41 Downtown.
  • Homemade food restaurant
  • Restaurante da Dona Alda - Av. Eufraslândia Park, Bairro Eufraslândia. (62) 3354-1295
  • Fogão a Lenha Restaurant - Rua Anhanguera, 15 Santa Fe.
  • Império da Alimentos Restaurant - Av. Brasil nº 1.631, Jardim Atlântico 1st stage. (62) 3354-1679.
  • Potiguar Restaurant - Av. Anhanguera,08 Sector Esmeralda. (62) 3354-5251.
  • Ran Dan Restaurant - Av. Anhaguera N° 183. (62) 3354-7318.
  • Rigão Restaurant - (62) 3354-1833.
  • Simão Restaurant - Rua Santana - Downtown. (62) 3354-1863

drink and go out


  • Estancia Corujinha - (62) 3354-1428 - [1]
  • Serra da Mesa Resort - (62) 3213-5836 and 3354-9119 - [2]
  • João Courage - (62) 9917-9290
  • Hotel Águas Claras - (62) 3354-1850
  • Hotel Ebenezer - (62) 3354-5234
  • Hotel Fazenda e Pesque Pague Alves - Av. Brasil, Jardim Atlântico - (62) 3354-2103
  • Hotel Jatobá - Av. Brasil nº 45 - (62) 3354-7077 [3]
  • Hotel Potiguar - Av. Anhanguera, Nº 08 - (62) 3354-5251
  • Hotel Serrano Palace - Avenida Presidente Getulio Vargas n° 06 - Centro - (62) 3354-1464
  • Hotel Suinã - Rua 7 de Setembro, 44 ​​- (62) 3354-1596.
  • Hotel Vale do Niquel - Av. Brasil nº 132-A - (62) 3354-4905 and 3354-4857 [4]
  • Lago das Brisas - (62) 9967-4279
  • Onyx Center Hotel - Rua 7 de Setembro, 64. - (62) 3354-3414 [5]
  • Oriental Center Hotel - Rua Ivan Correia e Silva nº 21 - Centro. - (62) 3354-4841 [6]
  • Pousada Brisa do Lago - (62) 3354-3554 and 9967-4279 - [7]
  • Pousada do Germano - (62) 3354-9005 - [8]
  • Pousada Indaiá - Rodovia Uruaçu/Niquelândia, 90 km from Uruaçu and 38 km from Niquelândia - (62) 3023-1028. [9]
  • Pousada Serra da Mesa - It is 30 km from Niquelândia by asphalt, towards CODEMIN; and 7 km by unpaved road in good condition. - (62) 9957-5292 [10]
  • Pousada Serra Negra - (62) 9699-7181 - [11]


This article is usable . It contains information on how to get there and some complete restaurant and hotel directions. A braver person could use it to travel, but please dig deep and help it grow!