Northeast Brazil - Noreste de Brasil

The Northeast Region It is the Brazilian region that has the largest number of states: Alagoas, Bay, Ceara, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Pernambuco (including the State District of Fernando de Noronha), Rio Grande do Norte Y Sergipe.


Its extensive coastline of beautiful beaches (many of them still little explored) that can be compared to those of the Caribbean Sea, place the Northeast among the great world tourist destinations. Thousands of tourists arrive every year through modern airports. In recent years, the states of the region have received investments with a view to improving their infrastructure, creating new tourist centers and developing eco-tourism. The latter has great potential, for example in regions of the preserved Atlantic Forest, in the region of Serra da Capivara in Piauí (one of the main archaeological sites in the country), and in Lençóis Maranhenses, a complex of dunes, rivers, lagoons and mangroves. Finally the island of Fernando de Noronha With its beaches of clear and crystalline waters, it is increasingly known nationally and worldwide.

The culture of the region is by itself a great tourist attraction. All states have different holidays and traditions. Olinda, São Luís and the Pelourinho (in savior) are the great cultural attractions of the region, being considered Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

The northeast area is approximately 1,558,196 km², which is equivalent to 18% of the Brazilian national territory and is the region that has the largest littoral coastline.

The most touristy northeastern cities are: savior, Strength, Recife Y Olinda, Maceió, Native, Y João Pessoa. The carnivals of Olinda- Recife Y savior of Bay They are considered among the best in the country.


Northeast Brazil has high temperatures, the annual average of which varies from 20 ° to 28 ° C. In areas above 200m and on the eastern coast, temperatures range between 24 ° and 26 ° C. Annual averages below 20 ° C are found in the highest areas of the Diamond Plated and from the Borborema plateau. The annual rainfall rate varies between 300 and 2,000 mm. Three of the four main types of climate that exist in Brazil can be found in the Northeast:

  • Humid Equatorial: Present in a small part of Maranhão, on the currency with Pará;
  • Humid of the Coast: - Present from the coast of Bahia to that of Rio Grande do Norte;
  • Tropical: Present in the states of Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí. It coincides with the closed vegetation zones and with the Mata de Cocais, where palm trees predominate;
  • Semi-arid Tropical: Present throughout the Sertão.
