Norte Goiano - Norte Goiano

Norte Goiano
Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park
Norte Goiano - Location

Norte Goiano it is a region of the state Brazilian of Goiás.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

It is divided into 2 micro-regions:

  • Chapada dos Veadeiros
  • Porangatu

Urban centers

  • Alto Paraíso de Goiás - Access point to Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park.
  • Cavalcante - Another town near the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park.
  • Colinas do Sul - It has a tourist potential due to the large number of rivers, caves, spas, hotels and hostels also linked to sport fishing.
  • Minaçu - Among the attractions of Minaçu, beyond the Lago di Serra da Mesa and Lago Cana Brava that bathe a large part of the city with its Praia do Sol, we can mention: Cana Brava, Lajeado and Brindle river but also many caves and waterfalls. It is also known for having the largest asbestos mine in the Brazil.
  • Niquelândia - At 28 km from the city is the Grotta di San Benedetto, a cave of rare beauty. Other attractions are the churches of San Jose and Santa Ifigenia, with the richest shrines in Brazil made of pure gold.
  • Porangatu - The Porangatuense Academy of Arts and Letters ("APALE") attracts and grows many young artists.
  • São Jorge - Hill town founded in 1934.
  • São João d'Aliança - Among its main ecotouristic attractions is the Swallows Waterfall (Cachoeira das Andorinhas) which takes its name from the numerous nests and many other fascinating waterfalls.
  • Teresina de Goiás - Small village not far from the park.
  • Uruaçu - It has tourist attractions such as Lake Serra da Mesa, several waterfalls and trails, museums and squares, as well as Memorial Serra da Mesa considered a national heritage.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Norte Goiano
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