New Zealand - Nova Zelândia

Flag of New Zealand.svg
Basic information
Governmentrepresentative democracy
CurrencyNew Zealand Dollar (NZD)
Area268,680 km2
Population4.557.095 (2016)
LanguageEnglish, Maori
ReligionNone 43%, Anglicans 17%, Roman Catholics 14%, Presbyterians 11%, Other Christians 15%
Electricity230V/50Hz (Australian standard outlet)
Time zoneUTC 12

THE New Zealand (or, in Maori, Aotearoa) is a temperate country in Oceania, 1500 kilometers (sea) from the Australia. Adventure tourism and extreme sports are the main economic activities in this country.


Regions, major cities and other destinations in NZ
North Island
Warm, with scenery ranging from sandy beaches, through rolling farmland and forests to active volcanic peaks with bubbling mud pools.
south island
Spectacular mountains and fjords, large beech forests, beautiful beaches, large glaciers, motorcycle mecca.
Offshore Islands (Stewart Island, Chatham Islands, Sub-Antarctic Islands)
The other, more wild, islands of New Zealand, ranging from nearby and accessible Stewart Island to the remote windswept Sub-Antarctic Islands and the distant uninhabited Kermadec Islands.


  • Auckland, is the most important city in the country as it is where the most inhabitants are concentrated (approximately 1,413,700). It is the economic center of the country for being populous;
  • Wellington, is the capital of ;ai, the second largest city in New Zealand/
  • Christchurch, the second largest city in the country;
  • New Plymouth;
  • Queenstown, the biggest tourist destination for adventure and extreme sports;
  • Hamilton;
  • Picton; and
  • Dunedin.

Other destinations

  • Franz Josef Glacier;
  • Tongariro National Park located on the north island within the volcano plateau area;
  • Milford Sound located southwest of the south island, it has wonderful fjords;
  • Kill Kill starting point for the main locations of the Lord of the Rings trilogy;
  • National Park of Mount Cook, located in the center of the south island and an obligatory stop for a view of the country's highest point;
  • Rotorua, New Zealand's thermal wonder, with numerous geysers and hot springs; and
  • following the rings, suggested script for movie fans Lord of the Rings go through the different locations of the trilogy.


New Zealand was the last major land mass to be inhabited by humans, both in terms of indigenous settlement and European colonization. This, combined with geological youth and geographic isolation, has led to the development of a young, vigorous nation with a well-traveled and well-educated expatriate population of 1,000,000. 1 in 4 New Zealanders and 1 in 3 between the ages of 22 and 48 have left the birthplace to more favorable locations.

Maoris, of Polynesian origin, arrived in New Zealand around 800 AD. Dutch explorer Abel Tasman, in 1642, was the first European to see New Zealand, after the Portuguese expedition led by Cristóvão de Mendonça, more than a hundred years earlier, in 1521-1524. However, this is a disputed claim by historians and in 1642 Tasman mapped the country's coastline, and so on that appeared on Dutch maps as "Nieuw Zeeland" as early as 1645. British naval Captain James Cook rediscovered, circumvented and mapped the islands in 1769. Some people, mainly cement, whalers, merchants and missionaries, settled over the next 80 years and the islands were administered by the British colony in New South Wales.

In 1840, with the help of missionaries, the Maori agreed to accept British sovereignty over the islands through the Treaty of Waitangi. More intensive liquidation began in the same year. A series of land wars between 1843 and 1872, along with political maneuvering and the spread of European diseases, broke Maori's resistance to land regularization, but left lasting hurts. In recent years the government has sought to resolve longstanding Maori grievances, and this is a complicated process. In 2005, the Maori Party was formed partly in response to the Government Act on Foreshore and Seabed, but also to promote an independent Maori perspective at the political level.

When the six British colonies united to form Australia in 1901, New Zealand decided not to join the federation. Instead, the British colony of New Zealand became a kingdom in 1907. Full independence was offered in 1931 by the Westminster Statute, although it did not adopt this until 1947. All remaining constitutional links with the United Kingdom were severed with the passage of New Zealand Constitutional Law by both parliaments in 1986, although the British Queen remains the Head of State with a Governor General appointed as her representative in New Zealand. However, the Australian Constitution allows New Zealand to join another Brazilian state. New Zealand militarily supported the United Kingdom in the Boer War of 1899-1902, as well as the two World Wars. He also participated in wars in Malaysia, Korea and Vietnam under various military alliances, especially the ANZUS treaty with Australia and the United States.

New Zealand's population is strongly opposed to the testing and use of nuclear weapons. Nuclear armed war visits meant that Parliament enacted anti-nuclear legislation in the mid-1980s. This led to the abandonment of New Zealand's commitment to the ANZUS defense alliance.


It consists of two main islands and numerous small islands, some of which are quite far away. The South Island is the largest land mass and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps, whose highest peak is Mount Cook at 3,754 meters.

New Zealand Map

On the South Island there are eighteen peaks with more than three thousand meters of altitude. The North Island is less mountainous than the South but is marked by volcanism. Stewart Island is the smallest and southernmost in the entire country, and has an area slightly larger than the municipality of São Paulo, in Brazil.

On the North Island, the highest mountain, Ruapehu (2,797 meters) is an active volcanic cone. New Zealand's total area, 270,500 km², is slightly smaller than Japan or the British Isles and slightly larger than Colorado in the US. The country extends over 1,600 kilometers along its main north-northeast axis. The climate is mild, with temperatures rarely below 0°C or above 30°C. The average daily temperature in Wellington, the capital, located in the center of the country, is 5.9ºC in winter and 20.3ºC in summer.

Far removed from the nearest lands, New Zealand is the most isolated among the sizable land masses on the planet. Its closest neighbors are Australia, to the northwest, and New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga, to the north.

Due to its relative isolation, New Zealand developed a unique ecosystem, the most distinctive feature of which was the absence, until Polynesian colonization, of any terrestrial mammals, with the exception of three species of bats. Many of the ecological niches that would normally have been occupied by mammals were occupied by birds, including the kiwi (unable to fly) and the moa. The moas, now extinct, could grow to a height of 3 meters. The kiwi and ferns characteristic of the native forests of this country are national symbols. New Zealand is also home to the tuatara, an ancient species of reptile, and the weta, an insect that can grow to more than 8 centimeters in length.


New Zealand has a temperate climate in the south of the island and the subtropical climate in the North Island and the nature of the terrain, prevailing winds and the duration of the country linkage of strong regional contrasts. The maximum temperatures of the day sometimes exceed 30°C and only drop below 0°C inside the high regions. Generally speaking, precipitation and humidity are higher in the west of the east of the country due to the north-south orientation of the mountain ranges and the prevailing west/north, westerly winds.

Part situated in the Roaring Forties, turbulent areas of the country can get a little windy, especially downtown, across the Cook Strait and around Wellington. Winds seem to be strongest around the equinoxes. In winter, strong winds from the south can be severe, but they also bring snow to the skis and are usually followed by calm clear days.

To arrive

Brazilians and Portuguese do not need a visa for stays of up to 3 months. Exchange students can obtain a student and work visa from 4 months, if the course ends, the student will not be able to continue in the country; you can then renew it according to the weeks of the "purchased" course. citizens of Cape Green, Angola, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea Bissau and East Timor need a visa.

By airplane

In São Paulo for Auckland, through the Argentine Airlines, via Buenos Aires, through the LAN, via Santiago, through the South African Airways, via Johannesburg; these are the shortest paths.

THE how many also fly direct to Auckland City from Australia.

From Lisbon the best solution is to travel via London (Heathrow). London/Auckland flights with Qantas, Air New Zealand, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic.


To be able to travel economically in New Zealand, buy a pass for the time you want to stay. Pass this one, which entitles you to travel by bus, train and boat, for the crossing between the islands. your trip. This pass system is more complete efficiency.

By car

The steering hand used in New Zealand is the left hand which can cause a bit of confusion for drivers who are used to the right hand. The speed limit varies according to the lane and also location, and the following reference is commonly taken:

  • 100 km/h for high speed highways
  • 80 km/h for secondary roads
  • 50 km/h for urban traffic

Brazilian citizens who have a valid national driving license can use it in New Zealand. However, it is interesting to obtain an English translation for possible verifications.

The leasing of cars, vans, minivans and trailers is widely used, being an extremely simple process to be carried out in most vehicle agencies. You must have a valid driver's license and be over 18 (minimum age). It is not necessary to use a credit card at most local agencies. Vehicle insurance is not mandatory but recommended for foreigners visiting the country.

Look for local and international rental companies. They offer better values ​​and have no time or daily mileage restrictions.

By bike

You can bring your own bicycle, as well as rent a bicycle in some of the larger cities. You must wear a helmet while driving, otherwise you could be fined. When hiring a motorcycle you should be provided with a helmet. Also remember to walk left.

Cycling in New Zealand can be fun, but be aware that due to geography and small numbers of people between cycling cities there are very few bike paths and limited shoulder space on roads. Watch out for buses and trucks on the main roads as overtaking distances can be slim. You should also be prepared for the long distances between cities and the general windy weather. While some areas of New Zealand are flat, most bike tourists in New Zealand will find that they need to be able to handle long periods of cycling up mountains, especially in Coromandel. Be prepared for any weather, and for the weather to change in one day.

You can choose to have a motorbike upon arrival in New Zealand, or use a self guided or cycle guided tour operator. Christchurch has the largest number of guided and self-guided tour operators, and there are a number of bike rental companies based there as well. There are also several tour operators that incorporate bike tours such as Active New Zealand and Pedal Tours, as well as specialist cycle tour companies like South Adventure


Mount Cook and Lake Matheson.jpg

As a country that has almost all the main known natural landscapes, New Zealand is a constant stage of locations for major films and documentaries, the best known being the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the films Chronicles of Narnia and Xena the Queen of the Jungle. Among the best known locations are:

  • Kill Kill - place where the "county" of the Hobbits is located in Lord of the Rings
  • Mount Cook - the lighthouses of Minas Tirith
  • Arrowtown - small town near Queenstown where the scenes of Frodo's escape across the river to Rivendell were recorded
  • Nelson - north of the south island where the rings used in the trilogy were made (JensHansen Jewelry)


The official languages ​​of New Zealand are English and Maori, the latter being only spoken in some regions and by people descendants of the ancient people who inhabited the islands. English follows the rules and customs of British English and has slight differences in accents between islands and regions and very close to English spoken in Australia. The traveler who speaks the language a little will have no difficulty getting around or conversing with any New Zealand citizen, including in traffic and cities.


One thing to note is that the lowest value coin is 10ºC, since New Zealand reduced the size of its silver (one hundred) coins in 2006 and eliminated the 5c piece. Piece 10c is a copper color similar to a US or UK penny. The piece is 20c silver with a Maori sculpture depicted, as is the 50c piece with captain James Cook's ship, the Endeavor. The $1 gold features a kiwi, while the $2 features a Heron. Notes come in $5 (orange with Sir Edmund Hillary), $10 (blue with Kate Sheppard), $20 (green with Queen Elizabeth II), $50 (purple with Sir Apirana Ngata), and $ 100 (red with Lord Rutherford of Nelson).

On Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and before 1:00 on Anzac Day (April 25), but all the few essential businesses must be closed. Although many merchants did not comply with the regulation, the matter has for many years been under review by the government. If you are in New Zealand, one of these days make sure you have all your needs met before the date.

With the

New Zealand has a wide variety of places to eat, from fast food to fine dining. Many gas stations have a convenience store with sandwiches or foods such as microwaveable pies on site. International fast food chains include KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Pizza Hut and Subway. On the North Island, try BurgerFuel, a New Zealand chain that makes freshly cooked burgers served with fries and kumara sauce. There are also many independent outbound owner operated takeaways selling one or more of the burgers, pizzas, fried chicken, Chinese or other Asian fast food or fish and chips. At least one diner and/or fish and chip shop can be found in almost every small town or suburban block of stores. The humble fish and chip shop is New Zealand's archetypal "fast food". The menu comprises servings of battered fish fried in oil with sliced ​​chips, as well as a host of other meats, seafood, pineapple and even chocolate bars, all wrapped in today's paper newspaper is printed, but traditionally it was newspaper yesterday, until someone decided it was unhealthy. A good meal can often be had for less than $5, a bad one for the same price.

drink and go out

New Zealanders have a reputation for enjoying their beer. While there are now only three major breweries, there are many regional brands, each with its own unique flavor and staunch supporters.

Be careful when and where you indulge in public. New Zealand has recently introduced liquor prohibition areas - this means that alcoholic beverages cannot be consumed or even carried on some streets, such as city centers and popular beaches, at certain times of the day or night. The police can instruct you to empty bottles and arrest you if you don't comply.

The New Zealand wine industry has been developing into a significant export industry. New Zealand is now known as one of the biggest producers of Sauvignon Blanc. The Hawkes Bay region is known for its Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Chardonnay and more recently Viognier varieties. Marlborough It is the largest wine-producing region and famous for its Sauvignon Blanc. Waipara in North Canterbury Riesling and Pinot Gris specialist. Further south, in Central Otago, Pinot Noir is produced in a greater concentration of styles. Many vineyards now offer winery tours, wine tasting and vineyard sales.

The legal minimum age for purchasing alcohol in New Zealand is 18, and it can only be provided to anyone under 18 through a parent or legal guardian. It is a universal policy for bars and shops to request photo identification from any employer who looks under the age of 25, and the only forms of identification accepted are a valid New Zealand or foreign passport, a valid New Zealand driver's license, or a valid Hospitality Association of New Zealand (Hanz) 18 cards.

Cafés is a meeting place of the day in many major cities and tourist destinations. The coffee culture is notable in downtown Wellington, where many office workers break their tea. Most styles of coffee, cappuccino, latte, coffee/short black, very black, plain white, etc. Vienna are generally available. Cappuccinos are probably the most popular and are usually served with a choice of cinnamon or powdered chocolate sprinkled on top. Your order as usual for the one you want. Fluffies is a frothed milk for small children, sprinkled with powdered chocolate.

Bottled water, both flavored and unflavored, available at most stores. Not that there's anything wrong with tap water, it's only fair that some city fountains are drawn from water and chlorine. Most of the city's fountains are fluoridated. If you don't want to spill your money down the drain, fill your own tap water bottle, unless you feel it's too much chlorine for your taste.

Tap water in New Zealand is considered to be some of the cleanest in the world, it is safe to drink in all cities, most comes from artesian wells and freshwater reservoirs - however some come from rivers that can be chlorinated to be safe, but not very nice taste. Some of the water in Auckland comes from the Waikato River, a long river that has its source in Lake Taupo in the center of the North Island. But by the time it hits Auckland, it has been treated so that the quality is no worse than that of the Thames in London or the Hudson in New York. Auckland water is also drawn from run-off reservoirs in the Waitakere Ranges and Hunua. Tap water in places like Christchurch and Hastings is not chlorinated at all as it is drawn from the pure artesian aquifers of Canterbury and Heretaunga plains.

L&P and Lemon & Paeroa is a sweet lemonade style carbonated drink said to be "world famous in New Zealand". It is one sold in a brown plastic bottle with a yellow label similar to the traditional brown glass bottles that used to be sold generally inside giblets or parts, which mixes very well with the whiskey. It is now manufactured in Auckland by Coca-Cola.


Known as the backpacker's country, New Zealand has thousands of hostels, hostels, inns and small hotels with very inviting values. On the other hand, the largest hotel chains in the world (Accor, Melia, Hyatt) are present in large cities, being an option for the traveler who wants more comfort and can afford it.

Always book accommodation in advance, especially in cities with the highest tourist flow (Auckland, Rotorua, Queenstown) as it is not uncommon to be without accommodation. Most accommodations, including small ones, have websites where reservations can be made quickly.


Much of New Zealand's culture is derived from European, mainly British, and more recently American roots, with the Māori culture being a strand of great significance in New Zealand public life, in addition to the influence of its biggest neighbour, Australia. The vigor and originality of the arts in New Zealand film, opera, music, painting, theatre, dance, and the arts are gaining international recognition.

It is probably due to the mild climate and the low number of residents that outdoor fun is popular among New Zealanders.


The All Blacks dancing haka ahead of a victory over France in 2006. Rugby can be considered New Zealand's national sport, with cricket in second place. Other popular sports are horse racing, netball, football, motor racing, golf, swimming, softball and tennis. New Zealand has also had good participations in rowing, sailing and cycling. The country is internationally recognized for its good performance in medals, relative to its small population, in the Olympics and Commonwealth Games.

New Zealand is also known for its extreme sports and adventure tourism. Mountaineering is also popular, with the country's most famous climber, the late Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest


To work in New Zealand, you must be a current citizen or permanent resident of either New Zealand or Australia, or have a work permit or an appropriate visa. If you are intending to work in New Zealand, you must obtain a work permit along with any tourist visas you may apply for.

You will also need to have a New Zealand bank account, as most employers pay using bank deposit rather than cash, an Inland Revenue Tax Number, as the tax denial or income will be deducted from your wages by your employer, and a declaration of tax form, as the tax will be withheld in the absence of declaration rate of 45% unless you have a tax code. More information about New Zealand's tax system, including the appropriate forms, can be obtained from the Inland Revenue.

The application process for an IRD number is between 8-10 business days. You will need to complete the application form, IRD number, and provide a photocopy of your New Zealand passport or birth certificate. It is possible to request the IRD number then call the department about a week after asking for your phone number, but this will depend on the workload of the processing centers at the time. Calling the IRD requires multiple forms of identification, it's ideal to be able to provide your passport number and full address when asked.

New Zealand has a simplified tax system that tends to collect more tax than people need to pay because employers pay tax on their workers when they pay their workers. The obligation is then on the worker to claim back overpaid tax, rather than declaring their income and paying any extra tax. Be careful though, if you choose to work in New Zealand and stay longer than 183 days in any 12 month period, your worldwide income could be taxed. New Zealand has double taxation agreements with several countries to stop tax being paid twice. A safe rule of thumb is to pay all tax requirements and not seek appeal requests on any matter.

Being a foreigner means that your income is subject to local income tax at maximum levels. Although many people believed that they can levy any tax on their backs when they leave the country, this is not true. It may be the case that filing an income tax return may result in a small refund if you only work for part of the year, however this is likely not the case. Tax in all its forms, in New Zealand amount to about half of a worker's income.


The emergency telephone number in New Zealand is 111. Ambulance, Fire and Police can be contacted through this service. Full instructions are on the inside cover of each phone book. It is often answered within the first 30 seconds after the call.


New Zealand has a high level of ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer, around 40% more intense than what you'll find in the Mediterranean during the summer. Sunglasses and sunscreen are highly recommended, especially if you are of European descent.

Visiting the doctor will cost around NZ$50 and may vary between practices and locations. The New Zealand public hospital system is free to Australians, Britons and New Zealand citizens, but will charge other nationalities for the treatment received. An exception is in case of any accident when the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC) will pick up the tab. Travel insurance is highly recommended.

New Zealand has high standards and equitable professional health care comparable to Sweden or Australia. Tap water is drinkable, but precautions against Giardia should be taken when wandering.


Greater cultural experiences are popular tourist attractions enjoyed by many, but as with any two cultures meeting each other, there is room for misunderstanding. Some tourists found themselves confronted more than expected by the ceremonial and welcomed challenges. These are serious occasions, and lots of talking and laughing during rituals is not recommended. People have been attacked by their artists for appearing to date for not treating him with the greatest holiness. You better have jokes and laughs later. There will be plenty of time to relax later when the hangi is raised.

Maori Pakeha and New Zealanders are generally in good condition, but from time to time relations between the two have been strained. Enter discussion on this subject gently and cautiously, and of course not at all.

Remember too, that New Zealand is still a very young nation by many standards and its identity is still being formulated. Commenting that New Zealand is subservient to the UK is sometimes admired and other times despised and although New Zealand coinage is adorned with British royalty figures New Zealand is an independent member of the Commonwealth and saying that New Zealand is almost identical may be offensive to some.

Stay in touch

With an efficient communication system throughout the country, it is possible to find cybercafés or Internet access via WiFi network in all cities and regions, including national parks. The cost of the access hour is NZ$ 6.00, being divided into minutes.

Not as popular as the Internet, the postal system covers the entire territory and some places with more tourists. You can find postcards and stamps on every street. Collection boxes are differentiated by colors where blue ones are used for international postage. The postage cost of a card is NZ$5.00 (for Brazil).

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