Baltic countries - Paesi baltici

Baltic countries
Tallinn Old Town
Baltic countries - Location

Baltic countries are three states located in north-eastern Europe and overlooking the Baltic Sea. The most populous of the three is the Lithuania. The most economically advanced is theEstonia.

To know

In reality it is a conventional name, because in fact it does not include all the countries that actually border the Baltic Sea.

The Baltic countries are part of the European Union; Estonia adopted the Euro with effect from 1 January 2011, Latvia from 1 January 2014, Lithuania took this step in 2015.


All three countries Baltics until 1917, they were part of the Russian Empire for two hundred years as Baltic governorates and previously of the Swedish Empire for another hundred years, but part of the territory, during the First World War between 1917 and 1918, was occupied for six months from the German Empire with the German Occupation of the Baltic Provinces. Following the Russian Revolution and the events of the First World War, the three states obtained independence, in 1918, together with the neighboring Finland.

Spoken languages

The official languages ​​spoken are:Estonian, Finno-Ugric language; while the Latvian and the Lithuanian, are the last remaining languages ​​in Europe, of Baltic origin.

Territories and tourist destinations

From North to south: Estonia, with capital Tallinn, a splendid medieval city; the Latvia with capital Line, the largest of the Baltic countries, is a splendid art-nouveau city; there Lithuania, with capital Vilnius, small town, but extremely welcoming.

Map divided by regions
      Estonia - The least populous of the European Community states.
      Latvia - A predominantly Protestant state, the original population is of Germanic origin.
      Lithuania - Lithuania has very interesting natural areas.

The Baltic region also includes Kaliningrad and its surroundings, a small exclave Russia located between Lithuania and Poland.

Urban centers

The historic centers of all three capitals of the Baltic countries are included in the Heritage ofUNESCO.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Baltic countries
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Baltic countries
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