Pampas (Santa Fe) - Pampa (Santa Fe)

The flag monument is the symbol of Rosario

The pampas occupy the entire southern part of the Santa Fe Province a. The area belongs to the humid pampas and is characterized by precipitation all year round.

The main attraction of the region is the busy port city Rosario with its beautiful old town in Art Nouveau style.


The pampas are fairly uniform in Santa Fe. To the west, however, the drought increases and to the north it goes almost imperceptibly into the landscape of the Argentine Chaco above.

The area includes areas of the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Córdoba.


  • Rosario, 1.2 million inhabitants, on the Río Paraná, a large trading and port city. It has a lively cultural scene and many museums as well as a more than 8 km long, park-like promenade with beaches.
  • Venado Tuerto (70,000 inhabitants)
  • Villa Constitución (50,000 inhabitants) on the southern border of the province. Educate with San Nicolás de los Arroyos (Buenos Aires) a small agglomeration.
  • Cañada de Gomez (30,000 inhabitants) Small town on the Rosario-Córdoba railway line.
  • Rufino (30,000 inhabitants). Here in January this takes place Mate festival with folklore contributions.

Other goals

  • Puerto Gaboto, 60 km north of Rosario. This is where the first settlement in southern South America was established by the Spaniards Sancti Spiritu. The excavation site can be visited.


The Pampa Húmeda is often referred to as the most typical Argentine landscape. It is the most densely populated of all areas. However, it is also an area of ​​agriculture and cattle breeding and often resembles a single huge cattle pasture.

The landscape is home to the Gauchos, the Argentine cowboy who roamed the pampas in the 18th and 19th centuries and caught wild cattle. From around 1850, when the lands began to gain in value and the fields and pastures were gradually fenced in, he degenerated into a simple, mounted farm worker. Today there are no more gauchos in the real sense, but rather peoneswho look after the cattle on the huge pastures and round them up. However, their style of clothing is often reminiscent of that of the traditional gaucho, with his distinctive hat, shirt and shirt bombacha called pleated pants.


The language of the region is considered to be standard Argentine Spanish.

getting there

Since the region is very central, it can be easily reached by plane, bus or car. The best starting point is Rosario with its airport. With the construction of the Rosario-Victoria Bridge (inaugurated in 2002), the region is also connected to the Mesopotamia-Region well connected.

From Buenos Aires you can reach Rosario via the Ruta Nacional 9, which was expanded to the motorway. Buses run every 15 to 30 minutes on Argentina's most important axis, and a train also runs between the two cities every day.


The bus network is very dense and connects practically all places with one another. It is oriented towards Rosario in a star shape, but there are also numerous cross connections.

Tourist Attractions

Most of the architectural landmarks are in Rosario, in which you can find everything from colonial style to Art Nouveau to futuristic high-rise buildings from the 90s.


Many estancias (manors) offer accommodation and activities in the pampas. Today they are organized very professionally and mostly in the upper price range.

Riding and cycling tours in the pampas are very rewarding, where one is best aware of the vastness of this flat landscape.


The essence of the cuisine of the Pampa Húmeda is beef, which is the most popular dish Asado (Grill plate).


Bars and pubs can be found in all cities, and many have their own discos. The cumbia, a Colombian dance with local variants made in Argentina (Cumbia Romántica, Cumbia Villera), is popular. The best and most diverse scene can be found in Rosario.


The usual safety tips apply in the big cities. There is no need to fear criminals in the country, even if you should, of course, always take care of your belongings.


The climate is temperate. There is plenty of rain all year round, but you can always expect periods of sunshine. In summer it is often hot and also very humid.


From Rosario there are short trips to the provinces Entre Ríos to: either directly opposite on the Isla de la Invernada with their beaches or something further down Victoria, where a traditional carnival also takes place.


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