Peneda-Gerês National Park - Parco nazionale di Peneda-Gerês

Peneda-Gerês National Park
Serra Amarela
Peneda-Gerês National Park - Location
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Peneda-Gerês National Park (or simply Gerês) is located in the North of the Portugal.

To know

Although there are many natural parks, protected landscapes and reserves throughout the nation, Peneda-Gerês is today the only national park in Portugal, located in the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga is Vila Real.

The park tries to encourage and control tourism at the same time, as the nature of the park would not resist a massive influx of tourists. As a result there are six small campsites and several marked nature trails, making it relatively easy to find many of the more interesting places, such as the castros in Castro Laboreiro and Calcedónia and the monastery of Pitões das Júnias.

The places near the few main roads are the most visited. Many of them are linked to the strong religiosity of the people of the north of Portugal namely the sanctuaries at Senhora da Peneda and São Bento da Porta Aberta. Others, such as Soajo and Lindoso, show small, traditional granite granaries, sayings espigueiros (from Portuguese espiga, which means ear).

Bosco di Mata da Albergaria with the mountains in the background

Probably the two best known and most visited aspects are the many waterfalls, especially the one near the old border station at Portela do Homem, and the Vilarinho das Furnas village, whenever the Vilarinho das Furnas dam is low enough.

Geographical notes

A view of the Lima River and the landscape within the National Park

The park is a vast amphitheater-shaped space sculpted during the Variscan orogeny by geological forces, wind and water, and extends from the Castro Laboreiro to the Mourela plateaus, which includes the Serra da Peneda, Serra do Soajo, Serra Amarela and the Serra do Gerês.

The highest peaks are Peneda (1340m), Soajo (1430m), Amarelo (1350m), Gerês (1545m) and the Altare dos Cabrões (1,538m) which is located on the border with the Spain, continuing in this territory as part of the Serra do Xurés.

Flora and fauna

It is one of the major natural attractions of Portugal due to its rare and impressive scenic beauty and ecological value. In fact, in addition to a lush tree vegetation (eg pine, yew, chestnut, oak and various medicinal plants), there is a rich wildlife (eg deer, roe deer, eagles, horses, wild boars, foxes, wolves, partridges, reptiles, birds of prey. , etc.).

There are two pets that deserve to be noticed. The oxen barrosão, once used in agriculture, today in danger; and also the dog Castro Laboreiro, a hunting dog.

When to go

High rainfall occurs throughout the year in this region. Average annual temperatures vary from 17 ° C to 20 ° C, with some variations; the high lands have an average temperature of about 10 ° C, 4 to 14 ° C, while the areas in the valleys (such as the Homem and Cávado valleys) have milder climates, with temperatures ranging from 8 to 20 ° C (with an average of 14 ° C).


Dolmen in the Serra Amarela, used by the first inhabitants of this inhospitable high altitude

Probably, since the Gerês mountains are an inhospitable place, the earliest signs of human presence date back only to the period from 6000 BC. to 3000 BC .. Dolmens and other megalithic tombs remain interspersed within the region, including the surroundings of Castro Laboreiro and Mourela.

The Roman Geira (a Roman road) runs through the region, which once connected the Roman cities of Asturgia and Braccara Augusta. Long stretches of the road along the Homem River are still preserved today, along with several Roman bridges and numerous milestones.

The Germanic tribe of Buri accompanied that of the Suebi in their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, settling in present-day Galicia, in the area later known as Terras de Bouro (Land of Buri).

In 1971 the national park was created in order to preserve the environment while allowing human activities and natural resources, which should include educational, tourism and scientific projects.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

Bridge over the Rio Arado inside the park

What see

Nossa Senhora da Peneda
The characteristic espigueiros
  • 1 Espigueiros (Granaries) (Soajo). There freguesia (fraction) of Soajo is famous for the large number of granaries, built to protect raw materials from rodents. The pillory and chapel are also worth visiting. espigueiros do Soajo (Q10275073) on Wikidata
  • 2 Shrine of Our Lady of Peneda (Santuário da Senhora da Peneda). 18th century sanctuary, inspired by the Bom Jesus of Braga. It includes the so-called staircase of virtues, the main church and the courtyard of the Evangelists.
  • 3 Sanctuary of San Benedetto della Porta Aperta (Santuário de São Bento from Porta Aberta). Built in the 19th century, it is famous for the tile panels in the presbytery.
  • 4 Forest of Albergaria (Mata da Albergaria). It is a botanical reserve of great importance and is also distinguished by sections of an ancient Roman military road. Located 2 kilometers south of Portela do Homem, it is home to oaks representative of the native vegetation of the region. It is crossed by the Roman road that connected Braga to Astorga.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • Parque de Campismo de Lamas de Mouro (5 km south of Lamas de Mouro), 351 251 45 129. Camping.
  • Parque de Campismo de Entre-Ambos-os-Rios (Near Albufeira de Touvedo), 351 258 68 361. Camping.
  • Parque de Campismo de Cerdeira (Near Albufeira Vilarinho das Furnas, Campo do Gerês), 351 253 351 005. Camping.

High prices


How to keep in touch


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