Pariana - Pariana

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Map of Italy

Pariana is a fraction of the municipality of Mass.

To know

Geographical notes

Pariana is located in a panoramic position on the Belvedere Hill behind the city of Massa and is 1 km from San Carlo Terme. The town is located in the Frigido Valley, on the regional road that connects Mass to Garfagnana.

The waterways of the area follow two different lines: some flow along the north-west side and flow into the Frigido River, others occupy the south side and continue to flow at the foot of the mountain on which the town stands.

  • Canal of the Red Waters was born in Acquaviva (or Cafaggio) and marks the border with Altagnana. In the past it was used to make the town's mill work.
  • Ciocca canal arises from different sources located along the road that leads from Massa to Arni. The area is called Settefontane and is famous for its water sources. In fact, until the 1970s there were several fountains where it was possible to draw large quantities of drinking water. The place was also frequented by the inhabitants of the villages close to Pariana, so much so that it was depicted in a print dating back to the seventeenth century.
  • San Giovanni canal arises from the meeting of two streams, the Chiaretta and the Venturino.
  • Chiaretta flows at Ca 'di Cecco.
  • Venturino originates from the hill of Marzana, not far from Ca 'di Cecco. The name of the hill is probably of Latin origin and derives from Martius, fund of Marzio, the one who inhabited this area in Roman or medieval times.
  • Gutter, a small stream, joins the Bergiola canal. The name derives from the Latin gronda, which means high ground and indicates the territory in front of Pariana
  • Greenhouse it is the most important course. In the past it was used by the peasants to run the mills and the oil mill. It rises above Tombara and has numerous tributaries on the right side. In the fourteenth century it was called Canale di Castiglione because it touched the mountain of Castiglione.


The first written attestation of the town dates back to the 12th century but archaeological finds have been found that testify to the presence of man in the place since the Paleolithic, in the surroundings of Cirimea and the Tecchioni.

The discovery of a bronze deposit and some box tombs testifies to the presence of men in the hilly areas of Frigido in the metal age.

In 1918 the bronze deposit came to light thanks to some workers who were looking for quartz blocks in the locality of Tecchiarella. To date, all the finds are kept in the Malaspina Castle in Mass.

Less known are the tombs found around Tombara (early 2nd century BC) and Cirimea (1st century BC). Both in a lithic box, they contained a cinerary and clay and metal elements of grave goods. In particular, the tomb of Tombara contains objects that configure the presence of a warrior buried with his panoply.

The country was a center of the Apuan Ligurians.

In the Roman period Pariana was located at the mouth of the Frigido Valley and was part of a defensive system consisting of a fortilium which had the function of uniting the inhabited places of the valley and protecting them from enemies. Even the very structure of the territory was suitable for this function: houses built next to each other and narrow streets connected to each other almost to form a labyrinth.

After the Roman struggles and with the total conquest of the territory by the Romans, everything changed and Pariana became an agricultural center. The populations abandoned the mountain territories and began to populate the plains, much more suitable for cultivation. The pagi, essential structures characteristic of the Roman organization were built and the castles were abandoned.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Parish church of San Giovanni Battista, Pariana hamlet, 82. Documented from the end of the 14th century, it consists of a single nave with a gabled roof. Inside there is an eighteenth-century baptismal font in white marble, a white marble stoup in the shape of a shell from the same period and the altarpiece representing San Genesio.
  • 2 Oratory of San Rocco.
  • 3 Oratory of Santa Croce, Via dei Colli.
  • 4 Oratory of San Carlo, Via San Carlo Pò, 31.
  • Polla di Tommaso. Source located inside a public garden.

Events and parties

The flames of the Calendo
  • Popular representation of the Passion of Christ. A popular representation of the Passion of Christ is organized every year in Pariana. The event, organized by the inhabitants of Pariana, touches the salient phases of the Passion, moving gradually to the biblical places recreated along the way. The representation starts from the locality of Ca 'di Cecco, and then descends towards the Polla di Tommaso park where the crucifixion takes place. It is not a Via Crucis but the most important scenes of the Passion are played by actors and figures dressed in period clothes and chosen from the population of Pariana and San Carlo. The representation opens with the arrival of Jesus a Jerusalem welcomed by the cheering crowd; especially in this scene the public is directly involved, because it is equipped with palm trees and olive branches. Then there is the Last Supper, the capture in the Garden of Olives, the dialogue with Pilate, up to the aforementioned crucifixion, passing through the scene of the falls, the betrayal and hanging of Judas and the meeting with Veronica.
  • The Calendo. Simple icon time.svgBetween the end of April and the beginning of May. It represents one of the oldest traditions of Pariana dating back to the Roman era. It consists in lighting a pyre of wood which begins to burn as a good omen for a rich harvest. The cold winter climate thus leaves room for a lush spring. In the previous days many men collect bundles of wood and place them in the square of the town cemetery. This event is deeply felt by the villagers who gather around the pyre together with relatives and friends.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

The typical dishes of Pariana belong to a poor cuisine, typical of peasants and poor classes. The recipes are prepared with simple ingredients of the local tradition. The main element has always been polenta, especially that of chestnuts, with which neccio and castagnaccio are prepared.

The diet is lacking in proteins and vitamins but rich in carbohydrates. Potatoes, beans and pasta are the most used elements with which meatballs and baked cakes are created.

The fruit is used to make jams of all kinds. Figs, abundant in the area, are the most used. A peculiarity of Pariana and the neighboring villages is the tomato jam, used to make pies or combined with cheeses.

Average prices

  • 1 Tommaso's Pizzeria Polla, Via dei Colli, 103, 39 0585 319942. Simple icon time.svgWed-Mon 18: 00-23: 00.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Albachiara holiday home, Pariana hamlet, 62, 39 0585 319746.
  • 2 Ca 'Gina, Via dei Colli, 120, 39 349 124 8266.


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pariana
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