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This article lists the sites registered with World Heritage in Tanzania.


The Tanzania accepts the convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage .

The country has 7 properties (spread over 8 sites) inscribed on the World Heritage : 3 cultural, 3 natural and 1 mixed.

The country has also submitted 5 sites to the tentative list: 2 cultural and 3 natural.


The following sites are listed as World Heritage. That of the Selous game reserve is also included on the list of world heritage in danger.

1 Ngorongoro Conservation Area Mixed(iv), (vii), (viii), (ix), (x)The Ngorongoro Conservation Area stretches over vast expanses of grassland, bush and highland forest. Established in 1959 as a multiple-use land area, with wildlife coexisting with semi-nomadic Maasai pastoralists practicing cattle ranching, it includes the spectacular Ngorongoro Crater, the largest caldera in the world. The property is of global importance for the conservation of biodiversity, due to the presence of globally threatened species, the density of wildlife that inhabit it throughout the year, and migration annual of wildebeest, zebras, Thomson's gazelles and Grant's gazelles and other ungulates to the northern plains. Large-scale archaeological excavations have yielded a long sequence of traces of human evolution and human-environment dynamics, including fossilized footprints dating back 3.6 million years.Ngorongoro Crater.jpg
Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara
* 2 Kilwa Kisiwani
* 3 Songo Mnara
Cultural(iii)On two small islands very close to the Tanzanian coast, remain the vestiges of two large ports which made the admiration of the first European travelers. From XIIe to XVIe century, the merchants of Kilwa exchanged gold, silver, pearls, perfumes, Arabian tableware, Persian earthenware and Chinese porcelain, thus holding in their hands a good part of the trade of Indian Ocean.Kilwa Kisiwani Fort.jpg
4 Serengeti National Park Natural(vii), (x)In the vast plains of Serengeti, on a million and a half hectares of savannah, the annual migrations towards the permanent water points of immense herds of millions of herbivores - wildebeest, gazelles, zebras - followed by their predators, offer a spectacle from another age, one of the most impressive in the world.Zebras, Serengeti savana plains, Tanzania.jpg
5 Selous Game Reserve

On the List of World Heritage in Danger

Natural(ix), (x)Elephants, black rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, hippos and crocodiles live in large numbers in this immense sanctuary of 50,000 km2 remained almost safe from man. The park includes areas of varied vegetation, from dense thickets to clear wooded meadows.ElefantenAmRufiji.jpg
6 Kilimanjaro National Park Natural(vii)Highest point in Africa at an altitude of 5 895 m, Kilimanjaro is a volcanic massif whose isolated summit, covered with eternal snow, overlooks the neighboring savannah. It is surrounded by mountain forest and is home to many mammals, many of which are endangered species.Mount Kilimanjaro.jpg
7 The stone town of Zanzibar Cultural(ii), (iii), (vi)The Stone Town of Zanzibar is a magnificent example of East Africa's Swahili coastal trading towns. It has preserved an almost intact urban fabric and landscape, and many superb buildings that reflect its particular culture, a fusion of disparate elements of African, Arab, Indian and European cultures over more than a millennium.Stone Town, fort.jpg
8 Kondoa rock art sites Cultural(iii), (vi)In this area of 2,336 km2 located on the eastern slopes of the Maasai escarpment bordering the great rift valley, there are natural rock shelters, overlooking slabs of sedimentary rocks fragmented by the rift faults, whose vertical planes have served as a support for rock paintings for at least two millennia. The spectacular collection of images - often of great artistic value - distributed in more than 150 shelters presents sequences which constitute a unique testimony of the socio-economic evolution of the region, from hunter-gatherers to agro-pastoral societies, and the beliefs and ideas associated with them. People living in the vicinity of the shelters continue to associate them with ritual practices.Kondoa mchoro mwambani 2012 Tamino.jpg
Criteria legend
(i)Represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
(ii)To testify to a considerable exchange of influences during a given period or in a specific cultural area, on the development of architecture or technology, monumental arts, city planning or the creation of landscapes.
(iii)To bring a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or a living or disappeared civilization.
(iv)To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates one or more significant periods in human history.
(v)Be a prominent example of traditional human settlement, traditional use of land or sea.
(vi)To be directly or materially associated with events or living traditions, ideas, beliefs or artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance.
(vii)Represent natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
(viii)To be eminently representative examples of the great stages in the history of the Earth.
(ix)To be eminently representative examples of ecological and biological processes underway in the evolution and development of ecosystems.
(x)Contain the most representative natural habitats and the most important for conservation in situ of biological diversity.
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