Zanzibar (town) - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Zanzibar (ville) — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

For other places of the same name, see Zanzibar (disambiguation).
​((sw)Mji the Zanzibar)
Aerial view of Stone Town
Aerial view of Stone Town
Postal code
Telephone prefix
6 ° 10 ′ 5 ″ S 39 ° 12 ′ 14 ″ E

Zanzibar, Where Zanzibar City, is a port city located on the island of Unguja as well as the most important locality ofZanzibar archipelago in Tanzania. The old town is classified as Unesco World Heritage and is regularly cited between the 30e and the 40e place of the most visited places in the world and at the 4e place in Africa. It is also the administrative capital of Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.


Zanzibar City is divided into two main areas. The old town called Mji mkongwe ("Old town") in swahili Where Stone town ("Town of stone") in English due to the fact that it is mainly built of coral stone. This zone is listed in Unesco World Heritage since 2000. The other area is called in Swahili Ng'ambo which means "The other side" or New City ("New town") in English because it did not start to develop until the end of the XIXe century. Historically, the two parts were separated by a cove, hence the name of Ng'ambo, now backfilled and replaced by the Creek Road.


Zanzibar City
Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
7 days
7 days
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Number of days of precipitation
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm

The hottest months are from December to March with maximum temperatures around 33 ° C in February. The coldest months are from June to September with minimum temperatures slightly below 20 ° C in September.

Question precipitation, a heavy rainy season (masika in swahili) from March to May with an average of 41 mm of water per m2 and an average of 17 rainy days in April; a small rainy season (vuli in Swahili) in November and December with an average of 42 mm of water per m2 and an average of 26 rainy days for the two months. The driest months are from July to September with an average of 12 mm of water per m2 and an average of 12 rainy days for the three months. The negative difference in average precipitation in Zanzibar City compared to that of the whole ofarchipelago arises from the fact that the city is located downwind regular movements coming from the south-east and that, therefore, a large part of this precipitation has already poured out on the land before reaching the city.

  • Short term weather forecast Logo indicating a link to the website – Forecast for the next 5 days
Average seawater temperature
28.6 ° C28.6 ° C29.3 ° C29.2 ° C28.3 ° C26.9 ° C26 ° C25.6 ° C25.9 ° C26.6 ° C27.9 ° C28.6 ° C27.6 ° C
View towards Bawe Island
a To h
Sunset towards Bawe Island un To 17 h
In the Darajani market
a To 13 h
Sunset over the harbor a To 22 h
Thunderstorm one To h


"Zanzibar" is the translation given by the Portuguese to the designation Arab of زَنْجِيّ بَرَّا, itself a translation from Old Persian زنگبار which means "Land of the blacks" (from zang "Black", and bar, "Land", "coast"). However, if for the Arabs and Persians the term designates a much larger territory, for the Portuguese it only designates the island ofUnguja and the commercial counter that they install at the location of the current Stone town.


The Sultan's Palace after the British bombing of 1896
Part of the ten real estate bars of Ng'ambo

When the Portuguese arrived in 1503, Zanzibar was just a large fishing village occupied by the Hadimu, an ethnic group that has now disappeared. These made it a trading post on the sea route to India and, in 1600, they built a first stone building there: a church which was located on the site of the present day. strong arab.

In 1698, the Omanis regained control of the whole ofZanzibar archipelago and, immediately, began the construction of the current fort to defend against the relentless attacks of the Portuguese wanting to regain a foothold on the archipelago. The city of Zanzibar then becomes, with Kilwa Kisiwani and Mogadishu, one of the three most important slave markets in theEast Africa as well as a hub for the export of slaves to the Middle East and West of Indian subcontinent. In 1840, Sa‘id bin Sulṭān, the Sultan of Muscat and Oman, the same one whose last child born in 1844 is Sayyida Salme (aka Emily Ruete), transfers her capital from Muscat in Zanzibar City. Although, in , the Anglo-Zanzibarite treaty officially abolishes the slave trade on the archipelago, it will continue more or less clandestinely for many years. Thus, it is estimated that Tippu Tip, the most famous of the Swahili slavers and ivory trafficker, owned, in 1895, seven plantations where approximately 10,000 slaves. From the year 1873 and the abolition of slavery, Edward Steere, the Anglican bishop of Zanzibar, razes the slave market - all that remains two transit dungeons - and have the christ cathedral.

Following the Anglo-German agreement of , Unguja and Pemba become the protectorate British of Zanzibar and Zanzibar City the capital. The death of the pro-British sultan Hamad ibn Thuwaini the and the self-proclamation as sultan of his first cousin and brother-in-law Khalid ibn Bargach begets, the next, the shortest military conflict in history, 38 min, when five ships of the Royal Navy bomb the sultan's palace and its immediate surroundings causing the death of 500 Zanzibarites.

the , Ungunja and Pemba obtain their independence from the British Empire in the form of a constitutional monarchy with, at its head, the Sultan Jamshid bin Abdullah. But the revolution rumbles and, the , 600 to 800 supporters of the revolution attack the Zanzibar City police station, dismiss the last of the sultans and his government and retaliate against the Arab and Asian civilians accused by the Africans of having all power before declaring Zanzibar City as their capital.

In 1968, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar built in Ng'ambo and with the help of the RDA ten real estate bars, each from 200 to 300 meters, with six floors and centered around the crossroads formed by the Karuma Road and the Mlandege Road. This will be the only achievement of the New Zanzibar Project that the Zanzibarites tried to achieve with the help of the "friendly" countries of the time.

the , after the mysterious disappearance of one of their leaders, Sheikh Farid Hadi Ahmed, a group of Muslim extremists, advocating the creation of an Islamic state and the expulsion of Christians from Unguja, established makeshift barricades in the streets and set fire to a leisure center as well as inside the christ cathedral and force the Anglican clergy to flee. The police will take four days to restore calm.


  • Ḥāmid ibn Muḥammad and François Bontinck, The autobiography of Hamed ben Mohammed el-Murjebi Tippo Tip (ca. 1840-1905) (Autobiography of the slave ship Tippu Tip), Brussels, Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, 304p.(read online[PDF])(OCLC1660122)
  • Emily Ruete and Muḥammad Sayyid ʹAbd Raḥīm (trad. from Arabic by Colette Le Cour Grandmaison, pref. Colette Le Cour Grandmaison), Memoirs of an Arab Princess [« ميرة زنجبار وعمان) مذكرات اميرة عربية: سالمة بنت السيد بن سلطان) »] (Autobiography of the princess Sayyida Salme), Paris, Éditions Karthala, , 328 p.(ISBN 978-2-8111-0604-1 )(OCLC793474032)

To go

By plane

Zanzibar City is served by an international airport located at 7,5 km South of Stone town. Regular flights are operated all year round with the Mainland Tanzania, the Kenya, the'South Africa and the Middle East. During the summer and winter holiday periods, regular or charter seasonal flights are operated with several countries of theEuropean Union as well as with Israel. For the full table of airlines and destinations, see the "By plane »Of the article on the Zanzibar archipelago.

Several means of transfer to the city are available: daladala noto U (500 TZS per person for the trip), taxi (20 000 TZS for the journey). Some hotels have a free shuttle service to and from the airport and four car rental companies deliver and collect their vehicles at the airport.

On a boat

There is a connection four times a day by ferry-catamaran between Zanzibar City and Dar es Salaam. The maximum baggage per person is 25 kg and the duration of the crossing is between two and three hours depending on the sea state.

  • 2 Azam Marine & Coastal Ferries Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Ticket offices: Sikoine Drive, Dar es Salaam and Mizingani Road, Zanzibar City, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 22 2123324 (Dar es Salaam), 255 24 2231655 (Zanzibar City), e-mail : Logo indicating timetables departure every day at h, h 30, 12 h 30 and 15 h 45 (whatever the direction of the crossing). Logo indicating tariffs (2019) Non resident (payment only in USD, EUR and GBP)> 9 years old: Economy 35 $, Business 40 $, VIP 50 $, Royal 60 $ ; <10 years: Economy 25 $, Business 40 $, VIP 50 $, Royal 60 $. – Wireless free. (on board).


In Daladala and Basi

To travel in Zanzibar City or to its outskirts, prefer the daladala to basi, especially if you are not traveling with bulky luggage; it will be slightly more comfortable and above all faster. The price, non-negotiable, is around 500 TZS per person for a trip to town or to the outskirts. Each vehicle bears, at the front, the name of its final destination as well as, at the front, at the rear and on each side, a code represented by a letter. For more information on how to use the madaladala, see the "By public transport »Of the article on the Zanzibar archipelago.

  • 1 Dajarani daladala terminus Creek Road – Terminus of madaladala and mbasi.
Destinations in the metropolitan area of ​​Zanzibar City
TOAmaani Stadium

By taxi

Official taxis can be recognized by their number plates with white letters and numbers on a red background. Between 7 and 21 h , the price of a trip in town or to its outskirts costs between $ and 15 $, depending on whether it is an independent driver or a company, and with an additional cost of 10 $ outside of these hours. However, if you know how to negotiate, you will be able to get a reduction of up to 25% of the price. For more information on the use of taxis and the rates applied, see the "By taxi Of the article on the Zanzibar archipelago.

By car

If it is for driving only in Zanzibar City, a rental car is not a good solution. However, there are four car rental companies who can all take care of you fromAbeid Amani Karume International Airport.

By bike or on foot

Stone town is a planitia with an area of ​​approximately 96 Ha and most often traversed by more or less narrow alleys. To get around, cycling and walking are the two most practical ways. Be careful, however, to avoid deserted alleys at night, especially if you are alone, and to always secure your bike properly if you have to leave it, even if only for a few moments.

To see

Stone town

on Wikipediaon WikidataWorld Heritage logotype With an area of ​​approximately 96 Ha, it is the historic center of Zanzibar and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. It is also known under the name of Mji mkongwe which, in swahili, means "Old Town".

Randomly in Stone Town
The old dispensary
  • 1 Old dispensary (Old Dispensary, Ithnashiri Dispensary) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Malindi Road Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (only the ground floor). THE'Ithnashiri Dispensary is undoubtedly the most beautiful building in Stone Town. The termIthnashiri is another name given to Twelver Shiism which was the religion of the sponsor. It was commissioned in 1887 by a wealthy Indian merchant from Zanzibar, Tharia Topan, to celebrate Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee and to make it a hospital for the poor. However, following the death of the sponsor in 1891 and the conflicts of interest between the heirs that followed, the building was not completed until 1894. Bought in 1900 by another Indian merchant, the building was divided into a dispensary on the ground floor, and in several apartments on the other two floors. It was this custom that persisted until 1964 and the requisition of the premises by the revolutionary government of Zanzibar. Beautifully renovated in 1990, its carved wooden balconies, with stained glass decorations, are of Indian influence, the main structure is constructed of sedimentary coral and mangrove wood covered with stucco ornaments of European neo-classical taste. The interior of the building is equally sophisticated with a covered atrium and sculpted bridges connecting the floors. Part of the first floor has a small museum devoted to the history of Zanzibar and the renovation of the old dispensary while the rest is occupied by offices.
  • 2 Century-old fig tree ((in)Big tree, (sw)Mtini) Mizingani Road (at the intersection with Jamatini Road) – Fig tree planted in 1911 by Sultan Khalifa, this century-old and very imposing tree appears in many photos taken since the beginning of the XXe century. Well beyond the top of all the surrounding buildings, it is easily recognizable when arriving in Zanzibar City by boat.
  • 3 Malindi Mosque (Malindi Mosque, Mnara Mosque) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Jamatini Road Logo indicating timetables interior inaccessible to non-Muslims. – Built in XVe century by Sunni Muslims from Malindi, it is one of the oldest mosques in the Zanzibar archipelago. Its architecture is quite unusual with, in particular, a roof in the form of a platform and a conical minaret, one of only three in the wholeEast Africa, not starting on the ground but at the level of the middle of the platform. Please note that, as with all the other mosques in Zanzibar, the interior is not accessible to non-Muslims without having been invited by the imam, it is recommended to be particularly discreet when taking photos in the immediate surroundings and that those showing people praying or gathering to participate in worship must absolutely be done with the agreement of these people.
The Palace museum
  • 4 Mandir Shakti (Shakti Temple) Hurumzi Street Logo indicating timetables open every day. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Hindu temple built in 1958.
  • 5 Palace Museum (Palace Museum, Sultan's Palace, Beit el-Sahel) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Nyumba ya Moto Street Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 18 h, sat.- Sun. : h - 15 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : $, child <12 years old: $ ; guide: price to be negotiated but $ seems correct. – Beit el-Sahel is the Latin transcription of Arabic منزل الساحلmeaning "House of the coast". Originally built between 1827 and 1834 to be the main residence of the Sultan Sa‘id bin Sulṭān and his family, he was almost completely destroyed by the bombardment of the Royal Navy from of which he was the main target. Quickly rebuilt, it is a two-storey coral stone building topped with decorative merlons. Between the Beit el-Sahel and the Beit al-Ajaib There used to be another building: the Beit el-Hukm which was none other than the harem. The latter was connected to the other two by private roads but was not rebuilt after the bombardment of 1896. After having been the seat of government of Zanzibar between 1964 and 1994, Beit el-Sahel is now a museum dedicated to the royal family of the sultans of Zanzibar with many objects that belonged to them, such as the throne, beds and other furniture. One of the rooms is entirely dedicated to the princess Sayyida Salme, aka Emily Ruete. This room contains, among other things, family photos, handwritten extracts from his autobiographical book Memoirs of an Arab Princess as well as various clothes from her wardrobe. In the gardens adjoining the palace are the tombs of the first six Zanzibar sultans.
  • 6 House of wonders (House of wonders, Beit al-Ajaib) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Mizingani Road Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 18 h, sat.- Sun. : h - 15 h. Logo indicating tariffs adult : $, child <12 years old: $ (including access to the exterior galleries and the roof terrace). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (ground floor and 1er floor thanks to an elevator). Along with the old fort, it is the most emblematic building in Stone Town. Its Latinized name of Beit al-Ajaib (بيت العجائب in Arab stands for "House of Wonders" and comes from the fact that it was the first building in Zanzibar to be lit by electric bulbs and, even for the wholeEast Africa, to be equipped with an electric mechanical lift. Completed in 1883 to be the ceremonial palace of the third Sultan of Zanzibar, Barghash bin Said, The brother of Sayyida Salme (aka Emily Ruete), it was built on the ruins of an old palace in XVIIe century used by Fatuma, the last Swahili queen (Mwinyi Mkuu, of mwinyi "Owner" and "Chief", "principal" in swahili) from Zanzibar. Built in a mixture of materials as diverse as they are original such as sedimentary coral, concrete slabs, steel beams and mangrove wood, its perfect square plan of 50 meters side in fact, after the old fort, the second largest building in area of ​​Stone Town. The building has a large central covered courtyard surrounded by open galleries; The marble floors and most of the silver decorations inside were imported from Europe; some of the interior doors of the palace are beautifully carved with inscriptions from the Quran and the main exterior door was designed so that the sultan could pass through it on the back of an elephant. Somewhat damaged during bombardment of over there Royal Navy, it was repaired in 1897 and the present clock tower, the tallest building in Stone Town, was added to it. After the revolution of 1964, the place became, in turn, the seat of a political party then a school before being abandoned in the early 1990s. Since 2002, the palace has housed a museum with permanent collections centered on the Zanzibar history and swahili culture. Undoubtedly, the centerpiece is the reconstruction, on a scale of approximately 1/2, of a mtepe (traditional boat from the Swahili coast and already described in the The Eritrean Sea Journey written in the first half of the Ier century. Although not quite in conformity with the ancient mtepes, this boat, baptized Shungwaya (from the name of the mythical city which would be at the origin of the Swahili culture), succeeds, in to navigate at sea under various conditions.
  • 7 Old fort ((in)Old fort, Arab Fort, (sw)Ngome kongwe) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Mizingani Road – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Built by the Omanis between 1698 and 1701, on the site of the first church built in 1600 by the Portuguese, to defend themselves from attacks by the latter who were trying to regain control of the region, it is the oldest building in town stone. With an area of 5 225 m2, it has the shape of a convex quadrilateral and is composed of two interior courtyards, one of which still has the foundations of the Portuguese church, separated by a wall as well as ramparts and four towers, in coral stones, the whole surmounted by parapets merlons. At XIXe century, the buildings were converted into a prison and then into a military barracks. In 1905, new reconversion; it served as a depot for the only public railway line that has ever existed on the archipelago: the line of approximately 11 km between Stone Town and Bububu. After this line was finally abandoned in 1930, the fort became the seat of a ladies' tennis club with playing fields in each of the two courts. Currently, the fort has become a cultural center with an open-air amphitheater. There are also souvenir shops, a restaurant and a tourist information office.
The old fort seen from the House of Wonders
  • 8 Forodhani Park (Forodhani Park, Jubilee Gardens) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Mizingani Road Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityForodhani means "port" in swahili. Arranged in 1936 to celebrate the 25 years of the Sultan's reign Khalifa bin Harub, completely renovated in 2009 and with an area of ​​approximately 9 To, this small, well-planted, flowery and maintained park has, in its center, a bandstand, on the right, a fountain and, on the left, a small playground. Many stone benches encourage rest and two kiosks sell refreshing drinks. However, it is from dusk that the park is the most interesting and lively, to admire the sunset first and, then, for the street food market.
The portal of Saint-Joseph cathedral
  • 9 St. Joseph's Cathedral (St. Joseph's Cathedral) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Cathedral Street (Baghani district) Logo indicating tariffs free. – Roman Catholic cathedral built between 1893 and 1897 by the French architect Jules Beranger, at the initiative of the French Spiritan missionaries, in the neo-Romanesque style and on the ruins of a chapel, dedicated to Notre-Dame-des-Anges, built by the Portuguese. It is largely inspired by the plans of the Cathedral of Sainte-Marie-Majeure To Marseilles completed the year of the start of construction of that of Zanzibar. The interior is painted with frescoes by French artists representing scenes from the Old Testament; unfortunately, these frescoes were poorly restored in 2014. The original stained glass windows were imported from France. Despite being of more modest dimensions than its counterpart in Marseille, the cathedral is the second tallest building in Stone Town but is the first to be seen when coming from the sea. The main doors being closed outside the offices religious (Sun. : h - h), you must then enter from the back and the courtyard of the neighboring convent.
  • 10 Freddie Mercury House (Mercury house) Kenyatta Road 139 – One of the three houses where Farrokh Bulsara, better known by his stage name of Freddie mercury, lived during the first seven years of his life in Zanzibar. The allegation that Freddy Mercury was born in this house is totally false, he was born in Mnazi Mmoja Hospital. The ground floor is now occupied by an art gallery (Zanzibar Gallery). During this period he also lived in what is today the Camlurs Restaurant (still Kenyatta Road, opposite Shangani Street).
  • 11 Tippu Tip House (Tippu Tip's House) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Suicide Alley, 2069 – House built by Tippu Tip, sometimes also spelled Tippo Tip or Tippo Tipo, his real name Hamed ben Mohammed el-Murjebi the most famous of the slave tradersEast Africa. According to some sources, he visited his concubines there twice a day when he was in Zanzibar. Thanks to human trafficking, ivory smuggling and the return of his clove plantations, Tippu Tip had become by 1890 one of the richest and most powerful men in Africa. However, the campaigns against the Arabo-Swahili by theCongo Free State between 1892 and 1894 caused him to lose his income from the slave trade and ivory. He died in 1905 in his Zanzibarite home. Divided into several apartments, the building is not, in principle, open to visitors, but the immense double door in carved wood, including the lintel and the uprights, and adorned with impressive point-shaped fittings is certainly the one of the most beautiful in Stone Town is always open during the day.
The Peace Memorial Museum
  • 12 Peace Memorial Museum (Peace Memorial Museum, Beit-el-Amani) Logo indicating a facebook link Benjamin Mkapa Road Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 18 h, sat.- Sun. : h 30 - 115 h. – In Arabic بيت ايل-أماني Beit-el-Amani means "house of peace". Built in 1925 by the British architect John houston sinclair to commemorate the end of the First World War, this centered-plan building features whitewashed walls, a dome and arched Islamic-style windows. “Museum” is a somewhat misnomer nowadays because almost all of the collections have been transferred to house of wonders. Instead, the site is now used as a library with a rich collection of lithographs, maps and photographs dating from the XIXe and the start of XXe century as well as a documentation center on the history of the Zanzibar Archipelago. Outside, in an enclosure, lives a giant Seychelles tortoise (Dipsochelys dussumieri). This is the last individual present here, the others having been transferred to the turtle sanctuary on theChanguu Island.
  • 13 Persian Hamamni public baths (Hamamni Persian Baths) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Hamamni Street Logo indicating timetables on request to the caretaker. – Hamamni means "place of the baths" (from Arabic (حَمَام ḥammām which means "bathroom"). Built between 1870 and 1888, these were the first public baths in Zanzibar City. They were open, against a user fee, to both men and women but at different times. The baths are no longer active nowadays but it is possible to visit them. To do this, contact the caretaker who lives opposite. For a small entrance fee, you will be entitled to a leaflet on the history and function of the baths as well as a guided tour that will show you the hot room, the cold room and the cold water pool.
  • 14 Christ cathedral (Christ Church) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Tharia Street Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs free, guided tour (also including a visit to the dungeons and the slavery museum):> 10 years old 8 000 TZS Where $. – Anglican cathedral built in coral stone between 1873 and 1883 on the site of the former Zanzibar slave market. The whole mixes perpendicular Gothic, typically British, and Islamic architecture while the bell tower has a rather unique concrete roof. Inside, the altar is located exactly where the slaves were whipped and, behind this altar, is the bishop's tomb. Edward Steere, the designer of the cathedral. Also inside, we can see a crucifix made of wood from the tree under which the heart of the Doctor Livingstone was buried at Chitambo in Zambia. Note also the red marble columns of the narthex posed upside down by workers during the absence of the architect. The whole was renovated, exterior and interior, between October 2013 and the end of 2015.
  • 15 Memorial and dungeons to slaves (Slaves memorial and Slave chambers) (behind the cathedral of christ) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h 30 (last departure at 18 h) except for the memorial which is visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs memorial: free; dungeons, slavery museum and guided tour of the cathedral:> 10 years 8 000 TZS Where $. – Memorial and museum Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilitydungeons Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility The concrete memorial opened in 1998 is the work of Swedish artist Clara Sörnäs. It represents five slaves of different ages chained, with original irons. Everything is in a pit so that only the busts of the statues are visible from a distance. Opposite the memorial is a small museum dedicated to the history of slavery in Zanzibar as well as the ticket office for guided tours. To the right of the memorial, we have access to two dungeons, one for men and one for women and children, where the newly arrived slaves were locked up for three days without eating or drinking before being sold on the market.
The Cathedral of Christ in 2012 before its complete renovation
The altar at the place of the whipping pillory
Two of the columns laid upside down
The slaves memorial
One of the two dungeons of the slave memorial
Dajarani market
  • 16 Darajani market ((in)Darajani Market, (sw)Marikiti kuu) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element Market Street Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 17 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated on and an area of ​​approximately 4 Ha, but overflowing widely in the neighboring streets and alleys, it replaces the old market which was once held in the courtyards of old fort. You have to go for the atmosphere, the colors and the scents, you are in the "Mecca" of spices and in the capital of the tropical fruit empire, is to do while being careful of pickpockets and not to show too conspicuously his mobile phones or cameras. It is also good practice to ask the shopkeeper for permission to photograph his display. If you want to visit the part reserved for the sale of meat and, above all, fish where you can see, among other things, marlins (Istiophoridae) and great barracudas (Sphyraena barracuda) whole, it is best to go early enough in the morning; As most businesses do not have a cold room, the smells become more and more unpleasant as the day progresses.


on Wikidata In swahili, Ng'ambo means "The other side". It is also called New City.

Doctor Livingstone's House
  • 17 Doctor Livingstone's House (Livingstone House) Malawi Road, Gulioni (in daladala: at Dajarani terminal, take the daladala no B (Bububu) or the no 502), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 54 32344 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 17 h, sat.- Sun. : h - 15 h. – Built in 1860 for the first Sultan of Zanzibar, Majid bin Said Al-Busaidi, this house served as a starting point for many explorers such as Burton and Speke in 1856, Cameron in 1873, Stanley in 1871, 1874, 1879 and 1887 as well as David Livingstone in 1864, returning from his expedition which led to the discovery and exploration of lake malawi, and in 1866, at the start of his expedition to discover the sources of Nile. If this house bears the name of Livingstone, it is because the latter being a convinced anti-slaver, he worked in Zanzibar itself, alongsideEdward Steere, for the abolition of slavery in the archipelago. Currently the house is the headquarters of the Zanzibar Tourism Society (Zanzibar Tourist Corporation).
  • 18 Ruins of Marhubi Palace (Marhubi Palace Ruins) off Malawi Road, Marhubi (daladala no B (Bububu) or the no 502) – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Built by the sultan Barghash bin Said in 1880 in the middle of a 50 hectare garden, this palace burnt down in 1890. However, one can still see many columns, sections of wall and, especially, the complex of bath always surmounted by its three domes as well as the aqueduct which supplied the domain with water.
  • 19 Ruins of Mtoni Palace (Mtoni Palace Ruins) Logo indicating a link to the website off Malawi Road, Mtoni (daladala no B (Bububu) or the no 502) Logo indicating tariffs only with a guide. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. The palace was built between 1828 and 1832 by the sultan Sa‘id bin Sulṭān to make it his official residence and home to his three wives, forty-two children and hundreds of concubines. The ruins form a quadrangle of over 3 000 m2 and have many galleries and colonnades. Toilets and cafeteria. Every Thursday and Friday evening dinner show.


Guided tours

For those who don't like adventure, local tour operators organize guided tours of Stone town as well as half-day or full-day excursions to Unguja Island.


  • 4 Gardens of the Republic (Jamhuri Gardens) Creek Road Logo indicating timetables permanently open. – Playground with many attractions for young children.



The only golf course in the whole archipelago is the Sea Cliff Golf located 18 km north of Stone Town.

Scuba diving

  • One Ocean Logo indicating a link to the website Malindi Road (in the Golden Tulip Stone Town Boutique), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 773 048828, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs mask and snorkel excursion: 45 $, 1 dive and 1 session in mask and snorkel: 85 $, night diving: 85 $. – Logo representing the flag of the country France among the languages ​​spoken. Organization of dives between 4 and 40 meters deep around the islands facing Zanzibar City.


Chaque année, en septembre, le Zanzibar International Marathon Committee organise un marathon entre Bwejuu et Makunduchi, To 53 kilomètres par la route au sud-est de Stone Town, le long du littoral du Sud-Est.

To buy

Zanzibar City étant le grand centre commercial et touristique de l'archipel, tous les souvenirs et spécialités zanzibarites y sont offerts à l'achat. Pour cela, référez-vous à le section « To buy » de l'article dédié à l'archipel de Zanzibar. Dans le dédale des ruelles, vous pourrez aussi trouver sans problème et exposées dans l'espace publique des peintures à l'huile d'artistes locaux.


Le marché du parc Forodhani

Local cuisine

  • Zanzibar gastronomy  – Celle-ci compte quelques spécialités de table. Certaines sont communes à une grande partie de l'East Africa et issues de la swahili culture. D'autres, parfois étranges, sont propres à l'archipel de Zanzibar voire à un endroit très spécifique tel le marché du parc Forodhani.
  • 1 Al-Jabry Tharia Street Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h 30 - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs about 7 500 TZS pour un plat et une boisson. – Cuisine zanzibarite et indienne. Spécialité de différents riz et de boko-boko.
  • 2 Lukmaan Restaurant New Mkunazini Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 777 482131 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 21 h. Logo indicating tariffs about 5 000 TZS pour un plat. – Une des meilleures cuisines locales de Zanzibar City. Terrasse couverte;
  • 3 Marché du parc Forodhani Forodhani Park (sur la gauche, près de la fontaine) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 17 h - 21 h (parfois plus longtemps). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Des dizaines d'étals où l'on cuisine devant vous toutes les spécialités locales comme l'étrange pizza de Zanzibar. À emporter ou à déguster sur un des bancs du parc.
  • 4 Mukhy’s Cafe Malawi Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 777 461886 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 24 h. Logo indicating tariffs 6 000 TZS pour une mishkaki ou une cuisse de poulet accompagné de crudités et de frites. – Specialty of mishkaki and of poulet tandoori cuit au tandoor. Pas de salle de restaurant mais une grande terrasse couverte avec tables et chaises.
  • 5 Mzuri Sana Malawi Road Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 21 h. Logo indicating tariffs 6 000 TZS pour un plat de viande ou de poisson accompagné de légume, d'un chapati et de deux tasses de thé. – Petite salle de restaurant et terrasse couverte.
  • 6 Sambusa Two Tables Kaunda Road (entrée par la Victoria Street), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 231979, 255 777 416601 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 18 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs repas complet à 15 300 TZS. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Cuisine locale et familiale, repas copieux. Le restaurant porte bien son nom de Two Tables, huit personnes et il est complet. Réservation plus que nécessaire.
  • 7 The Floating Restaurant Logo indicating a facebook link Forodhani Park, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 777 451188 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 21 h (minuit pour le bar). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cuisine traditionnelle zanzibarite et indienne. Restaurant sur pilotis avec vue imprenable sur le couché de soleil depuis la grande terrasse couverte qui cerne le bâtiment sur trois côtés.

Brasserie cuisine

  • 8 Loulou Logo indicating a facebook link Kenyatta Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2240170 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 8 000 TZS and 66 000 TZS. – No Bancontact terminal Cuisine de brasserie tenue par un couple de Belges avec, entre autres, du blanc bleu belge et des desserts chocolatés au menu ainsi que des bières belges.

Chinese cuisine

  • 9 Pagoda Suicide Alley, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2234688 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h 30 - 14 h 30 and18 h - 23 h. Logo indicating tariffs dishes between 2 200 TZS and 13 200 TZS. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility (le restaurant est au 1er étage sans ascenseur). Cuisine chinoise avec spécialités de crustacés, plats végétariens. Carte de vins. Take away food.

Indian food

  • 10 Radha Food House Mizingani Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2234808 – Indian cuisine. Plats végétariens.

Cuisine italienne

  • 11 Amore Mio Shangani Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 776 211071 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 6 000 TZS and 12 000 TZS. – accessible Wi-Fi network Pizzeria mais vaut surtout le coup pour ses crèmes glacées. Pas d'alcool. Terrasse ombragée face au canal de Zanzibar. Réservation souhaitable. Take away food.
  • 12 La Taverna Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link (dans le quartier de Mkunazini), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 776 650301 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : 11 h - 23 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 18 000 TZS and 85 000 TZS, pizzas entre 7 000 TZS and 25 000 TZS, vins italiens entre 5 000 TZS le verre et 47 000 TZS la bouteille.


  • 13 6 Degrees South Logo indicating a facebook link Shangani Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 779 666050 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - h. – Wireless free. Grande terrasse couverte face au canal de Zanzibar, carte de vins. Bar, avec spécialité de cocktails alcoolisés ou non, ouvert à partir de 19 h et discothèque le vendredi soir avec musique Ethio-jazz et disco.
  • 14 Old Fort Restaurant Mizingani Road (dans la cour de l’amphithéâtre du vieux fort), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 744 278737 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs buffet grillade spectacle : 22 000 TZS, spectacle uniquement : 11 000 TZS. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityGame.- sat. : 19 h - 22 h buffet grillade (viande, poissons, plats végétarien). Covered terrace.


Pour les voyageurs qui aiment ou doivent préparer leurs repas, Zanzibar City n'a pas la pléthore de magasins de chaines de la grande distribution de Dar es Salaam. Seuls existent deux supermarchés classiques dignes de ce nom avec vente de conserves, de produits frais et de produits surgelés mais aucune boisson alcoolisée.

  • 15 Kwality Supermarket Magomeni-Wandarasi Road, Mwanakwerekwe – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 16 Migoz Supermarket Logo indicating a facebook link Nyerere road (à mi-chemin entre Stone Town et l'aéroport, prendre le daladala no U), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 765 206902 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h 30 - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Boucherie de viande fraiche, fromages et une marque de chocolats belges.

Pour les boissons alcoolisées, il n'existe que deux endroits :

  • ZMMI Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Nyerere road (à côté du supermarché Migoz), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2231741, 255 776 999664 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h - 21 h, Sun. : 10 h - 18 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Ici, vous trouverez tout. C'est le seul importateur de boissons alcoolisées de l'archipel. Payement possible par carte de crédit ( 5% de frais).
  • 17 Memories of Zanzibar (One Stop Shop) Logo indicating a link to the website Kenyatta road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2239376 – Supérette sur deux étages avec quelques boissons alcoolisées à prix démocratique. Payement possible par carte de crédit ( 5% de frais).

Pour ceux qui préfèrent préparer leur repas avec des légumes, des épices, des herbes aromatiques et des fruits frais, le marché Darajani est l'endroit incontournable. Rien que en bananes, vous y trouverez plus de vingt variétés différentes. Les produits de la mer peuvent aussi y être achetés mais, la plupart des commerçants n'ayant pas de chambre froide, il vaut mieux y aller assez tôt dans la matinée. À côté de la section réservée à la vente des fruits et légumes, mais en dehors du marché, vous trouverez aussi un magasin qui vend des crustacés et des mollusques surgelés.

Have a drink / Go out

  • Concert de musique taarab (in the ruines du palais de Mtoni) Logo indicating timetables chaque jeudi et vendredi soir. Logo indicating tariffs 45 $. – Dîner-spectacle de musique taarab basé sur la vie amoureuse de la princesse Sayyida Salme, une des filles du sultan Seyyid Saïd.
  • 1 Jaws Corner Jaws Corner Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs 100 TZS la tasse. – Pour déguster du café arabica d'Éthiopie noir, sans lait ni sucre, cuit dans de l'eau additionnée de cannelle fraiche, de cardamone et de gingembre et accompagné d'un petit bol de kashata. C'est le remède idéal si vous soupçonnez d'être atteint de la diarrhée du voyageur ainsi que l'endroit où il faut être vu et la place idéale pour faire la connaissance des Zanzibarites.
  • Bwawani Disco Fungini Street (sous la piscine du Bwawani Hotel) Logo indicating tariffs entrance : 1,25 $. – Musique disco. Dans une pièce assez sombre demandant à être rénovée.


  • 2 Majestic Cinema Vuga Road Logo indicating tariffs 550 TZS. – Le dernier des trois cinémas que comptait la ville. Films d'action kung-fu ou policier, productions bollywoodiennes et, certains jours de la semaine, productions américaines.

Pour la famille

  • 3 Parc d'amusement Kariakoo (Kariakoo Amusement Park) Felix Moumie Road, Kwaakinatu (prendre le daladala no A (Amaani Stadium)) Logo indicating timetables Fri.- Sun. : 14 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs entrance : 1 000 TZS, manèges électriques : 1 000 TZS par tour. – Parc d'amusement pour les enfants avec une douzaine de manège dont une montagne russe et une grande roue. Cafeteria. Pour l'anecdote, le parc est géré et entretenu par le service d'incendie de la ville de Zanzibar.
  • 4 Parc Zanzibar (Zanzibar Park) Zanzibar - Dunga Road, Mwera (prendre le daladala no 6 (Chwaka)) – Petit parc animalier qui présente la faune endémique de l'archipel de Zanzibar. Promenade à dos de cheval ou de dromadaire dans les rues de Mwera. Piscine et pataugeoire. Cafeteria.


  • Sauti za Busara Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Mizingani Road (dans l'amphithéâtre du vieux fort), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 242 232423 Logo indicating timetables jeudi 3 février 2022 au mercredi 9 février 2022. Logo indicating tariffs adulte : entre 120 000 TZS pour 1 jour et 320 000 TZS pour les 4 jours. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Festival de musique, tous genres confondus, interprétée chaque soirée par une quarantaine de groupes ou artistes solos africains entre 17 hand h 30. Le jeudi, parade carnavalesque et spectacle de rue (gratuit).
  • Festival international du film de Zanzibar (Zanzibar International Film Festival) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link Mizingani Road (dans l'amphihéâtre du vieux fort), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 773 411499, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables du mardi 6 juillet 2021 au mercredi 14 juillet 2021. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Concours récompensant des réalisateurs africains.
  • Festival international des dhows (Festival of the Dhow Countries) (Canal de Zanzibar, ligne d'arrivée face au Tembo House Hotel) Logo indicating timetables le mercredi 7 juillet 2021. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Courses de dhows sur le canal de Zanzibar, représentation de musique et de danses traditionnelles, échoppes d'objets artisanaux, défilé carnavalesque.
  • Festival culturel de Zanzibar (Zanzibar Cultural Festival) Mizingani Road (dans l'amphithéâtre du vieux fort) Logo indicating timetables mardi 13 juillet 2021 au mardi 13 juillet 2021 (le week-end suivant le festival international des dhows). – Festival de musiques et de danses traditionnelles de l'Afrique de l'Est. Le samedi, parade folklorique et spectacle de rue (gratuit).


Catégorie de prix en 2016

Dortoir dans une auberge :

  • per person 15 $

Chambre double :

  • bon marché entre 40 $ and 75 $,
  • prix moyen entre 75 $ and 175 $,
  • luxe > 200 $.

À Zanzibar City


  • 1 Karibu Inn Gizenga Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2233058, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs bed in dormitory: 15 $, Double room : 40 $. – Wireless paying.


  • 2 Africa House Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Shangani Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 774 432340, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 15 chambres doubles entre 150 $ and 250 $. – Restaurant et bar sur le toit et un restaurant à l'intérieur, tous trois avec vue direct sur le canal de Zanzibar.
  • 3 Bwawani Hotel Funguni Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2235006, e-mail : chambre disponible à partir de 10 h, à libérer avant 10 h. – 118 chambres. Piscine intérieure, plage.
  • 4 Emerson Spice Café Logo indicating a link to the website Tharia Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 755 046395 – Restaurant-terrasse couverte sur le toit.
  • 5 Forodhani Park Hotel Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Mizingani Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2234577, e-mail : chambre disponible à partir de 10 h, à libérer avant 13 h. Logo indicating tariffs chambre double : entre 90 $ and 130 $. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 18 chambres et 1 suite. Restaurant, piscine et bar avec terrasse sur le toit.
  • 6 Golden Tulip Stone Town Boutique Logo indicating a link to the website Malindi Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 773 303703, e-mail : chambre disponible à partir de 13 h, à libérer avant 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs from 49 . – 4 starsWireless free. Logo representing the flag of the country France parmi les langues parlées. 33 chambres doubles dont certaines en suite. Bar et restaurants (1 dans le jardin et 1 sur le toit). Outdoor pool. Animals not accepted. Parking gratuit et sécurisé. Location de vélos.
  • 7 Hotel Marine Malindi Road Logo indicating tariffs chambre double : 45 $ (petit déjeuner compris). – Wireless free. Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility 13 chambres toutes avec balcon. Bar avec terrasse et restaurant. Location de vélos.
  • 8 House of Spices Logo indicating a link to the website (dans le quartier de Mkunazini), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2231264, e-mail :  – Restaurant-terrasse couverte avec cuisine fusion et italienne sur le toit.
  • 9 Kisiwa House Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Baghani Street 572, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2235654, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 11 chambres doubles entre 100 $ and 200 $ et 4 suites. – Wireless paying. Restaurant-terrasse sur le toit.
  • 10 Mizingani Seafront Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Mizingani Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2235396, 255 776 443077 chambre disponible à partir de 12 h, à libérer avant 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 160 $ en chambre double et 200 $ pour une suite. – Wireless free. 4 stars 33 chambres et suites. Piscine. Bar et restaurant avec terrasse couverte et vue sur le canal de Zanzibar.
  • 11 Park Hyatt Logo indicating a link to the website Shangani Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 5501234, e-mail : chambre disponible à partir de 15 h, à libérer avant 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 285 $ en chambre double et 830 $ pour une suite. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility5 stars 67 chambres dont 11 en suite. Piscine (accessible entre h and 19 h). Centre de remise en forme et salle de fitness. Bar et restaurant (Zamani Residence) tous deux avec terrasse face au canal de Zanzibar.
  • 12 Serena Inn Logo indicating a link to the website Shangani Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  254 24 2233051, e-mail : chambre disponible à partir de 14 h, à libérer avant 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 200 $ en chambre double et 850 $ pour une suite. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility5 stars Piscine. Restaurant, bar avec terrasse et discothèque en soirée.
  • 13 Stone Town Café Logo indicating a link to the website Kenyatta Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 778 373737, e-mail :  – Wireless free.
  • 14 Tembo House Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Shangani Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2233005, e-mail : chambre disponible à partir de 11 h, à libérer avant 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 145 $ en chambre double et 195 $ for a suite, breakfast included. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility4 stars 46 rooms, apartments and suites all with balcony. Swimming pool and private beach, fitness center. Bar and restaurant with terrace. Pets accepted free of charge (on prior request).
  • 15 Zenji Hotel Logo indicating a link to the website Malawi Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 776 705592, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 9 double bedrooms (including 2 en suite) between 48 $ and 86 $. – Rooftop terrace bar.

Guest rooms

  • 16 Kiponda Bed and Breakfast Logo indicating a link to the website Nyumba ya Moto Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2233052, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 15 double rooms between 40 $ and 60 $ breakfast (served on the roof terrace) included. – Wireless free.

In Bububu

  • 17 Dalma lodge (off Malawi Road), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 712 494918 room available from 12 h, to be released before 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs from 25  breakfast included. – Wireless free. (in common areas). 8 double bedrooms. Restaurant. Animals accepted free of charge. Free private parking, shuttle to and from the airport.

Near the airport

  • 18 Zanzibar Airport Hotel (Mc Pippo's Hotel) Nyerere Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 653 056888
  • 19 Airport Palace , Logo indicating a telephone number  255 774 532777
  • 20 Chukwani Executive Inn Mbweni Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 773 814141

On the islands

  • 21 Bawe Tropical Island Lodge Logo indicating a link to the website Bawe Island, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 773 333241 – 4 starsInaccessible to people with reduced mobility 15 cottages discreetly aligned along the beach on a private island of about 40 hectares. Bar and restaurant with fish specialties. Outdoor pool.
  • 22 Chumbe Island Coral Park Logo indicating a link to the website Chumbe island, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 242 231040, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 260 $ and 280 $ depending on the season. – No Bancontact terminalaccessible Wi-Fi network (in the main building). 7 cottages along the beach. Bar and restaurant. Organization of snorkelling as well as walks on the island which is a nature reserve.
  • 23 Paradise Hotel Logo indicating a link to the websitePrison Island room available from 12 h, to be released before 10 h. – 4 starsaccessible Wi-Fi network Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility 15 cottages discreetly aligned along a private beach on Turtle Island. Bar and restaurant (Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h, count 20 $ for a main course and a drink) with fish specialties. Outdoor swimming pool with paddling pool, tennis court. Animals not accepted.


The old post office

Postal mail

  • 1 Main post office (General Post Office) Karume Road (in Mikunguni) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h - 12 h 30 and14 h - 16 h 30, Sun. : h - 12 h 30.
  • 2 Old post office (Old Post Office) Kenyatta Road Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Game. : h - 13 h and14 h - 16 h 30, Fri. : h - 12 h and14 h - 17 h, sat. : h - 12 h.


All Internet cafes in Zanzibar City have telephone booths, but the cost of communications to foreign countries is very expensive. If you have a smartphone, it is better to use an internet service like Mobile voip Where Voip Discount. If you decide to use a local phone number, all sim cards Tanzanian operators are operating. However, the Zanzibar operator Zantel (prefix 77x) offers better rates.

  • Zantel Logo indicating a link to the website – Zanzibar phone operator website.

The Wi-Fi network is very well developed and most mid to upper category hotels offer free access in their premises.

Manage the day-to-day

the Bharmal Building, seat of the Zanzibar City Council


  • 3 Zanzibar City Council (Zanzibar Municipal Council) Logo indicating a facebook link Creek Road (Bharmal Building), Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2231105 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (on the ground floor).


Location of the five ATMs (only with a credit card):

  • 4 Barclays Bank Kenyatta Road
  • 5 Barclays Bank Karume Road
  • 6 Barclays Bank Magomeni-Wandarasi Road, Mwanakwerekwe
  • Barclays Bank Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (in the international arrivals terminal)
  • 7 KBC Malawi Road (in the Kenya Airway building)


Hospitals and clinics

  • 8 Mnazi Mmoja Hospital Kaunda Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2231071 – Regional public hospital (and the largest hospital in the archipelago) with 440 beds with an emergency service.
    • Mwembeladu Maternity Home (Mwembeladu (Zanzibar City)) – Maternity unit at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital with a capacity of 34 beds.
  • 9 Zanzibar Medical and Diagnostic Center off Vuga Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2233113, 255 777 750040 (emergency room) – Clinic regularly used by expatriates. Staff practicing several foreign languages, including Logo representing the flag of the country France French.
  • 10 Zanzibar Medical Group Kenyatta Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  254 24 2233134 Logo indicating tariffs consultation: 30 $. – Private clinic


  • Zanzibar Help Foundation Dental Clinic Logo indicating a link to the website Kenyatta Road (behind the Zanzibar Medical Group) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and15 h - 18 h, sat. : h 30 - 12 h 30. – Dental clinic. Logo representing the flag of the country France among the languages ​​spoken.


  • 11 Karibu eye Center New Mkunazini Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2235621, 255 777 424656 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 17 h, sat. : h - 13 h. – Optician-eyewear.


Muslims, whether they are sunnis, Shiites or even ibadists will have no trouble finding a place of worship.

  • St. Joseph's Cathedral , Logo indicating a telephone number  255 24 2232442 Logo indicating timetables in English : Sun. : h and h. – Catholic worship.
  • Christ Church Cathedral Logo indicating a facebook link Logo indicating timetables in English : Sun. : h - h. – Anglican worship followed by a breakfast where all the faithful can meet.
  • Shakti Temple  – Hindu temple of the Shaktist current.
  • 12 Zanzibar Derasar Gizenga Street – Temple jainist.


Zanzibar City has a tourist police squad that is supposed to protect and assist foreign tourists. However, do not rely too much on his efficiency, his staff are more busy driving around in their company car than actually paying attention to what is going on around them with the consequence that papaasis and the beach-boys can harass tourists without hindrance.

At night, avoid walking alone, especially if you are a woman, and especially in the alleys of Stone Town or on the beaches. Also avoid frequenting port facilities which are an important hub for the entry of drugs and counterfeit items, including medicines, into the East African continent.

  • 13 Central Police Office (Central police station) Malawi Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  999, 255 24 2230772


The sale of alcohol is prohibited in certain sectors, in particular in the entire Stone town, avoid consuming it in these sectors (even on the beach) unless the place is clearly indicated for this purpose.


  • 1 Prison Island (Changuu) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element (to the northwest) – Former prison island off Zanzibar City where you can see the Seychelles giant tortoise sanctuary (Dipsochelys dussumieri) ((in)Tortoise Sanctuary) which houses around 200 individuals of all sizes as well as the ruins of the prison facilities that housed rebel slaves between 1860 and 1891.
  • 2 Coral Cave and Slaves Chamber (North)
  • 3 Kidichi Spice Farm Logo indicating a link to the website (to North-east) – Farm growing spices and tropical fruits.
  • 4 Masingini Forest (to North-east) – Forest area of 566 ha. which contains many medicinal plants.
  • 5 Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park (Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (At the South-East) – National park 50 km2 where the main attraction are the monkeys like the red colobus of Zanzibar (Piliocolobus kirkii) and the cercopithèques of Sykes (Cercopithecus albogularis) but also primates like galagos (Galagidae).
  • 6 Zanzibar Butterly Center Logo indicating a link to the website (At the South-East) – Butterfly Preservation Center.
Distance and time table from Zanzibar City
(From center to center or from airport to airport)
by the roadgreat circleby car
on a boatby plane
Dar es Salaam74 kmh 3026 min
Mkoani101 kmh
Chake-Chake125 km45 min
Airport7,5 km6,9 km10 min
Bububu8 km7,3 km20 min
Kiwengwa39 km27,8 km40 min
Nungwi65,5 km40 kmh
Paje48 km39,2 km45 min
Kizimkazi57 km42,2 kmh
Logo representing 3 gold stars
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