Tanzania - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Tanzanie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro
Flag of Tanzania.svg
Capital city
Minimum altitude
Maximum altitude
Form of State
Official language
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
6 ° 18 ′ 25 ″ S 34 ° 51 ′ 14 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

The Tanzania, in long form United Republic of Tanzania, is a country ofEast Africa border of Kenya, of the'Uganda, from Rwanda, from Burundi, of the Democratic Republic of Congo, of the Zambia, from Malawi and Mozambique.




  • 1 Dodoma  – The national capital.
  • 2 Dar es Salaam  – The largest city in the country as well as the former capital.
  • 3 Arusha
  • 4 Kigoma
  • 5 Lindi
  • 6 Mwanza
  • 7 Tabora
  • 8 Tanga
  • 9 Zanzibar  – Logo of a star articleWorld Heritage logotype205,870 inhab. (2002). The largest city in theZanzibar archipelago.

Other destinations

  • Kilimanjaro
  • The archipelago of Zanzibar, on the east coast, very popular for its calm and its postcard beaches.

To go

  •      Tanzania
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa at the arrival
  •      Visa required

By plane

On a boat

By train

By bus

By car


By train

Rail network

There are two rail transport companies: Tazara and Tanzania Railway Corporation.

The Tazara line connects Dar Es Salaam to New Kapiri Mposhi station in Zambia.

The other lines, operated by Tanzanian Railway Corporation. Warning: A serious accident that occurred during the summer of 2002 suggests that the maintenance conditions are far from ideal.

By bus

In Daladala and Basi

  • the daladala (madaladala in the plural) is a minibus intended for 13 to 19 passengers (but sometimes with much more) circulating on medium distances (20-50 km). The name of daladala comes from the fact that in 1983 the price of a course was five TZS which corresponded to a USD. In its mode of operation, it is very similar to the matatu from Kenya but, here, the "haranguer" is called a mpigadebe : mpiga means, in swahili, "Someone who knocks on something" and debe is a four gallon container used to transport gasoline. This nickname comes from the fact that he knocks on the door to attract potential customers or on the roof to signal the driver to stop. if you hear him shouting at your address: Gari bado nyeupe (“The car is still white”), it simply means that there is still room in its “sardine tin”.
  • the basi (mabasi plural) is a load volume suitable for transporting people and placed on a truck chassis. Entry and exit are from the rear. Basi means "bus" in Swahili. Equipped with a gallery for transporting luggage and goods, the basi is slower than the daladala.

By car

The road network is generally in poor condition, but the main roads remain passable.

For long journeys it is advisable to provide a reserve of gasoline in case ...

Beware of the often fatal accidents linked to the high speed of trucks and buses, to which must be added poor vehicle maintenance.

The risk of ambushes is low, however be careful if you are driving at night.

On a boat

Maritime transport : there are regular shuttles, by speed-boat, between Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. No serious incidents have been reported to date.

Lake transport : regular lines operate on the lakes Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi (still called Nyasa in Tanzania). A tragic shipwreck took place in 1996 on Lake Victoria.

By plane

There are many domestic air links, however the schedules are sometimes random. It could not be established with certainty that the maintenance procedures of small airlines' tourist jets are strictly followed. It is strongly advised to inquire before borrowing them.

To speak

There is no national language enshrined in the Constitution but, de facto, we speak there swahili (official language, language of Parliament, language of social activities and primary studies), Zanzibari (local dialect of Swahili in Zanzibar), the'English (official language, language of commerce, administration and secondary and higher education),Arab (widely spoken at Zanzibar) as well as many local local languages ​​of Bantu or Nilotic origin. In addition, there are seven different sign languages.

To buy

Tanzania's currency is the Tanzanian Shilling (TZS).


Always wash your hands before eating. The traditional dish is ugali (corn flour mixed with water or milk) accompanied by vegetables (beans, spinach ...) and honey in anana,

Have a drink / Go out


To learn

To work



Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :112
Firefighter :114

Travel is not recommended in several regions of this country: Region of Kigoma, west of Kagera.

The 1998 attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the 2002 attacks in Kenya showed that this region was not immune to international terrorism.

Travelers are advised to exercise vigilance throughout Tanzania.

Banditry is on the increase, particularly in Zanzibar and Pemba. Armed attacks have recently targeted tourists in the northern wildlife park area.

In general, it is recommended:

  • not to walk alone in isolated places and, in particular, on unsupervised beaches including in Dar Es Salam on the beach of Coco beach;
  • not to ostentatiously carry money and valuables;
  • drive with the doors and windows closed;
  • to avoid walking at night in cities and in particular in Dar Es Salaam, Zanzibar and Arusha.
  • avoid driving at night.
  • to avoid political rallies and demonstrations.

Information may be communicated to you by your embassy.

In the north of the country (Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions), it is advisable to follow the instructions given by tourist operators to the letter.

Increased vigilance is needed on the Arusha-Nairobi highway and night traffic is strongly discouraged.

Climbing the Meru (4556 M) and Kilimanjaro (5895 M) mountains requires appropriate physical and medical preparation. It is imperative to go there accompanied by guides from serious travel agencies.

Camps and lodges located in national parks are guarded, but do not always warn visitors of wild animals that may enter their enclosures. It is strictly forbidden to travel there alone at night and to leave children unattended.

In the west and north-west, the establishment of refugee camps in the border areas of Burundi and Rwanda and the crossing of borders by gangs that may be armed are at the origin of a general situation of insecurity. . Tourists are not advised to travel to this part of the territory (Kigoma region, western Kagera region).

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website



As in all tropical regions, vaccination against viral hepatitis, tetanus, typhoid fever, yellow fever, typhus or rabies, although none is mandatory for Canadian or European residents coming directly from these regions, is recommended.

Table of vaccinations
yellow feverA vaccination certificate yellow fever is required for all travelers
over one year old from a country where vaccination is compulsory.
DoDo (can be done from the age of 6 months)
hepatitis ADoDo (can be done from the age of 1)
Hepatitis BDoDo
typhoidDoDo (can be done from the age of 2)
DoDo (trivalent vaccine available from the age of 2 years
and monovalent "A" vaccine from the age of 6 months)
whooping coughDoDo
*To be discussed with your doctor depending on your health situation, the duration and the terms of your stay.
** Can be replaced by the MMR vaccine (Measles Mumps Rubella).


Tanzania is affected by malaria type 3. Before leaving, go to a doctor to obtain appropriate treatment. The basic rules of protection must be respected: mosquito net, repellents, covering clothing. There is no vaccine against malaria, which remember this is a disease that can be fatal.

Thus, any fever, even moderate, during or on the way back from the trip requires urgent and imperative medical consultation, including when using preventive prophylactic treatment.

African trypanosomiasis

The sleeping sickness is present in rural areas, in nature reserves and in places with thick vegetation.

Rift Valley fever

Cases have recently been reported in the north of the country (Arusha region). This disease in cattle can be transmitted by direct contact with the blood or milk of animals or by a mosquito bite.

In order to reduce the risk of contracting this potentially serious disease, it is recommended to avoid contact with raw animal products, to ensure sufficient cooking of food (especially milk) and to protect yourself carefully from mosquito bites, Day and night.


It is endemic and frequently assumes an epidemic character, particularly in Dar es Salaam and in the archipelago of Zanzibar.

Insurmountable emergency

In the event of an insurmountable medical emergency, outside the region of Dar es Salaam, and if you have previously subscribed to the service, the Flying Doctors' Society of Africa can transfer you by medical plane and then by ambulance to the hospital kenyan best equipped to handle your case.

  • Flying Doctors' Society of Africa Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link, Logo indicating a telephone number  254 727 337337 (emergency room), e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Contracts: 30 $ per person for 15 days or 50 $ per person for 2 months.


In ten or fifteen days, it is impossible to make an ethnographic trip, but Africa is still populated by a multitude of ethnic groups who live in a traditional way and whom we come to meet during the various circuits.

Approach and respect for others is essential for the quality of the meeting. To cross a Masai, a Hazabé, or a Himba at the bend of a path or a track, is a privileged, unique moment, which should not be broken by a basic lack of good manners.

Let’s relegate our “homophotosapian” instinct and let the magic work.

It should also be remembered that 98% of the population in Zanzibar is Muslim.

Outside of tourist hotels, it is therefore preferable (a matter of respect) to adopt a decent outfit for women (no mini-skirts, shorts or open shoulders) and for men.

During Ramadan, avoid eating or drinking alcohol during the day in public places.

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Complete list of other articles in the region: East Africa
Destinations located in the region