Pella (Jordan) - Pella (Giordania)

Pella (Jordan)
The Pella site
Pella (Jordan) - Location

Pella is an archaeological site of the Northern Jordan.

To know

Geographical notes

Pella is located in the village of Tabaqat Fahl (طبقة فحل) in the Jordan Valley in northwestern Jordan. It is a half hour drive from Irbid and about 130 km north of Amman.

In the southern part of the site there is a hill where there is a Byzantine fort there Tell al-Husn.


The site has been continuously occupied since the Neolithic. First mentioned in the 19th century BC in Egyptian inscriptions, his name was Hellenized to Pella, possibly to honor the birthplace of Alexander the Great. The Roman city, of which some spectacular ruins remain, supplanted the Hellenistic city. During this period Pella was one of the cities that made up the Decapolis. The Decapolis had twelve (despite the name) cities in Israel, Jordan is Syria southern that were centers of Greco-Roman culture. The city was the site of one of the first churches of Christianity. Second Eusebius of Caesarea was a refuge for the Christians of Jerusalem in the 1st century AD. who were fleeing the great Jewish revolt.

The city proper was destroyed by the Golan earthquake of 749. Today a small village remains and only small portions of the ruins have been excavated.

The University of Sydney and the Jordanian Department of Antiquities have been conducting excavations in Pella since 1979. In recent years, attention has focused on the site's Bronze and Iron Age temples and administrative buildings which were first exhibited. in 1994.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Amman.

By bus

Pella can be reached by bus from Irbid.

Permits / Rates

  • 1 Archaeological Park of Pella. Ecb copyright.svg2 JOD, rooms 0.25 JOD. Simple icon time.svg08:00-18:00.

How to get around

Site plan

You can move around the site on foot.

What see

Just below the ancient site is a mosque commemorating the death of one of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who fell in battle here during the Battle of Fahl in January 635 AD.

  • 1 Center of the Byzantine city.
  • 2 Odeon. Roman theater for 400 spectators.
  • 3 Eastern church. Situated on a hill, it is dated to the 5th century.
  • 4 Nymphaeum. Fountain from the Roman era.
  • 5 Western church.
  • 6 Mamluk mosque. 14th century mosque.
  • 7 Migdol Temple (Canaanite Temple). Temple of 1270 BC and dedicated to the god Baal.
  • 8 Byzantine fort (On top of Tell al-Husn).
  • 9 Roman temple.
  • 10 Umayyad settlement. where there were houses and shops.
  • 11 Abbasid settlement (200 meters north of the site).

What to do

You can see Jerusalem in one of the panoramic points.


Where to eat

  • 1 Pella Rest House (منتجع ربوع بيلا السياحي), Tabqat Fahel St.

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pella (Jordan)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pella (Jordan)
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