Pella (Jordan) - Pella (Jordanien)

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Pella is an archaeological site in Jordan, the ancient city belonged to the league of cities Decapolis.


View over the Tel

The region of Wadi al-Hammeh was already settled in the Stone Age, traces of a settlement were found here Natufier with ruins of adobe houses. The settlement Pihilum experienced a decline after a heyday in the Bronze Age and deserted with the beginning of the Iron Age

Whether Alexander the Great is here on his campaign Egypt really laid the foundation stone for the re-establishment of the city, can no longer be clarified today, at least the place was given by Alexander, based on the birthplace of the father, Pella in Macedonia, its Greek name Πέλλα. The city, located on important trade routes at the time, was founded under the Jewish Hasmonean king Alexander Jannäus in 80 BC. destroyed and rebuilt after the conquest of the region by the Roman general Pompey Decapolis holds an important position. In the first century, after the destruction of Jerusalem, many of the first Christians fled to the city and one of the earliest churches was built here.

During the Byzantine period, the city grew and reached a maximum population of 25,000 inhabitants, in Pella one of the first episcopal see was built in 451. In the Battle of Pale (or Battle of Pella) the Muslim troops faced the Byzantines in 635 and defeated them. The city lost its importance, the earthquake in 749 finally sealed the fate of the ancient city; the place remained settled until the Mamluk rule in the 13th and 14th centuries.

In the area of ​​the place with the Arabic name Tabaqat pale (طبقة فحل) the first excavations were carried out in 1979 by the Jordanian Antiquities Authority and the University of Sydney, in recent years temples from the Bronze and Iron Ages have been discovered.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is the 1 Queen Alia International Airport of Amman.

By train / bus

The place in the Jordan Valley is not connected to the railway network, according to Irbid there are bus connections.

In the street

The place Tabaqat pale is on the Jordan Valley Highway (65), the archaeological site is on the connecting road above Kufr Raqeb and on to the connecting road 55 between Ajloun and Irbid connected to the north leading road. The distance after Amman on the old one King's Highway is approx. 130 km.


Tourist Attractions

Plan of the Pella excavation site
View over the archaeological terrain
View over the Roman - Byzantine city center
the Byzantine basilica
the Canaanite Temple
  • 1  Pella Archeological Park. Price: 2 JOD, locals 0.25 JOD.
The archaeological site extends along a wadi east of the village of Tabaqat Fahl (Tabqet Fahel).
    • The Byzantine ruins of the 2 Roman - Byzantine city center (Civic Complex) with the basilica and the semicircular 1 Odeon
    • The ruins of the Byzantine 3 East Church (Eastern Church) and the one on the other side of the street 4 West Church (Western church)
    • The one and a half thousand years older ruins of the Bronze and Iron Ages 5 Canaanite Temple.




  • 1 restaurant




Practical advice



  • in the bulletins of NEAF (Near Eastern Archeology Foundation) of the University of Sydney there are reports of the excavations in Pella

Web links

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