Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Qiang of Aba - Prefettura autonoma tibetana e Qiang di Aba

Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Qiang of Aba
Buddhist stupa near Aba
Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Qiang of Aba - Location
Institutional website

Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Qiang of Aba it is a prefecture Chinese in the province of Sichuan.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Barkam (馬爾康 鎮; Mǎ'ěrkāng Zhèn) - Capital of the prefecture.
  • Aba (阿坝 镇; Āba Zhèn or Ngawa) - At 3,200 m on the Tibetan plateau, with numerous Lamaist monasteries.
  • Jiuzhaigou County (九寨溝 縣; Jiǔzhàigōu Xiàn former Nanping) - It takes its name from the homonymous valley.
  • Li County (理 县; Lǐ Xiàn or Lixian) - Reached by China National Highway 317.
  • Mao County (茂县; Mao Xiàn or Maoxian) - The Neolithic sites of Yingpanshan and Jiangweicheng are part of the list of national monuments.
  • Zoigê County (若尔盖 县; Ruò'ěrgài Xiàn or Ruoergai) - Located in the northernmost point of the province.
  • Heishui (黑水 县, Hēishuǐ Xiàn) - Mountain city that takes its name from the homonymous river.
  • Hongyuan (红 原 县; Hóngyuán Xiàn) - On a plateau at 3600 m high with severe winter temperatures.
  • Jinchuan (金川县, Jīnchuān Xiàn)
  • Langmusi (郎木寺; Lángmùsì) - The surrounding mountains exude a very alpine charm recalling theAustria rural or the Bavaria. Perfect for horseback riding.
  • Rangtang (壤 塘 县; Rǎngtáng Xiàn) - Bangtuo and Cuo'erji monasteries are on the list of national monuments.
  • Songpan (松潘; Sōngpān) - Aside from the scenic attraction of Huanglong, Songpan with its strategic location also acts as the gateway to the northern Jiuzhaigou valley.
  • Wenchuan (汶川县; Wènchuān Xiàn) - There is the Wolong National Nature Reserve which is home to more than 150 highly endangered giant pandas.
  • Xiaojin (小金县; Xiǎojīn Xiàn) - Site in memory of the events of the Long March.

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How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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